CHULIN 31-43 - Two weeks of study material have been dedicated by Mrs. Estanne Abraham Fawer to honor the Yahrzeit of her father, Rav Mordechai ben Eliezer Zvi (Rabbi Morton Weiner) Z'L, who passed away on 18 Teves 5760. May the merit of supporting and advancing Dafyomi study -- which was so important to him -- during the weeks of his Yahrzeit serve as an Iluy for his Neshamah.



úåñôåú ã"ä îàï çáøéà øáä áø áø çðä

(SUMMARY: Tosfos discusses why the Gemara cites Rabah bar bar Chanah and not Rebbe Elazar).

ìà ø"ì øáé àìòæø ãìòéì ...


Clarification: The Gemara does not want to establish it like Rebbi Elazar above ...

ãìà äåä ÷øé ìéä çáøéà, ãøáå äåä


Reason: because Ula would not call Rabah bar bar Chanah his colleague, since he was his Rebbi ...

ëãàîø áô"÷ ãá"÷ (ãó éà:) åáéù ðåçìéï (á"á ãó ÷ëç.) ãàîø òåìà àîø øáé àìòæø 'äìëä âåáéï îï äòáãéí'.


Proof: ... as we learned in the first Perek of Bava Kama (11b) and in 'Yesh Nochlin' (Bava Basra 128a) where Ula quoting Rebbi Elazar, says 'Halachah Govin min ha'Avadim'.

àáì ÷ùéà, àîàé ìà ÷àîø òåìà 'øáåúé àåîøéí'?


Question: The question arises however, why Ula did not then say 'Rabosai Omrim?'

åðøàä, ãøáé àìòæø ìà ÷àîø ìòéì éåúø àìà 'äëà áçåìéï ùðòùå òì èäøú ÷ãù òñ÷éðï', åäù"ñ äåà ãîñééí 'åãìà ëøáé éäåùò'.


Answer: It therefore seems that all Rebbi Elazar said above was 'Here we are speaking about 'Chulin she'Na'asu al Taharas ha'Kodesh', and it is the Gemara S'tam that concludes 'and not like Rebbi Yehoshua'.



úåñôåú ã"ä åàåëì òã ãàëéì çöé ôøñ

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why the Gemara does not cite the P'sul of a k'Beitzah from the 'eighteen decrees')

àò"â ãîôøù ø"ú, ãáé"ç ãáø âæøå òì àãí äàåëì ëáéöä ùéäà èîà?


Implied Question: Even though, as Rabeinu explains, one of the 'eighteen decrees' (in the first Perek of Maseches Shabbos) was that a person who eats a k'Beitzah should be Tamei ...

î"î îééúé øàéä îôñåì âåééä, ùäéä îúçìä áçöé ôøñ.


Answer: Answer: ... nevertheless, the Gemara brings a proof from 'P'sul Gevi'ah of a Chatzi P'ras, which was an earlier Takanah.



úåñôåú ã"ä èåîàä îùéòåøéï ìà âîøéðï

(SUMMARY: Tosfos queries this from the Din of Neveilah)

úéîä, äøé îöéðå ðáìú áäîä ãîèîàä åàåëìä èäåø, àìîà îàëì çîåø îï äàåëì?


Question: We find that the Neveilah of an animal renders Tamei, yet a person who eats it remains Tahor, a proof that the food is stricter than the one who eats it?



úåñôåú ã"ä ùðé ùðé ìîä

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why the Chachamim are loathe to issue such a decree, even though it is feasible to do so)

ãàò"â ãàéëà ìîéâæø ãáäãé ãàëéì àåëìéï èîàéï, ùãé ìôéå îù÷éï ãúøåîä?


Implied Question: Even though it is feasible to issue a decree, in case, whilst eating Tamei food, one may come to throw Terumah liquids into one's mouth ...

