CHULIN 31-43 - Two weeks of study material have been dedicated by Mrs. Estanne Abraham Fawer to honor the Yahrzeit of her father, Rav Mordechai ben Eliezer Zvi (Rabbi Morton Weiner) Z'L, who passed away on 18 Teves 5760. May the merit of supporting and advancing Dafyomi study -- which was so important to him -- during the weeks of his Yahrzeit serve as an Iluy for his Neshamah.



úåñôåú ã"ä ðùçèä áäîä àçøú òîä ìøáðï ôøä ëùøä

(SUMMARY: Tosfos discusses what the Rabbanan will learn from the D'rashah "Osah", 've'Lo Osah ve'Chavertah')

åàí úàîø, å"àåúä", 'åìà àåúä åçáéøúä' ìøáðï ìîä ìé ...


Question: What do the Rabbanan do with the D'rashah "Osah", 've'Lo Osah ve'Chavertah'?

àé ìùåçè áäîä àçøú òîä ...


Refuted Answer: It cannot come to render Pasul there where one Shechted another animal together with it ...

úéôå÷ ìéä îèòí îìàëä, ëîå çúê ãìòú òîä?


Refutation: ... since that would be Pasul anyway because of Melachah, like where one cuts a pumpkin together with it?

åéù ìåîø, ãàéöèøéê ìùåçè ùúé ôøåú åðúëåéï ìùçåè, ãîùåí îìàëä àçøú ìà îôñìå, ëéåï ãùúéäï ìùí ôøä.


Answer: They need it for a case where one Shechted two Paros, with the intention of Shechting them both, which is not Pasul because of Melachah Acheres, seeing as he Shechted them both as Paros Adumos.



úåñôåú ã"ä àáì ôøä ãçåìéï àéîà ìà ÷î"ì

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why the Gemara does not make the same D'rashah here as it makes in Zevachim from "Vechiper Alav").

åà"ú, ãàîø áøéù æáçéí (ãó æ.) 'çèàú ùùçè òì îé ùîçåééá çèàú, ôñåìä; òì îé ùîçåééá òåìä, ëùøä - ãëúéá "åëôø òìéå", 'åìà òì çáéøå - çáéøå ãåîéà ãéãéä ùîçåééá çèàú ëîåúå ... '.


Question (Part 1): The Gemara states at the beginning of Zevachim (Daf 7a) 'Chatas she'Shachat al Mi she'Mechuyav Chatas, Pesulah; al Mi she'Mechuyav Olah, Kesheirah', as the Torah writes "ve'Chiper Alav", 've'Lo al Chavero' - on behalf of his friend who is Chayav a Chatas like he is.

åäëà ðîé ðéîà "àåúä", 'åìà àåúä åçáéøúä ãåîéà ãéãä?


Question (Part 2): Why do we not say here too "Osah", 've'Lo Osah va'Chavertah which is a Parah like it, but not if it is Chulin?

åéù ìåîø, ãäúí "åëôø òìéå" îùîò òìéå îëôø åìà òì çáéøå îëôø, òì äîçåééá çèàú ëæä ãùééëà áéä ëôøä æå.


Answer: Because there it is from the words "Vechiper Alav" (and not just from "Alav") that the Gemara extrapolates that it only atones on the person who is bringing this Kaparah and not on somebody else who is obligated to bring the same Kaparah as them.



úåñôåú ã"ä åùîåàì àîø àó áäîä ìòåó

(SUMMARY: Tosfos cites a Machlokes as to like whom we rule).

ø"ç ôñ÷ ëùîåàì åøáé éåçðï, ãàîøé 'áäîä ìòåó'.


Ruling #1: Rabeinu Chananel rules like Shmuel and Rebbi Yochanan, who give the Shi'ur Shehiyah for a bird the time it takes to Shecht an animal.

åá÷åðèøñ ôñ÷ ìçåîøùé íë ù ðíøà ëøá, ãàîø 'òåó ìòåó' ...


Ruling #2: But Rashi rules le'Chumra like Rav, who gives it as the time it takes to Shecht a bird ...

