
BUYING VEGETABLES AFTER SHEVIIS (Yerushalmi Sheviis Perek 6 Halachah 4 Daf 18a)

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(Mishnah) Question: From when is it permitted to buy vegetables after Sheviis?

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Answer: From when similar crops (of the 8th year) are produced.

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If the early crops haven ripened, (buying produce from an area of) late crops is also permitted.

øáé äúéø ìé÷ç éø÷ áîåöàé ùáéòéú îéã


Rebbi permitted buying vegetables immediately after Sheviis (since most vegetables were from Chutz LaAretz).

àéï îåöéàéï ùîï ùøéôä åôéøåú ùáéòéú îäàøõ ìçåöä ìàøõ


One may not take Tamei Terumah oil and Sheviis fruits from Eretz Yisrael to Chutz LaAretz.

[ãó ð òîåã á (òåæ åäãø)] àîø øáé (ùîòåï)[ùîòúé] áôéøåù ùîåöéàéï ìñåøéà åàéï îåöéàéï çåöä ìàøõ åàéï îáéàéï úøåîä îçåöä ìàøõ ìàøõ


(Rebbi): I've heard explicitly that one may take them to Suria, but not to (other parts of) Chutz LaAretz and one may not take Terumah from Chutz LaAretz to Eretz Yisrael.

àîø øáé ùîòúé áôéøåù ùîáéàéï îñåøéà åàéï îáéàéï îçåöä ìàøõ:


(Rebbi): I've heard explicitly that one may bring (Terumah) from Suria but not from Chutz LaAretz.

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(Gemara): Originally, it was prohibited to bring vegetables from Chutz LaAretz to the border towns of Eretz Yisrael. Later, they decreed that they are permitted there. Nevertheless, it was prohibited to buy vegetables immediately after Sheviis. Rebbi permitted it, except for a Kaflota (a type of leek).

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What did the people of Tzipori do to have Rebbi permit Kaflota? They dressed it in sackcloth and ashes as if it was mourning that it couldn't be eaten. They brought it before Rebbi and said to him, "What sin did it do that it was the only one of all the vegetables that you prohibited?''. When Rebbi heard that there was a great need to have it, he permitted it.

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(Ulla bar Yishmael citing R. Chanina): Rebbi and R. Yosi bar Yehuda visited Acco and were hosted by R. Mana. Rebbi asked them to prepare a pot of vegetables. He prepared them a pot of meat. The next day, Rebbi again asked for a pot of vegetables and he prepared for them chicken. Rebbi commented, "It's clear that this person is a student of Shmuel (who disagreed with Rebbi and prohibited vegetables).''

àîø øáé éåñé áø øáé éäåãä àôéìå îôúç ùì ùîåàì àéðå åìîä òáã ëï ãå úìîéã îï úìîéãåé ãøáé éåãà ãøáé éåãà àîø äéø÷ àñåø áñôøé àøõ éùøàì


(R. Yosi bar R. Yehuda): That's not the reason (as Shmuel didn't prohibit vegetables after Sheviis in the border towns) - he's a student of R. Yehuda who prohibited even in the border towns.

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When R. Mana later visited Rebbi's house, he told Rebbi that he followed the view of R. Yehuda. Rebbi told him that he should have allowed it like their ruling.

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Mishnah in Maseches Nedarim: One who vowed to prohibit vegetables (Yerek) on himself may have Yerakos Sadeh (wild vegetables), since they have an accompanying name (Sadeh - so his vow didn't include them).

åúðé òìä äðåãø îï äéø÷ áùáéòéú àñåø àó áéø÷åú ùãä


Baraisa: One who vowed in Sheviis to prohibit vegetables is also prohibited in Yerakos Sadeh.