î"î, àé ìàå ãàùëçï áòìîà ùðé ãòáéã ùðé, ìéú ìï ìîéâæø, ãìà ìäåå îéìé ãøáðï çåëà åàéèìåìà.


Answer: ... nevertheless, if we would not find elsewhere that a Sheini makes a Sheini, we would not do so, in order not to turn the words of the Rabbanan into a laughing stock.



úåñôåú ã"ä îöéðå ùðé òåùä ùðé ò"é îù÷éï

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why the Gemara does not give the example of a Seifer that renders hands or of hands that become Tamei via a Seifer)

åà"ú, åàîàé ìà ÷àîø ò"é ñôø, ãàîøéðï áô"÷ ãùáú (ãó éã.) ãäåé îé"ç ãáø ...


Question (Part 1): Why did the Gemara not say that a Sheini makes a Sheini via a Seifer-Torah, which, as the Gemara explains in Shabbos, is one of the eighteen decrees.

åéãéí äáàåú îçîú ñôø ðîé ôåñìåú úøåîä, ëãàîø äúí.


Question (Part 2): And even hands that come from a Seifer render Terumah Pasul, as the Gemara explains there.

åé"ì, ãìà áòé ìàúåéé àìà îîàëì ãòáéã îàëì àçø ùðé, ãåîéà ãîàëì ãòáéã àãí ùðé.


Answer #1: The Gemara is concerned primarily with a food that renders a food a Sheini, similar to food that renders a person a Sheini.

åòåã, ãäà ãñôø òáéã éãéí ùðéåú åâí ôåñìåú àú äúøåîä, ìàå îùåí èåîàä àìà îùåí çåîøà.


Answer #2: And besides, the fact that a Seifer-Torah renders hands a Sheini and Terumah is not on account of Tum'ah, but merely a Chumra.



úåñôåú ã"ä îù÷éï úçìä ðîé äåå ëãúðï åëå'

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains the Kashya, and rejects a text that appears in some versions of the Gemara).

ìà áà ìä÷ùåú ùëîåäå éòùä äàãí øàùåï, ãìîä éù ìå ìäéåú øàùåï?


Clarification (Part 1): The Gemara is not coming to ask that liquids should render a person a Rishon like themselves, because why should they?

àìà øöä ìåîø ãäà ãòáéã ùðé äééðå ãåå÷à ò"é îù÷éï ùäï úçìä.


Clarification (Part 2): What it therefore means is that it only renders the person a Sheini via liquid which is a Rishon.

åì"â îä ùëúåá áñôøéí 'àîø ìéä øáé éäåùò, ùàðé îù÷éï, ãòìåìéí ì÷áì èåîàä' ...


Refuted Text: And we do not read the wording that appears in some texts 'Rebbi Yehoshua said to him "liquids are different, since they are prone to receiving Tum'ah' ...

ãî"î ìà úéøõ ëìåí.


Reason: Since that would not answer the question anyway.



úåñôåú ã"ä àó àðé ìà àîøúé ëå'

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why Rebbi Yehoshua did not establish it by a Shelishi of 'Chulin she'Na'asu al Taharas ha'Kodesh').

é"î, ëé îäëà ãéé÷ ãçáøéà ...


Clarification: According to some commentaries, it is from here that the Chaverim hold that that there is no Shelishi by 'Chulin she'Na'asu al Taharas ha'Kodesh'. (Continued on Amud 'Beis')



TOSFOS DH AF ANI LO AMARTI ETC (Belongs to Amud 'Alef')

úåñôåú ã"ä àó àðé ìà àîøúé ëå'

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why Rebbi Yehoshua did not establish it by a Shelishi of 'Chulin she'Na'asu al Taharas ha'Kodesh').

é"î ëé îäëà ãéé÷ ãçáøéà ñáøé ãàéï ùìéùé áçåìéï ùðòùå òì èäøú ÷ãù ...


Clarification (Part 1): According to some commentaries, it is from here that the Chaverim hold that there is no Shelishi by 'Chulin she'Na'asu al Taharas ha'Kodesh' ...