ã÷ééîé àîåøàé ãîòøáà ëååúéä, ãàîøé 'ã÷ä ìã÷ä åâñä ìâñä', åë"ù òåó ìòåó ...


Source (Part 1): ... because the Amora'im of Eretz Yisrael concur with him, when they say 'the Shi'ur of a small animal for a small animal, the Shi'ur of a large animal for a large animal' - and how much more so the Shi'ur of a bird for a bird ...

ãéåúø çìå÷ òåó îáäîä îîä ùçìå÷éï ã÷ä îâñä.


Source (Part 2): ... seeing as the difference between a bird and an animal is greater than the difference between a small animal and a large one.

åâí áä"â ôñ÷ âñä ìâñä åã÷ä ìã÷ä åòåó ìòåó.


The B'hag: And the B'hag too rules - 'the Shi'ur of a large animal for a large animal', the Shi'ur of a small animal for a small animal, and the Shi'ur of a bird for a bird.



úåñôåú ã"ä ëãé áé÷åø èáç çëí

(SUMMARY: Tosfos clarifies the length that the knife needs to be).

åáñëéï äøàåééä ìàåúä áäîä çåõ ìöåàø ëîìà öåàø.


Clarification: The knife must be large enough to extend a neck-length beyond the neck of the animal that he is Shechting.



úåñôåú ã"ä åøîéðäé àìå èøôåú ááäîä ôñå÷ú äâøâøú

(SUMMARY: Tosfos discusses whether the animal can be both a Neveilah and a T'reifah).

åà"ú, ðäé ãðáìä äåéà, î"î ìà ô÷ò îéðä àéñåø èøôåú, åçééá àó îùåí èøéôåú, ëãîùîò áùîòúéï ãîñåëðú (ì÷îï ìæ.)?


Question: Even if it is a Neveilah, nevertheless he Isur T'reifos has not one away, and he will be Chayav for T'reifus too, as is implied by the Sugya of 'Mesukenes' (later on Daf 37a)

åäà ãàîø áôø÷ çèàú äòåó (æáçéí ãó ñè:) 'éöà òåó èîà ùàéï áîéðå èøôä ...


Implied Question: ... and when the Gemara in Perek Chatas ha'Of (Zevachim 69:) states 'to preclude a Tamei bird the species of which are not subject to T'reifah ...

ìà îùåí ãìà ùééëà áéä ùçéèä, åàôéìå ðùçè äåéà ðáìä, åô÷ò îéðä àéñåø èøôä, ëé àúà àéñåø ðáìä ...


Answer to Second Question (Part 1): ... that is not because Shechitah does not apply there, in which case even if one Shechted it, it would be a Neveilah, and the Isur T'reifah would fall away ...

àìà ôéøåù 'ùàéï áîéðå èøôä' äééðå èøôä ìçåãéä, ãàó ëé ðùçè, ì÷é àó îùåí ðáìä?


Answer (Part 2): ... but 'in whose species there is no T'reifah' means - that it is not T'reifah only, since even if it has been Shechted, one receives Malkos because of Neveilah as well.

åé"ì, ãäëé ôøéê - ãàé àéúà ãìà îäðéà áéä ùçéèä åäåéà ìéä ðáìä, ìà äåä ìéä ìîéúðé 'àìå èøôåú', àìà äåä ìéä ìîéúðé 'åàìå ðáìåú' ùäåà òé÷ø äàéñåø.


Answer to First Question: The Gemara's Kashya is - if the Shechitah was not effective, and it was Neveilah, then the Tana should have said, not ve'Eilu T'reifos', but 've'Eilu Neveilos', since that is the major Isur.

åàí úàîø, ãéìîà ð÷è àéñåø èøôä ìàùîåòéðï ùàí çúê ëæéú áùø îçééí, ãì÷é àó îùåí èøôä?


Question: Perhaps the Tana mentions T'reifah to teach us that if one cut a k'Zayis of flesh during the animal's lifetime, he will receive Malkos because of T'reifah.

åéù ìåîø, ãîúðéúéï ãàìå èøôåú îùîò ìéä ìàçø ùçéèä ...


