PRODUCE IN A STOREHOUSE (Yerushalmi Terumos Perek 4 Halachah 2 Daf 19a)
îùðä îé ùäéå ôéøåúéå áîâåøä åðúï ñàä ìáï ìåé åñàä ìòðé îôøéù òåã ùîåðú ñàéï åàåëìï ãáøé ø''î
(Mishnah) (R. Meir): One whose produce was in a storehouse and he gave a Se'ah to a Levi (as Maaser Rishon) and a Se'ah to a poor person (as Maaser Ani); he separates another 8 Se'ah and eats them.
åçë''à àéðå îôøéù àìà ìôé çùáåï:
(Chachamim): (If he is unsure if the Levi's Se'ah and the poor person's Se'ah are still intact) He separates only according to the amount that he is certain still exists.
âîøà ø' ìòæø áùí ø' äåùòéä òùå àåúå ëôåòì ùàéðå îàîéï ìáò''ä
(Gemara) (R. Elazar citing R. Hoshiya): They treated it like a worker who doesn't trust his employer (to tithe and tithes from his allowance of figs before he takes his allowance from the pile and the Ma'asros then take effect retroactively.)
[ãó éè òîåã á] ôùéèà äãà îéìúà [ãó ìä òîåã à (òåæ åäãø)] ðùøôå äôéøåú äúøåîä áèéìä ðùøôä äúøåîä ìëùéàëìå äôéøåú ÷ãùä äúøåîä ìîôøò:
The following law is obvious - if the untithed produce became burned, the Terumah is nullified. If the Terumah was burned, then when the produce is eaten, the Terumah is consecrated retroactively.
THE RANGE OF AMOUNTS OF TERUMAH (Yerushalmi Terumos Perek 4 Halachah 3 Daf 19b)
îùðä ùéòåø úøåîä òéï éôä àçã îàøáòéí áéú ùîàé àåîøéí àçã îùìùéí åäáéðåðéú àçã îçîùéí åäøòä àçã îùùéí
(Mishnah): The amount of Terumah - a generous person gives 1/40th; Beis Shammai says he gives 1/30th. An average person gives 1/50th and a miserly person gives 1/60th.
úøí åòìä áéãå àçã îùùéí úøåîä åàéðå öøéê ìúøåí
If one separated Terumah and found it to be 1/60th, it is Terumah and he does not need to separate further.
çæø åäåñéó çééá áîòùøåú
If he nevertheless separated more, it is obligated in Ma'asros.
òìä áéãå îùùéí åà' úøåîä åéçæåø åéúøåí ëîåú ùäåà ìîåã áîéãä áîù÷ì åáîðééï
If he found it to be 1/61st, it is Terumah, but he must separate to the amount he usually gives, although (in this instance) it can be done through measure, weight or number.
ø' éäåãà àåîø àó ìà îï äîå÷ó:
(R. Yehuda): Even if it's not from produce in close proximity.
âîøà ëúéá ùùéú äàéôä îçåîø äçéèéí åùùéúí àú äàéôä îçåîø äùòåøéí
(Gemara): It's written (Yechezkel 45:13), "(This is the Terumah that you shall separate); a sixth of an Efah from a Chomer of wheat and two-sixths of an Efah from a Chomer of barley.'' (If a Chomer is 30 Se'ah and an Efah is 3 Se'ah and the pasuk requires separating 1/6th of an Efah, which is half a Se'ah, for 30 Se'ah - that's 1/60th - which is the miser's amount in our Mishnah.) The pasuk then mentions separating 2/6th, with the words, "and two-sixths of an Efah'' - totalling 3/6th of an Efah, which is 11/2 Se'ah per Chomer, which is 1/20th.
[ãó ìä òîåã á (òåæ åäãø)] éëåì úåøí çéèéí à' (îùìùéí)[îùùéí] åùòåøéí àçã (îùùéí)[îùìùéí] ú''ì åëì úøåîú ùéäéå ëì äúøåîåú ùååú
Perhaps I would think that one should separate 1/60th for wheat and 1/30th for barley; but the pasuk states (Yechezkel 44:30), "...and every Terumah'' - the Terumos of all species must be equal. (So how is this pasuk explained?)
ùîåàì àîø úï ùùéú òì ùùéúí åðîöà úåøí àçã îàøáòéí
(Shmuel): Add 1/6th to 2/6th of an Efah, totalling half an Efah (for the two Chomer of the pasuk). He thereby separates 1/40th as Terumah (since two Chomer is 60 Se'ah and half an Efah is 11/2 Se'ah - therefore 1.5/60 is 1/40th).