ãäàé 'àó àðé ìà àîøúé' äééðå äàé ã÷úðé ááøééúà áñåó îéìúéä ãøáé éäåùò 'áçåìéï ùðòùå òì èäøú úøåîä'.


Clarification (Part 2): ... because the words 'Also I only said ... ', is equivalent to the conclusion of Rebbi Yehoshua's statement in the Beraisa 'be'Chulin she'Na'asu al Taharas Terumah'.

àáì áúçìä ìà ôéøù øáé éäåùò òã ùùàìå ø"à.


Clarification (Part 3): Only Rebbi Yehoshua did not at first explain it until Rebbi Eliezer asked him about it.

åàí àéúà ãçåìéï ùðòùå òì èäøú ÷ãù éù áäï ùìéùé, äéä ìå ìôøù ãìà îééøé áäå, ëãé ùìà éáà ìèòåú åìåîø ãàééøé áëì ãáø ùéù áå ùìéùé.


Proof: Now if there would a Shelishi by 'Chulin she'Na'asu al Taharas ha'Kodesh', he should have explained that he was not speaking about that, so that he should not come to err and say that he was not speaking about anything to which a Shelishi is applicable.

àìà åãàé àéï áå ùìéùé, åìëê ìà äåöøê ìôøù ãàééøé áúøåîä.


Conclusion: It is therefore clear that there is no Shelishi ... , which is why it was not necessary to explain that he was speaking about Terumah.

åàò"â ãàéëà ÷ãù òöîå ùéù áå ùìéùé ...


Implied Question: Even though there is Kodesh itself where there is a Shelishi?

ñúîà ãîìúà ìàå áãéãéä àééøé, ãàéï ãøê ìàëåì ÷ãù ùðèîà, åáðé àãí áãéìéï îîðå.


Answer: ... he would not be speaking about that, seeing as people do not generally eat Kodesh that became Tamei, and people tend to distance oneself from it.



úåñôåú ã"ä àîåøàé ðéðäå åàìéáà ãøáé éåçðï

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why the Gemara did not rather answer 'Ha Dideih, Ha de'Rabeih').

ìà ø"ì äà ãéãéä äà ãøáéä ...


Refuted Explanation: The Gemara did not want to establish one like Rebbi Yochanan himself, and the other like Rebbi Yochanan in the name of his Rebbe ...

ãîñúîà ãäà ã÷àîø ìòéì 'îàé àäãøå ø"à åøáé éäåùò àäããé', ìà îñáøà àåîø ëï, ãàéï æä äãáø úìåé áñáøà, àìà ÷áìä äéúä áéãå.


Refutation: ... because when he proceeded to present the discussion that took place between Rebbi Eliezer and Rebbi Yehoshua, he was not relating a S'vara, since this is not something that is dependant on a S'vara; Rather it must have been a Kabalah (a tradition).



úåñôåú ã"ä åäùìéùé ðàëì áðæéã äãîò

(SUMMARY: Tosfos discusses in detail Rashi's two explanations of the Sugya, and the continuation of the Mishnayos in Taharos.)

áìùåï ùðé ôéøù á÷åðèøñ, åðøàä ìå òé÷ø - ãàééøé áçåìéï âøéãé å'îèîà' å'ôåñì' ã÷àîø äééðå àú äúøåîä. 'äùìéùé ðàëì' àôéìå äåà ðæéã äãîò åðâò áùðé ìèåîàä, ãä"ì ùìéùé, îåúø ìàåëìå.


Explanation #1 (Part 1): In his second explanation, which he prefers, Rashi explains that the Gemara is speaking about plain Chulin. When the Mishnah (in Taharos 2:3) says 'Metamei' and 'Posel,' it is referring to Terumah. When it says 'ha'Shelishi Ne'echal,' it means that even if it is 'N'zid ha'Dema' (a cooked dish which had Terumah added to it) which touched a Sheini le'Tum'ah, rendering it a Shelishi, one is permitted to eat it ...