[ãó ðà òîåã à (òåæ åäãø)] úðé øáé ÷øéñôà áùí øáé çððéà áï âîìéàì åàîø èòîà äãà ãúéîø òã ùìà äúéø øáé ìäáéà éø÷ îçåöä ìàøõ ìàøõ àáì îùäúéø øáé ìäáéà éø÷ îçåöä ìàøõ ìàøõ äéà ùáéòéú äéà ùàø ùðé ùáåò


R. Krispa cited that Baraisa in the name of R. Chananya ben Gamliel and explained that it was referring to before Rebbi permitted bringing vegetables from Chutz LaAretz, but once he permitted it, Sheviis became like all other years for such a vow.

øáé éåñé áø çðéðà àîø òåìùéï çùåáåú äï ìèîà èåîàú àåëìéï áùáéòéú äãà ãúéîø òã ùìà äúéø øáé àáì îùäúéø øáé äéà ùáéòéú äéà ùàø ùðé ùáåò


(R. Yosi bar Chanina): Endives are considered food to receive Tumas Ochlin (impurity contracted by foods) in Sheviis (even if he didn't decide to eat them). This applied before Rebbi permitted etc. but after he permitted, Sheviis became like all other years.

äååï áòåï îéîø ìà ôìéâéï àùëç úðé


(The Mishnah taught - One may not take Tamei Terumah oil and Sheviis fruits from Eretz Yisrael to Chutz LaAretz. Rebbi (Shimon) said - I've heard explicitly that one may take them to Suria, but not to (other parts of) Chutz LaAretz.) The students wanted to suggest that there's no dispute between R. Shimon and the first Tana, as R. Shimon was merely explaining the first Tana's law. However, they later found a Baraisa that proved that they do disagree...

øáé éåãä àîø òã âæéá ø''ù àåîø òã àîðä


R. Yehuda said that one may take Tameh Terumah until Keziv (the northern border that was sanctified at the time of Ezra). R. Shimon said it (even) until Amanah (even though it was conquered at the time of Yehoshua but not retaken at the time of Ezra). (Beyond Amanah is certainly prohibited.)

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Baraisa: Sheviis fruits that were taken to Chutz LaAretz may have Biur (removal) done wherever they are.

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(R. Shimon ben Elazar): He must return them to Eretz Yisrael and do Biur there, as the pasuk states (Vayikra 25:7), "(And for your animals and for the beasts that are) in your land, all of the produce shall be to eat'' - this indicates that the Biur must take place in the Land. (Note: The understanding of the word Biur is a disagreement between Tosefos and the Rambam. Rambam understands that it must be destroyed and Tosefos understand that it means to render ownerless. We have used a loose translation of Biur as removal. The Yerushalmi in the 9th Perek will discuss Biur in more depth.)

àîø øáé éò÷á áø àçà äåøé øáé àéîé ëäï úðéà ÷îéà ì÷åìà


(R. Yaakov bar Acha): R. Imi ruled leniently like the first Tana (that it may have Biur done in Chutz LaAretz).

àîø øáé äéìà åáìáã ùìà éòáéøí îî÷åí ìî÷åí


(R. Hila): It may have Biur done in Chutz LaAretz, but he may not move it from place to place there.

[ãó ðà òîåã á (òåæ åäãø)] úîï úðéðï àøéñèåï äáéà áëåøéí îàñôîéà å÷éáìå îîðå


Mishnah in Maseches Challah: Ariston brought Bikurim (first fruits) from Ispamia (in Suria) to Eretz Yisrael and the Kohanim accepted them.

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Question: If so, why may one not bring Terumah from there?

àîø øáé äåùòéà áéëåøéí áàçøéåú áòìéí úøåîä àéðä áàçøéåú áòìéí àí àîø àú ëï àó äï îøãôéí àçøéäí ìùí:


(R. Hoshiya): Bikurim are the owner's obligation, but there is no obligation to bring Terumah to any specific place; and if you would permit bringing Terumah from there, the Kohanim would go there to receive Terumah (which a Kohen may not do, since it is Chutz LaAretz).