CHULIN 31-43 - Two weeks of study material have been dedicated by Mrs. Estanne Abraham Fawer to honor the Yahrzeit of her father, Rav Mordechai ben Eliezer Zvi (Rabbi Morton Weiner) Z'L, who passed away on 18 Teves 5760. May the merit of supporting and advancing Dafyomi study -- which was so important to him -- during the weeks of his Yahrzeit serve as an Iluy for his Neshamah.



úåñôåú ã"ä äðê ãàô÷ú ìà úéôå÷

(SUMMARY: Tosfos proves that not everybody agrees that there are eighteen categories of T'reifos Halachah le'Moshe mi'Sinai.)

åà"ú, ìîàï ãìéú ìéä ì÷îï (ãó ðã.) ääéà ãøá îúðà ã'áå÷à ãàèîà', îàé ðéðäå é"ç èøôåú?


Question: Those who do not concur with Rav Masna's ruling (Daf 54a) that declares T'reifah an animal whose spoon of the thigh became dislocated, what are the eighteen T'reifos?

åé"ì, ãáàéòëåì ðéáé äåé èøôä ìëåìé òìîà.


Answer: Because everybody agrees that it is T'reifah if the sinews that connect it have been consumed, it is T'reifah.

åàí úàîø, ìòåìà ãàîø áñîåê 'ç' îéðé èøôåú éù', åìéú ìéä ãøëéù áø ôôà, îàé ðéäå é"ç èøôåú?


Question: According to Ula, who just said that there are eight kinds of T'reifah, and who does not hold (the Lekusa) of Rachish bar Papa, what are the eighteen T'reifos?

(åé"ì, ãðéèì öåîú äâéãéï çùéá çãà.


Answer (Part 1 [Explanation #1]): He counts the removal of the junction of nerves as one (Note that this is not the wording of Tosfos, but of the Gilyon Maharsha).

åìøëéù äåéà áëìì 'ðçúëå øâìéä'.


Answer (Part 2): Whereas according to Rachish, that is included in 'an animal whose legs have been cut off,

åòåã ÷ùä, ìî"ã 'ð÷øò øåá çéöåðä, æäå áùø äçåôä àú øåá äëøñ', çñø ìäå çãà, ãäëà çùéá ìäå áúøúé?


Question: Furthermore, according to the opinion that equates 'Nikra Rov Chitzonah' (where the majority of the outer membrane of the stomach) with 'Basar ha'Chofeh es Rov ha'Keres' (the flesh which covers the majority of the stomach) too, one of the eighteen is missing?

ìëï ðøàä, ãòåìà åääéà ãì÷îï ñáøé ëîúðé' - åëøáé éåçðï ãàîø 'àìå èøôåú ãåå÷à'; åàúà 'àìå' ìîòåèé ãøá îúðà, àò"â ããîéà ì'ðèåìä' áîúðé' ...


Answer (Part 1 [Explanation #2]): It would therefore seem that Ula and the Gemara later both hold like our Mishnah - according to the opinion of Rebbi Yochanan, who says that Eilu T'reifos is Davka, and 'Eilu' comes to preclude the Din of Rav Masna, in spite of its similarity to 'Netulah' in our Mishnah ...

åë"ù ãøëéù, ãìà ãîéà ëìì ìäðê ãîúðé' ...


Answer (Part 2 [Explanation #2, Part 1]): And all the more so from the Din of Rachish, which bears no resemblance to our Mishnah.

åìéú ìäå é"ç èøôåú ðàîøå ìîùä îñéðé.


Explanation #2 (Part 2): In fact, they do not hold that eighteen T'reifos were said to Moshe at Har Sinai.

åîöéðå ìîéîø ðîé ãìéú ìäå 'áùø äçåôä àú øåá äëøñ åùð÷øò øåá äçéöåðä' áúøúé.


Answer (Part 3): We can also now reckon 'Nikra Rov Chitzonah' and 'Basar ha'Chofeh es Rov ha'Keres' as two separate T'reifos.