àáì ðâò áùðé ÷åãí ùòéøá áå úøåîä, ìà öøéëà ìàùîåòéðï, ãàëúé äåå çåìéï âøéãé åìéú áäå ùìéùé.


Explanation #1 (Part 2): ... If however, the cooked dish touched a Sheini before Terumah was added to it, it would not be necessary to tell us that it can be eaten, since it would be pure Chulin which cannot become a Shelishi. (This is known as the principle, "Ein Sheini Oseh Shelishi b'Chulin.")

åãéé÷, ò"ë ëéåï ãðæéã äãîò äåà, òì èäøú úøåîä áòé îéëìéä, åäåé çåìéï ùðòùå òì èäøú úøåîä ...


Explanation #1 (Part 3): The Gemara then asks that, since it is 'N'zid ha'Dema', the Kohen is obligated to eat it al Taharas Terumah, rendering it Chulin she'Na'asu al Taharas Terumah ... .

åàé àîøú ùìéùé ãéãäå ôñéì ìâåôéä ìúøåîä, ñôéðï ìäàé ëäï åùøéðï ìàåëìåÁ!Á äìà ðôñì âåôå ò"é ëï, åàñåø ìèîà âåôå?


Explanation #1 (Part 4): If a Shelishi would render a Kohen unfit to eat Terumah, how could one give this to a Kohen and permit him to eat it, seeing as it causes his body to become Pasul, and a Kohen cannot allow himself to become Pasul (as the Gemara in Yoma 80b derives from a Pasuk)?

åòåã äåä éëåì ìä÷ùåú - äéàê àåëì úøåîä, ã÷úðé 'ðàëì áðæéã äãîò'?


Comment: The Gemara could also have asked how he is permitted to eat Terumah in the first place? How can the Tana state that it may be eaten 'bi'Nezid ha'Dema'?

åîùðé 'äðç ìðæéã äãîò ãìéëà ëæéú ... ', äìëê ìà áòé ìîéëìéðäå áèäøú úøåîä, ãäåå ìäå çåìéï âøéãé


Conclusion: The Gemara answers, 'Ignore N'zid ha'Dema, as it does not contain a k'Zayis (of Terumah) bi'Chedei Achilas P'ras. This is why it does not need to be eaten al Taharas Terumah, since it is (like) plain Chulin.

å÷ùéà ìôé' æä - ãäéä ìå ìôøù 'îèîà' å'ôåñì' àú äúøåîä ëéåï ãîééøé áçåìéï?


Question #1: There is a difficulty with this explanation - seeing as the Tana is discussing Chulin, he ought to have specifically stated that 'Metamei' and 'Posel' are referring to the Chulin causing a change in the status of Terumah (being that the only detail stated in the Mishnah is Chulin)!

åòåã, ãîòé÷øà ãñ"ã ãàéëà ëæéú áëãé àëéìú ôøñ, áìàå îéìúéä ãòåìà úé÷ùé ìéä äéàê ðàëìéï, åäà úøåîä èîàä ÷àëéì?


Question #2: Furthermore, at the outset, when we thought that there is a k'Zayis (of Terumah) bi'Chedei Achilas P'ras (in this mixture), we should have asked a question even if Ula would not have issued his ruling. We should ask, how it is possible to eat this mixture? One is essentially eating impure Terumah!

åîôøù ø"ú ãáçåìéï âøéãé àééøé, ëãôéøù á÷åðèøñ, å'îèîà' ã÷àîø äééðå ôåñì; 'åäùðé ôñåì åàéðå îèîà' - ëìåîø åàéðå ôåñì, ãàéðå òåùä ùìéùé; 'åäùìéùé ðàëì áðæéã äãîò' - ãëéåï ãäéä ãòúå ìòøá áå úøåîä öøéê ìùåîøå òì èäøú úøåîä, åäå'ì çåìéï ùðòùå òì èäøú úøåîä ...