Answer: The Mishnah in 'Eilu T'reifos' appears to the questioner to be speaking after the animal has been Shechted ...

îã÷úðé ñéôà 'ëì ùàéï ëîåä çéä', åìà ÷úðé 'ëì ùàéï çéä'.


Proof: ... since the Seifa states 'any animal that like it would not be able to live, and not 'wherever it will not live'.




úåñôåú ã"ä åìéçùåá ðîé ãçæ÷éä

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why the Gemara tries to incorporate the case of Chizkayah, but not that of Ze'iri, and also why the cases which it asks from are not already included in 'Zeh ha'Kelal').

åàí úàîø, àîàé ìà ôøéê - åìéçùåá ãæòéøé, ãàîø (ìòéì ãó ë:) 'ðùáøä îôø÷ú åøåá áùø òîä, ðáìä'


Question: Why does the Gemara not ask why the Tana does not include the case of Ze'iri, who ruled earlier (on Daf 20b), 'Nishb'rah Mafrekes ve'Rov Basar Imah, Neveilah'?

åé"ì, ãàéðä ðáìä àìà àí ëï ðôñ÷ ðîé çåè äùãøä, åäà úðé ìä ãáðôñ÷ çåè äùãøä ìçåã, àñåø.


Answer (Part 1): Because it is only a Neveilah if the spinal cord snapped too, and we already learned that even if only the spinal cord snapped, it is already forbidden (see Maharam) ...

àáì îçæ÷éä ôøéê ùôéø, ãîùëçú ìéä âéñèøà ãðáìä, àôéìå çåè äùãøä ÷ééí, ëâåï ðò÷øä öìò îëàï åöìò îëàï, åçåè äùãøä ÷ééîú, ã÷øé ìéä øá 'âéñèøà' áàìå èøôåú (ì÷îï ðá.).


Answer #1 (Part 2): ... whereas the Gemara's Kashya from Chizkiyah is justified, since we find Gist'ra which is Neveilah even if the spinal cord remains intact - where a rib has been torn out on either side, without interfering with the spinal cord, which Rav in 'Eilu T'reifos' (52a) calls 'Gist'ra'.

àé ðîé, ùòùàä âéñèøà ìîèä îáéï äôøùåú, ãìà îéèøôà áôñé÷ú çåè äùãøä.


Answer #1 (Part 2): Alternatively, we can establish it there where he made it a Gist'ra below the point of 'Bein ha'Parshos' (where the ribs branch off from the spinal cord), from which point the animal does not become forbidden via the spinal cord snapping.

åà"ú, àîàé ÷ùéà ìéä ãðéçùåá ãçæ÷éä åãøáé àìòæø, åäà ì÷îï áàìå èøôåú (ãó îá:) îôøù ãìà çùéá 'áñâ"ø' 'åùá ùîòúúà', îùåí ãàúéà á'æä äëìì - ëì ùàéï ëîåä çéä, èøôä' - ã'èøôä' äééðå 'àñåøä' ëîå 'àìå èøôåú' ãàîø 'àìå àñåøåú' ÷úðé?


Question: Why does the Gemara ask that the Tana should reckon the case of Chizkiyah and that of Rebbi Elazar, bearing in mind the Gemara later, which explains why he does not mention 'Basgar' and 'Shev Sh'ma'atsa', since they are included in 'Zeh ha'Kelal - Kol she'Ein Kamohah Chayah T'reifah' (and 'T'reifah' really means 'Asur', like 'Eilu T'reifos', which, as the Gemara explains, means 'Eilu Asuros').

åéù ìåîø, ãìà îùîò ìéä ìøáåéé ðáìä î'æä äëìì', ã÷úðé 'ëì ùàéï ëîåä çéä', ãîùîò äìùåï ãòëùéå äéà çéä àìà ùàéï éëåìä ìçéåú òåã îùåí èøôåú.


Answer: The questioner does not think that 'Zeh ha'Kelal' includes Neveilah, because the Lashon 'Kol she'Ein Kamohah Chayah' suggests that the animal is alive, only it cannot survive due to its state of T'reifus.