åàí úàîø, åëé äéëé ãçùéá úøé ôñå÷é ëçãà, à"ë 'øéàä ùçñøä' å'çñøåï ãùãøä' ðçùåá ðîé ëçã?


Question: In the same way as we consider two breakages as one, why do we not also consider a Chesaron in the lung and a Chesaron on the spinal cord as one?

åé"ì, ìôé ãàéï ùéòåøï ùåä, ãçñøåï ãøéàä áëì ùäåà, åçñøåï ãùãøä ôìåâúà ãá"ù åá"ä.


Answer #1: Because their Shi'urim are not the same; Since the Shi'ur of Chesaron that renders a lung T'reifah is a Kolshehu; whereas the Shi'ur that renders a spinal cord T'reifah is a Machlokes between Beis Shamai and Beis Hillel.

àé ðîé, ìôé ùæä ááùø åæä áòöí.


Answer #2: Alternatively, because the former is a Chesaron in the flesh, whilst the latter is a Chesaron in the bone.

åàí úàîø 'ð÷øò øåá äçéöåðä' å'áùø äçåôä àú øåá äëøñ' ðîé ðçùåá ëçã?


Question: Why do we not then also reckon 'Nikra Rov Chitzonah' and 'Basar ha'Chofeh es Rov ha'Keres' as one?

åé"ì, ã'øåá äçéöåðä' äåà øåá äëøñ, å'áùø äçåôä àú øåá äëøñ' àéðå øåá áùø àìà øåá îîä ùëðâã øåá äëøñ.


Answer: Because, whereas 'Rov Chitzonah' refers to the majority of the stomach, 'Basar ha'Chofeh es Rov ha'Keres' refers, not to the Basar (of the stomach) at all, but to the section that is next to the stomach.

åà"ú, åàîàé ìà çùéá 'çñøåï äâøâøú' ãäåé áëàéñø?


Question: Why does the Gemara not include a Chesaron in the Gargeres, whose Shi'ur is that of an Isar?

åé"ì, ãèòîà ãçñøåï îùåí ãñåôä ìéôñ÷ áøåá.


Answer: Because the reason for that T'reifus is due to the fact that in the end, most of it will break.



úåñôåú ã"ä éôìç ëìéåúé îé ÷à çéé

(SUMMARY: Tosfos refutes Rashi's explanation that this was a Lekusa, and explains Rebbi Yossi b'Rebbi Yehudah's Kashya differently.)

ôéøù á÷åðèøñ - 'åäàé ì÷åúà äåà'.


Explanation #1: Rashi explains that this is considered a Lekusa (a disease).

å÷ùä, ãîðà ìéä ãäàé ì÷åúà ãàéåá äåé ì÷åúà ãäåéà áéä èøôä äà àéëà ì÷åúà ãëùøä ...


Question (Part 1): How does Rebbi Yossi b'Rebbi Yehudah know that the Lekusa of Iyov was one that made him a T'reifah, bearing in mind that there are cases of Lekusa that are Kasher ...

ëãàîø ì÷îï (ãó ðä:) 'îìéà îåâìà èøôä, îéí æëéí ëùøä?


Precedent: ... like the Gemaara statea later (on Daf 55b) 'If it is full of puss, it is T'reifah; if it is full of pure water, it is Kasher'?

àìà äëé ôøéê "éôìç ëìéåúé" îé ÷à çéé áìà øôåàä, äà ÷àîø ì÷îï (ãó ðã.) ã'îçå áëåìéúà å÷èìéä, åàé áãøå ìéä ñîà, çéé; åàéåá ìà îöéðå ùòùå ìå ùåí øôåàä.


Explanation #2: What he therefore means to ask is - "Yiflach Kilyosai" Is it possible to survive without a cure? Do we not say later (on Daf 54a) 'If they strike an animal with an arrow on his kidneys it will die, but that applying an ointment can enable it to live. And we do not find that they did anything to cure Iyov?