Answer (Part 1): Rabeinu Tam therefore explains that the Mishnah is indeed discussing Chulin, as explained by Rashi. However, when it says 'Metamei' it actually means 'Posel.' When it says, 've'ha'Sheini Pasul ve'Eino Metamei', it implies "v'Aino Posel," meaning that it does not make a Shelishi. When it says, 've'ha'Shelishi Ne'echal bi'Nezid ha'Dema' it means that being that he intended to mix in Terumah, he needs to guard this cooked dish al Taharas Terumah, rendering it Chulin she'Na'asu al Taharas Terumah ...

åìëê àéú áäå ùìéùé; åàåúå ùìéùé éëåì ìòøá áå ðæéã äãîò åìàåëìå.


Answer (Part 2): ... which explains why it can become a Shelishi (as opposed to regular Chulin). This Shelishi, however, can be mixed with N'zid ha'Dema and eaten ...

åäùúà ôøéê ã'äéëé ñôéðà ìéä îéãé ãôñéì ìéä ìâåôéä', åàñåø ìèîà âåôå, ëãôé' á÷åðèøñ?


Answer (Part 3): ... and the Gemara now asks how it is possible to feed him something that renders his body Pasul, as it is forbidden for him to become Pasul, as Rashi explained?

åîùðé 'ãìéú áäå ëæéú ... ', åàéï öøéê ìùåîøå òì èäøú úøåîä, ëéåï ãàéï ãòúå ìòøá àìà îòè ùìà éäà ëæéú áëãé àëéìú ôøñ, åçåìéï âøéãé ðéðäå åàéï áäï ùìéùé.


Answer (Part 4): And the Gemara answers that the case of the Mishnah is where there is less than a k'Zayis bi'Chedei Achilas P'ras. This (is not literal, but rather) means that he only intends to mix into this Chulin an amount of Terumah that is less than a k'Zayis bi'Chedei Achilas P'ras. Accordingly, he does not have to guard this Chulin cooked dish al Taharas Terumah, and it has the din of Chulin, which cannot become a Shelishi.

åìà ÷øé ìéä ùìéùé ...


Implied Question: ... and the Mishnah only refers to this dish as a Shelishi ...

àìà îùåí ãäåé îâò ùðé,


Answer#1: ... because it touched a Sheini (and therefore it would be a Shelishi if applicable).

àå îùåí ùàí äéä ãòúå ìúú áäï úáìéï ùì úøåîä äøáä òã ùéäà ëæéú áëãé àëéìú ôøñ, éöèøê ìùåîøå òì èäøú úøåîä.


Answer#2: Alternatively, it is called a Shelishi because if he had intended to add a lot of Terumah spices to the point where the dish would contain a k'Zayis (of Terumah) bi'Chedei Achilas P'ras, he would have had to guard it al Taharas Terumah (and it would have the status of a Shelishi).

åðøàä ãåç÷.


Refutation: However, this answer is a Dochek.

åðøàä ìôøù ëôéøåù ÷îà, ãàééøé áçåìéï ùðòùå òì èäøú úøåîä, å'îèîà' 'åôåñì' - àú äçåìéï ùðòùå òì èäøú úøåîä ãàééøé áäå, ãéù áäå ùìéùé, åùìéùé ùáäï ôñåì åðàëì áðæéã äãîò, åéëåì ìòøá áå úáìéï ùì úøåîä;


Explanation #2 (Part 1): And it seems that Rashi's first explanation is correct - The Mishnah is referring to Chulin she'Na'asu al Taharas Terumah, and 'Metamei' and 'Posel' refers to the Chulin she'Na'asu al Taharas Terumah, which is the subject of the Mishnah and which are subject to Shelishi, and the Shelihi in them is Pasul and may be eaten bi'Nezid ha'Dema, and one is permitted to mix into it spices of Terumuah.