åà"ú, àîàé ôøéê 'åìéçùåá ãøáé àìòæø' - åäà áäîä ùðçúëå øâìéä îï äàøëåáä åìîòìä àúé á'æä äëìì', ãäééðå 'áñâ"ø', åàí ëï, ùôéø ùîòéðï îéðéä 'ðéèì äéøê åçìì ùìä ãàñåøä', åìà öøéê ìîçùáéä?


Question: Why does the Gemara ask to include the case of Rebbi Elazar, seeing as an animal with its legs cut-off from the knees and upwards is included in 'Zeh ha'Kelal' (since it is one of the cases of 'Basgar'), in which case we already know that 'Nital ha'Yerech ve'Chalal she'lah' is Asur; and it is therefore not necessary to mention it?

åé"ì, ããìîà ãîï äàøëåáä åìîòìä ãàñåøä, äééðå ñîåê ìöåîú äâéãéí, àáì ìîòìä áøçå÷, ùøé.


Answer: Perhaps 'from the knee and above refers exclusively to a location that is close to the nerve-junction, but above that point, even slightly, it is permitted.

åëï ðùáø äòöí, ãàîø áôø÷ áäîä äî÷ùä (ì÷îï ãó òå:) ãäåéà èøôä ëùàéï òåø åáùø çåôéï àú øåáå, ùîà äééðå áòöí ùðé, àáì áòöí ùìéùé äîçåáø ìâåó, ìà îéèøôà ùåí ùáéøú äòöí âøéãà.


Precedent: In similar vein, when the Gemara states in Perek Beheimah ha'Makshah (Daf 76b) that if the bone is fractured, the animal is T'reifah if there is no skin and flesh that covers the majority of the fracture - that speaks by the second bone, but by the third bone that is joined to the body of the animal, no breakage of the bone alone will render the animal a T'reifah.

åîéäå áô"÷ (ìòéì ãó ëà.) ô"ä, ðéèì äéøê, åäáùø åäòåø çåôéï òã çöé äéøê àå ùìéùå, äåéà èøôä.


Second Opinion: Rashi in the first Perek however (Daf 21a) explains that there where the thighbone has been removed, and flesh and skin cover up to half the thigh or a third of it, it is T'reifah (see Maharam).



úåñôåú ã"ä åäãø áéä øáé æéøà

(SUMMARY: Tosfos queries Rashi's explanation of the Sugya and offer their own explanation).

ô"ä, îîä ùä÷ùä 'îä ìé áøéàä îä ìé ááðé îòééí', àìà èòîà îùåí ã'ëîàï ãîðçà áãé÷åìà ãîéà'.


Explanation #1 (Part 1): Rashi explains that Rebbi Zeira retracts from his Kashya 'Mah li be'Rei'ah, Mah li be'Me'ayim?', and the reason is 'because it is as if the lungs are lying in the basket'.

åôéøù äà ãáòé 'ð÷áå áðé îòééí áéï ñéîï ìñéîï' - ãäééðå áéï ÷ðä ìååùè, ãàé ðùçè äååùè úçìä, äåå áðé îòééí ëîàï ãîðçà áãé÷åìà ãîéà.


Explanation #1 (Part 2): ... and he explains further that the She'eilah regarding the intestines which became punctured between one Siman and the other is confined to where he Shechted the Kaneh (the wind-pipe) before the Veshet (the esophagus), since, if he Shechted the Veshet first, it would be considered as if the intestines were lying in a basket.

åðøàä ããòú ä÷åðè' ùàéï ö"ì ãøáé æéøà ôìéâ àø"ì.


Clarification: And it seems that, according to Rashi, Rebbi Zeira does not necessarily argue with Resh Lakish.

å÷ùä, ã'ð÷áå áðé îòééí áéï ñéîï ìñéîï' îùîò àôéìå áéï ååùè ì÷ðä


Question #1: The Lashon 'Nikvu B'nei Me'ayim bein Siman le'Siman' implies even between the Veshet and the Kaneh?

åòåã, ãîùðé 'øáé æéøà ìãáøéå ãøáà ÷àîø ìéä', äåä ìéä ìîéîø '÷îéáòéà ìéä'?