úåñôåú ã"ä åäà àîø øáé éåçðï äìëä ëñúí îùðä

(SUMMARY: Tosfos clarifies the Gemara's Kashya.)

àò"â ãñéôà ãîúðé' (ì÷îï ãó ðã.) ã'àìå ëùøåú' îñééò ìéä?


Implied Question: Even though the Seifa of the Mishnah (Eilu Kesheiros') supports him ...

îëì î÷åí ôøéê îëç ãîàé àåìîéä äê ñúîà îäê ñúîà, ëãôéøù á÷åðèøñ.


Answer (Explanation #1): ... nevertheless, the Gemara queries him on the basis of why the one S'tam should override the other?

åàé îùåí ùäàçøåï äåà òé÷ø, áî÷åí ùéù ñãø ìîùðä, ëâåï áçãà îñëúà ...


Implied Question: And if the reason is because the latter S'tam is the main one, there where the Mishnahs follow one another chronologically - such as when they are in the same Masechta ...

î"î äê îùðä ã'àìå èøôåú', å'àìå ëùøåú' ëçãà ááà çùéá, åàéï ñãø.


Answer: ... nevertheless, this Mishnah of 'Eilu T'reifos' and 'Eilu Kesheiros' are considered like one, and are not necessarily written chronologically.

åä"ø éò÷á îàåøìééð"ù úéøõ, ãäëé ôøéê 'åäà àîø ø' éåçðï äìëä ëñúí îùðä?' - åò"ë ñúîà ã'àìå ëùøåú' ìàå ñúîà îòìééúà äéà, ãàé ñúîà îòìééúà äéà, àîàé àéöèøéê ø"é ìåîø äìëä ëîåúå, äà àîø ø' éåçðï çãà æéîðà ãäìëä ëñúí îùðä?


Explanation #2: Rebbi Ya'akov from Orleans therefore explains the Gemara's Kashya as follows: 'Did Rebbi Yochanan not rule "Halachah ki'S'tam Mishnah?" And you are forced to admit that the S'tam of 'Eilu Kesheiros' is not a genuine S'tam; because if it was, why would Rebbi Yochanan find it necessary to state that it is Halachah, seeing as he has already ruled that the Halachah is always like a S'tam Mishnah?




úåñôåú ã"ä ääéà ñô÷ ãøåñä

(SUMMARY: Tosfos refutes Rashi's explanation that by an animal, there is a Takanah.

ôéøù á÷åðèøñ, ãááäîä ðîé àéëà ú÷ðúà ...


Clarification: Rashi explains that by an animal too, there is a Takanah ...

áùìîà âáé ð÷á, àéëà ìîéîø ãìîà áî÷åí ð÷á ùçè, àáì âáé ãøåñä, ëéåï ãî÷åîä îàãéí, àôé' ùçè áä, éù äéëø áîùäå.


Reason: ... because, whereas in the case of a hole, it is feasible to say that the Shochet Shechted precisely in the location of the hole, in that of D'rusah, seeing as the location turns red, even if he did Shecht on that exact spot, it will be partially discernible.

åìôé îä ùôéøùúé áô"á (ìòéì ãó ëç.) âáé 'áø àååæà' - ã÷àîø 'ðùçèéä ìååùè? ãìîà áî÷åí ð÷á ùçéè', ãáñô÷ ãøåñä àééøé, ìà éúëï ìåîø ëï.


Objection: According to Tosfos' explanation in the second Perek (Daf 28a) establishing the case of a goose (where, in response to the Kashya 'Let us Shecht the Veshet', the Gemara replies that perhaps he Shechted in the location of the hole) by a Safek D'rusah, we cannot explain it like Rashi does.



úåñôåú ã"ä éùá ìå ÷åõ áååùè

(SUMMARY: Tosfos refutes Rashi's explanation that it must be speaking where there is no drop of blood inside.)

ôéøù á÷åðèøñ 'å÷åøè ãí àéï áå îáôðéí'.


Explanation #1: Rashi explains that there is not a drop of blood on the inside.