åôøéê 'äéëé ñôéðï ìéä îéãé ãîôñéì ìéä ìâåôéä' - åäãø àëéì úøåîä, ëãôéøù ä÷åðèøñ?


Explanation #2 (Part 2): Rashi explains that the Gemara's question is how we can feed the Kohen something that renders his body Pasul for eating Terumah and then allow him to eat Terumah?

åîùðé, ã'ìéú áéä ëæéú ... ', åìà çééùéðï àé àëéì ìéä áôñåì äâåó ...


Explanation #2 (Part 3): The Gemara answers that the case is where there is less than a k'Zayis ... , and we therefore do not worry if he eats this mixture when he has become Pasul.

àò"â ãçöé ùéòåø àñåø îï äúåøä?


Implied Question: This is despite the fact that Chatzi Shi'ur is Asur min ha'Torah.

äëà ãôñåì äâåó ãøáðï, ìà äçîéøå.


Answer: Nevertheless, since his body becoming Pasul to eat Terumah in this manner is only mi'de'Rabbanan, the Chachamim were not strict in this regard.

åîä ùä÷ùä, ãî"î äéëé ùøé ìôñåì âåôå, äà àîø áô"÷ ãéåîà (ãó èæ) "ìà úèîàå áäí åðèîúí áí", 'îëàï ìèåîàú äâåéä îï äúåøä'?


Implied Question: Rashi asks (on this explanation), how can the Kohen be allowed to render his body Pasul? The Gemara in Yoma (80b) derives from the Pasuk, "Lo Sitam'u bahem ve'Nitmeisem bam" (Vayikra 11:43) that "Tumas ha'Geviyah" is a Torah law! (This seems to mean that it is prohibited according to Torah law for a Kohen to allow his body to become invalid. How, then, can we allow the Kohen to make his body Pasul?)

ðøàä ãîäúí ìà éìôéðï ùéäà àñåø ìôñåì âåôå, ùäøé àôéìå ëäðéí àîøéðï áô"÷ ãø"ä (ãó èæ:) ãîåúøéí ìéâò áùøõ åðáìä, åìà ãøùéðï îääåà ÷øà àìà ãàí àëì àåëìéï èîàéï, ãðôñì âåôå îìàëåì úøåîä åèäøåú.


Answer: It would seem that the Gemara in Yoma (ibid.) is not stating that a Kohen cannot allow his body to become Pasul. The Gemara in Rosh Hashanah (16b) even permits Kohanim to touch a Sheretz and Neveilah! It must be that the derivation in Yoma (ibid.) is only that if he ate impure foods, he becomes unfit to eat Terumah and Taharos according to Torah law.

åëï áôø÷ àîøå ìå (ëøéúåú ãó éâ.) ãàîø 'äúéøå ìä ìîòåáøú ìàëåì ôçåú îëùéòåø àåëìéï èîàéï îôðé äñëðä' - ãîùîò ãå÷à ôçåú îëùéòåø àå îôðé äñëðä, äééðå ãå÷à ðîé ëùáàä ìàëåì áúø äëé úøåîä åèäøåú.


Precedent: Likewise, the Gemara in Kerisus (13a) states that 'They permitted a pregnant woman to eat less than a Shi'ur of impure food, since her life is in danger'. This implies that this is only permitted in a case where she was eating less than a Shi'ur or where her life was in danger. In such a case, she is allowed to eat it even though she intends to eat Terumah and Taharos afterwards (otherwise, she is obviously allowed to eat impure foods).

åáôø÷ á' ãèäøåú, áúø ääéà ãäëà, ÷úðé 'äøàùåï åäùðé ùáúøåîä - èîàéí åîèîàéï; ùìéùé áúøåîä - ôåñì åìà îèîà; äøáéòé - ðàëì áðæéã ä÷ãù'.