Question #2: Furthermore, when the Gemara then says that 'what Rebbi Zeira says goes according to Rava', it ought rather to have said 'what Rebbi Zeira asks ... '?

åòåã, ã÷àîø ã'äãø áéä øáé æéøà, îãáòé øáé æéøà "ð÷áå"' - ìà äåä ìéä ìîéîø èôé àìà 'åäãø áéä øáé æéøà, ãáòé øáé æéøà ... ' ...


Question #3 (Part 1): Moreover, when the Gemara says that Rebbi Zeira retracted since he requires the intestines to be holed, all it needed to say (according to Rashi) was that 'Rebbi Zeira retracted, since he asked the She'eilah ... '.

àáì îãð÷è 'îãáòé øáé æéøà ... ', îùîò ùîï äáòéà çæø áå?


Question #3 (Part 2): ... but now that the Gemara adds 'since he requires the intestines to be holed', it implies that he retracted from the She'eilah ...

åäëé ôøéê - îãî÷ùä ìøáà 'îä ìé áøéàä îä ìé ááðé îòééí', ùáëì î÷åí éù ìäúéø, ù"î ãñáø ãàéï èøôåú ìçöé çéåú; åìà ùééê ìîéáòé 'ð÷áå áðé îòééí áéï ñéîï ìñéîï', åîúçìä îéáòé ìéä 'ð÷áå', àôéìå ðùçè äååùè úçéìä, ãäåé ôùéèà ìéä ãéù èøôåú ìçöé çéåú.


Explanation #2 (Part 1): ... and what the Gemara means to ask is that - since Rebbi Zeira asked on Rava 'What difference does it make whether it is the lungs or the intestines'?, that either way it ought to be permitted, we can extrapolate that there is no T'reifus by half the Chiyus, and one cannot ask whatq the Din will be if the intestines became holed between one Siman and the other.

åîúçìä îéáòé ìéä 'ð÷áå', àôéìå ðùçè äååùè úçéìä, ãäåé ôùéèà ìéä ãéù èøôåú ìçöé çéåú.


Explanation #2 (Part 2): Whereas initially, the Gemara asked about 'Nikvu' even if the Veshet was Shechted first, because it took for granted that there is T'reifus by half the Chiyus.

åîùðé, ìòåìí ìà çæø îï äáòéà, åàìéáà ãøáà ùäúéø áøéàä ôøéê, ëéåï ãùøé áðé÷áä äøéàä àçø ùçéèú ÷ðä - æä àé àôùø àìà îèòí ùàéï èøôåú ìçöé çéåú, åàí ëï, âí ááðé îòééí úúéø.


Explanation #2 (Part 3): And what it answers is that he did not retract from the She'eilah, and he asked according to Rava who permitted the lungs, inasmuch as, since he declares the animal Kasher where the lungs became holed after the Shechitah of the Kaneh, this can only be due to the fact that there is no T'reifus by half the life, in which case, one should also permit the animal even if it was the Veshet that was holed.



úåñôåú ã"ä åàîøéðï ìàå äééðå ãáòé àéìôà

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why it is necessary to connect Rebbi Zeira's She'eilah with Ilfa)

ìëê äåöøê ëàï ìäáéà øàééä îàéìôà, îùåí ãøáé æéøà ñúí ãáøéå åìà àîø àìà 'îé îöèøó ñéîï øàùåï ìñéîï ùðé àå ìà', 'åìèäøä îéãé ðáìä' âîøà äåà ã÷àîø ìä.


Clarification: The reason that the Gemara sees fit to bring support from Ilfa, is because Rebbi Zeira failed to explain himself and asked only whether the first Si'man combines with the second one or not, and it is the Gemara that adds 'to render it Tahor from Neveilah'.

ìëê îã÷ã÷, îã÷àîø 'ìàå äééðå ãáòé àéìôà' - ù"î ãìèäøä îéãé ðáìä ÷îéáòéà ìéä.


Clarification: Therefore the Gemara suggests that since Rebbi Zeira's She'eilah is equivalent to Ilfa's ruling, it must concern rendering it Tahor from Neveilus.