åðøàä ãàéï ìçåù àôéìå éù îáôðéí àí àéï îáçåõ ...


Explanation #2: It seems however, that even if there would be, it would not matter as long as there is none on the outside ...

ëéåï ãìà çééùéðï ùîà äáøéà


Reason: ... seeing as we do not suspect that it may have healed.



úåñôåú ã"ä ÷ñáø òåìà àéï çåùùéï ìñô÷ ãøåñä

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains various Sugyos in light of the Gemara's corollary between Safek D'rusah and Chosh'shin Shema Hivri.)

ì÷îï (ãó ðâ:) ôñ÷éðï ã'çééùéðï ìñô÷ ãøåñä'. åàí ëï éùá ìå ÷åõ áååùè, çåùùéï ðîé ùîà äáøéà.


Clarification: Later (on Daf 43b) we Pasken 'Chaishinan le'Safek D'rusah', in which case, there where a thorn lodged in the esophagus, we will also suspect that perhaps it healed.

åàí úàîø, åàîàé, ðéîà 'ðùçèä äåúøä', ëãàîøéðï áô"÷ (ìòéì è.) âáé 'áà æàá åðèì àú áðé îòééí åäçæéøï ëùäï ð÷åáéí'?


Question: Why is that? Why do we not say that once it has been Shechted, it becomes permitted, like we said in the first Perek (9a) in the case where a wolf came, took away the intestines, and returned them with a hole?

åëé úéîà, ùàðé äëà ùðåìãä ñôé÷à îçééí?


Suggested Answer: And if you will suggest that here is different, since the Safek occurred during the animal's lifetime?

äà àîø áô' ã' àçéï (éáîåú ãó ì: åùí) 'åàéìå âáé âéøåùéï, ñô÷ ÷øåá ìä ñô÷ ÷øåá ìå ìà ÷úðé' - ôéøåù åîåúøú öøú òøåä ìùå÷ áìà çìéöä.


Refutation (Part 1): ... the Gemara states in Perek Arba'ah Achin (Yevamos 30b and 31a) ' ... whereas the Tana does not mention a case of divorce, where it is not sure whether the Get was closer to him (in which case she is not divorced) or to her (where she is)' - meaning that the Tzaras Ervah (the Ervah's rival wife) is permitted to marry without Chalitzah ...

åîôøù èòîà îùåí ã'àùä æå áçæ÷ú äéúø ìùå÷ òåîãú, åàì úàñøðä îñô÷' ...


Refutation (Part 2): And the Gemara explains that this is because 'she has a Chezkas Heter le'Shuk, so that we cannot forbid her to get married on account of a mere Safek' ...

àìîà äùúà ãîú áòìä, îå÷îéðï ìä áçæ÷ú îä ùäéúä ÷åãí ùæø÷ âè ìòøåä ...


Refutation (Part 3): ... So we see that now that her husband has died, we place her on the Chazakah that she had before he threw her the Get ...

åäëà ðîé, ëé ðùçèä, ðòîéãðä áçæ÷ú îä ùäéúä ÷åãí ùðåìã áä ñô÷ ãøåñä, åäòîéãðä áçæ÷ú ùàéðä ãøåñä?


Refutation (Part 4): ... so here too, once the animal has been Shechted, let us place it on the Chazakah that it had before the Safek D'rusah occurred; namely, on the Chazakah that it is not a D'rusah?

åé"ì, ãùàðé äëà ããøåñä ùëéçà.


Answer: This case is different, inasmuch as D'rusah is common.

åäà ãàîøéðï ì÷îï (ãó ðâ.) âáé 'àøé ùðëðñ ìáéï äùååøéí, åðîöà öôåøï òì âáå ùì àçã îäí, ëéåï ãàéëà ìîéîø äëé åàéëà ìîéîø äëé, àå÷é úåøà à'çæ÷éä?


Question: ... and that what we say later (on Daf 53a) in the case of a lion that entered a herd of oxen, and a claw is subsequently found on the back of one of the oxen, that, since there are two conflicting ways of explaining the loose claw, we place the ox on its Chezkas Kashrus?