Continuation of the Mishnah in Taharos: In the next Mishnah in Taharos (2:4), the Tana writes 'ha'Rishon ve'ha'Sheini she'bi'Terumah - Teme'im u'Metam'in; Shelishi she'bi'Terumah - Posel ve'Lo Metamei; ha'Revi'i - Ne'echal bi'Nezid ha'Kodesh'.

ääéà ááà àééøé áúøåîä ùðòùå òì èäøú ÷ãù, å'äôñåì' å'èåîàä' ã÷úðé äåå áúøåîä òöîä, åäøáéòé ùìä éëåì ìòøá áúáùéì ùì ÷ãù âîåø.


Explanation of the Mishnah in Taharos (Part 1): ... that section is speaking about Terumah she'Na'asu al Taharas Kodesh, and 'ha'Pasul' and 'ha'Tamei' refer to the Terumah itself; whereas the Revi'i one is permitted to mix with N'zid ha'Dema of a dish of actual Kodesh.

åäãø ÷úðé 'äøàùåï åäùðé åùìéùé ùá÷ãù - èîàéï åîèîàéï; øáéòé - ôåñì åìà îèîà, çîéùé - ðàëì áðæéã ä÷ãù', äàé ááà àééøé á÷ãù âîåø ùðòùä òì èäøú çèàú åòì èäøú ôøä àãåîä.


Explanation of the Mishnah in Taharos (Part 2): The next Mishnah continues 'ha'Rishon ve'ha'Sheini u'Shelishi she'ba'Kodesh - Teme'in u'Metam'in; Revi'i - Posel ve'Lo Metamei; Chamishi - Ne'echal bi'Nezid ha'Kodesh'; that section is talking about actual Kodesh she'Na'asu al Taharas Chatas ve'Al Taharas Parah Adumah. (The higher the level of holiness, the impurity can be further removed and still be deemed impure. Accordingly, while it is generally accepted that Chulin cannot have a Shelishi, Terumah can have a Shelishi. Similarly, while Terumah cannot have a Revi'i, Kodesh can have a Revi'i. Similarly, while Kodesh cannot have a Chamishi, Chatas and Parah Adumah do have a Chamishi. This is why Tosfos explains these Mishnayos in the manner above, and is the reason for the following quotes from, Chagigag showing that the higher the level, the more impurity .)

ëãàîø 'áâãé àåëìé ÷ãù îãøñ ìçèàú'.


Source #1: ... as the Mishnah states in Chagigah (18b) 'The garments of Ochlei Kodesh are Medras (considered as if they have been sat upon by a Zav (mi'de'Rabbanan - see Rashi in Chagigah 18b, DH "le'Ochlei") with regard to Chatas.'

åàîø ðîé áîñëú çâéâä (ãó éç:) 'éåçðï áï âåãâãä äéä àåëì òì èäøú ÷ãù, åäéúä îèôçúå îãøñ ìçèàú'.


Source #2: ... and the Mishnah also states in Maseches Chagigah, Daf 18b 'Yochanan ben Gudgodah would eat al Taharas ha'Kodesh, and his headscarf was Medras with regard to Chatas'.

ìëê ÷àîø ãàó äøáéòé ôåñì.


Explanation ... (Part 3): ... that is why the Tana says that also a Revi'i renders a Chatas Pasul.

åáçîéùé òöîå éëåì ìòøá áå îàëì ÷ãù ùäåà ÷ãù âîåø.


Explanation ... (Part 4): ... and in the Chamishi itself one is permitted to mix a food of actual Kodesh.

àáì úøåîä ìçåãä ãìàå òì èäøú ÷ãù, àéï áä øáéòé; å÷ãù ìçåãéä ãìàå òì èäøú çèàú àéï áå çîéùé,


Explanation ... (Part 5): But plain Terumah that is not al Taharas Kodesh is not subject to being a Revi'i; and Kodesh that is not al Taharas Chatas is not subject to being a Chamishi (as explained above).