øá ìèòîéä ãàîø 'àéï çåùùéï ìñô÷ ãøåñä'.


Answer (Part 1): (The author of that statement is Rav, and) Rav follows his own reasoning that 'Ein Chosh'shin le'Safek D'rusah.

àáì ìî"ã çåùùéï (å)ìà îå÷îéðï ìéä à'çæ÷éä, äúí ðîé, ãîé ìúìåú éåúø áãøåñú àøé ëîå áñô÷ ãøåñä áòìîà.


Answer (Part 2): ... whereas according to the opinion that holds 'Chosh'shin' (and) we do not place the animal on its Chazakah, there too, we will attribute the claw more to the fact that is is 'D'rasas Ari', like a regular case of Safek D'rusah.



úåñôåú ã"ä ùàðé äúí ãàéúçæ÷ àéñåøà

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains the difference between Safek Derusah and Safek Cheilev.)

åáçúéëä àçú, ñô÷ ùì çìá ñô÷ ùì ùåîï ...


Implied Question: And regarding a piece which is a Safek Cheilev, Safek Shuman (for which he is Chayav) ...

àò"â ãìà àéúçæ÷ àéñåøà, ìà àéúçæ÷ ðîé äéúøà.


Answer (Part 1): ... Granted there is no Chezkas Isur, but there is no Chezkas Heter either ...

àáì äëà îòé÷øà äéúä áçæ÷ú ëùøä.


Answer (Part 2): ... Whereas in our case, the animal originally had a Chezkas Kashrus.



úåñôåú ã"ä ëùîåàì ãàîø ìàå î÷åí ùçéèä äåà

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why this goes even according to the opinion in the first Perek that declares Kasher there where one performed Hagramah on a third and a Kasher Shechitah on the remaining two thirds.)

åàôé' ìîàï ãîëùéø áô"÷ (ìòéì éè.) 'äâøéí ùìéù åùçè ùðé ùìéù' ...


Clarification (Part 1): Even according to those who declare Kasher there where one performed Hagramah on a third and a Kasher Shechitah on the remaining two thirds ...

ùàðé âøâøú, ãìà îéèøôà áîùäå òã ãàéëà øåáà.


Clarification (Part 2): ... the wind-pipe is different, in that it does not become T'reifah via a Mashehu, until it reaches a majority.



úåñôåú ã"ä àé ëùîåàì äà àîø áøåáå

(SUMMARY: Tosfos reconciles this statement with the opinion of Shmuel, who disqualifies a Shechitah there where one performed Hagramah on a third and a Kasher Shechitah on the remaining two thirds).

àò"â ãùîåàì ôåñì áô"÷ (ìòéì ë.) 'äâøéí ùìéù åùçè ùðé ùìéù, âáé 'ëì äëùø áùçéèä, ëðâãå áòåøó ëùø ìîìé÷ä'


Implied Question: Even though Shmuel disqualifies a Shechitah there where one performed Hagramah on a third and a Kasher Shechitah on the remaining two thirds ...

äëà áòé ìîéîø ãøáà ìà ôñéì îäàé èòîà àìà îùåí çåîøé ãøá åçåîøé ãùîåàì.


Answer: ... here the Gemara wants to say that Rava did not disqualify the Shechitah for that reason, but because of the combined Chumros of Rav and Shmuel.



úåñôåú ã"ä æéì ùìéí ãîé úåøà ìîøéä

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why Rava was not Patur on account of the principle 'Ta'ah bi'Devar Mishnah, Chozer').

åàò"â ãèòä áãáø îùðä çåæø äåà, ãäà ìà òáãéðï ëúøé çåîøé ãñúøé àäããé


Implied Question: Even though someone who errs in a D'var Mishnah is able to retract his ruling, on the grounds that we do not rule like two Chumros that contradict one another ...

áéãéí äàëéìå ìëìáéí.


Answer: ... Rava had already fed it to the dogs with his hands, and was therefore Chayav to pay.