ëãàîø áñåó ôø÷ ÷îà ãôñçéí (ãó éè.) - 'ãìà ìéùúîéè úðà åìéúðé øáéòé áúøåîä åçîéùé á÷ãù'.


Source: This is as the Gemara states in the first Perek of Pesachim (19a), 'It is impossible that the Tana would not have mentioned a Revi'i with regard to Terumah, or a Chamishi with regard to Kodesh (if such a law actually existed).'

åàéï ìúîåä òì äúøåîä åòì ä÷ãù àéê ðàëìéï ëéåï ãèîàéï äí?


Implied Question: And one should not wonder how it is possible to eat Terumah and Kodesh that is impure. (How can they be eaten if they come in contact with a Revi'i or Chamishi?) ...

ãîàçø ãáúøåîä òöîä àéï áä øáéòé åìà á÷ãù çîéùé, ìéëà àéñåøà.


Answer: ... because since there is no Revi'i by actual Terumah and no Chamishi by actual Kodesh, there is no prohibition.

åìôéøåù øáéðå úí àééøé ááà ãúøåîä áúøåîä âøéãà, å÷åøà ìä øáéòé ìôé ùøåöä ìòøá áä ðæéã ä÷ãù åùåîøä îäéåú øáéòé.


Explanation of the Mishnah in Taharos cont. (Part 1): According to Rabeinu Tam (whom we quoted earlier), the section regarding Terumah (Taharos 2:4) is speaking about plain Terumah, and the Tana refers to it as a Revi'i, because they intend to mix in N'zid ha'ha'Kodesh, and he therefore guards it from becoming a Revi'i (which affects Kodesh, but not Terumah).

åááà ã÷ãù àééøé á÷ãù âøéãà, å'çîéùé ðàëì áðæéã ä÷ãù', ìôé ùøåöä ìàëåì òîå ÷ãù äðùîø áèäøú çèàú, å'îèîà' äééðå 'ôåñì', ëãôéøù áááà ãøéùà.


Explanation of the Mishnah in Taharos cont. (Part 2): ... and the section regarding Kodesh is speaking about plain Kodesh. And 'Chamishi Ne'echal bi'Nezid ha'Kodesh' is because they intend to eat Kodesh that has been guarded al Taharas Chatas together with this Kodesh, and 'Metamei' means 'Posel' - just as he explained in the earlier section.



úåñôåú ã"ä äðç ìðæéã äãîò ãìéëà ëæéú áëãé àëéìú ôøñ

(SUMMARY: Tosfos proves that this is not the normal case, but that this is how the current case speaks).

ìà áùáéì ùéäà ñúí ðæéã ëï ...


Refuted Explanation: This does not mean that a S'tam Nazid is like that ...

ãáôø÷ àìå òåáøéï (ôñçéí ãó îã.) îùîò ãáñúîà àéëà ëæéú áëãé àëéìú ôøñ, âáé î÷ôä ùì çåìéï, åùåí åùîï ùì úøåîä, ã÷àîø äúí åáôø÷ ùìùä îéðéï (ðæéø ãó ìå.) 'äåàéì åæø ìå÷ä òìéå áëæéú áëãé àëéìú ôøñ'.


Refutation: ... seeing as in 'Eilu Ovrin' (Pesachim 44a) it implies that S'tam it does contain a k'Zayis bi'Chedei Achilas P'ras, where, in connection with a Chulin stew containing garlic and oil of Terumah, the Gemara says, both there and in Perek Sheloshah Miynim (Nazir 36a) 'since a Zar receives Malkos for eating a k'Zayis bi'Chedei Achilas P'ras of it'.

àìà ãáòé ìîéîø ãäëà àééøé áëä"â ãìéëà ëæéú áëãé àëéìú ôøñ.


Explanation: What the Gemara therefore means is that the current case is speaking where there is not a 'k'Zayis bi'Chedei Achilas P'ras'.