áéðåðéú àçã îçîùéí à''ø ìåé ëúéá åîîçöéú áðé éùøàì ú÷ç àçã àçåæ îï äçîùéí ëì ùàúä àåçæ îî÷åí àçø äøé äåà ëæä îä æä àçã îï äçîùéí àó îä ùàúä àåçæ îî÷åí àçø äøé äåà ëæä
(R. Levi): (The Mishnah taught that) the average person gives 1/50th. The pasuk states (Bamidbar 31:30), "And from half of the Bnei Yisrael you shall take 1 part of 50'' - whatever you draw from another place should also be like this. Just as this was 1/50th, so elsewhere (i.e. for Terumah) it should be 1/50th.
åäøòä àçã îùùéí ãëúéá (åùùéúí àú äàéôä îçåîø äùòåøéí)[ùùéú äàéôä îçåîø äçéèéí]
(The Mishnah taught that) a miserly person gives 1/60th. As the pasuk (quoted earlier in Yechezkel 45:13) states, "(This is the Terumah that you shall separate); a sixth of an Efah from a Chomer of wheat''. (The pasuk requires separating 1/6th of an Efah, which is half a Se'ah, for a Chomer, which is 30 Se'ah - that's 1/60th.)
[ãó ë òîåã à] áéú ùîàé àåîøéí îùìùéí (åùùéú)[åùùéúí] äàéôä îçåîø äùòåøéí
The Mishnah taught that according to Beis Shammai, a generous person gives 1/30th. Their source is the latter part of that pasuk, "and two-sixths of an Efah from a Chomer of barley'' (- which is 1/30th).
áéðåðéú îàøáòéí îï äãà ãùîåàì åäøòä (îùùéí)[îçîùéí] îï äãà ãø' ìåé
Beis Shammai say that an average person gives 1/40th; from the calculation of Shmuel earlier. And they say that a miserly person gives 1/50th; from the teaching of R. Levi earlier.
ãàîø øáé ìåé áø çéðà ëì äîåöéà îòùøåúéå ëú÷ðï àéðå îôñéã ëìåí
(R. Levi bar Chinah): Whoever tithes properly, will not lose anything (as Hash-m will return to him whatever he gave).
îä èòîà åòùéøéú äçåîø éäéä äàéôä (îï)[àì] äçåîø éäéä îúëåðúå
What's his source for this? The pasuk states (Yechezkel 45:11), "...and a tenth of the Chomer is the Efah; to the Chomer shall be its volume'' (meaning that the Efah that was removed shall be 'to the Chomer', i.e. returned to it).
[ãó ìå òîåã à (òåæ åäãø)] ìà öåøëä ãìà ëîä ãðï àîøéï úøí åòìä áéãå àçã (îçîùéí)[îùùéí] úøåîä åàéï öøéê ìúøåí ëï á''ù àåîøéí úøí åòìä áéãå àçã îçîùéí úøåîä åàéï öøéê ìúøåí
Question: We say that if one separated Terumah and 1/60th came into his hand (which is the amount for a miserly person), it is Terumah and he need not separate any further. Would Beis Shammai therefore say that if one separated Terumah and 1/50th came into his hand, it is Terumah and he need not separate again?
à''ø çðéðà áø àéñé ìà úðé áø ÷ôøà àìà úøí åòìä áéãå îçîùéí åòã ñ' úøåîä åà''ö ìúøåí
Answer (R. Chanina bar Isi): Didn't Bar Kapara teach in a Baraisa that if when he separated, between 1/50th and 1/60th came into his hand, he doesn't need to separate again; meaning 1/50th according to Beis Shammai and 1/60th according to Beis Hillel.
ø' àéñé áùí ø' éåçðï áîúëååéï ìôèåø àú ëøéå àáì àí àéðå îúëååéï ìôèåø àú ëøéå àôé' àçã òì à'
(R. Isi citing R. Yochanan): (The Mishnah taught that if one separated Terumah and found it to be 1/60th, it is Terumah and he does not need to separate further. If he nevertheless separated more, it is obligated in Ma'asros.) It's specifically when he intended to exempt the pile from its Tevel status with his first separation; but if he had intended from the beginning to separate again, he may add even until half of the pile.
WHEN IT WAS FOUND TO BE 1/61ST (Yerushalmi Terumos Perek 4 Halachah 3 Daf 20a)
ëäðà àîø ëîåú ùäåà ìîåã
(Kahana): (When the Mishnah taught that if he found it to be 1/61st, it is Terumah, he must separate to the amount he usually gives) and if he gives more than that, it is obligated in Ma'asros.
ø' éåçðï àîø àôé' à' òì à'
(R. Yochanan disagrees): He may add even until half of the pile (and it is still exempt from Ma'asros).
åäúðéðï ëîåú ùäåà ìîåã
Question: The Mishnah taught, "to the amount that he usually gives'', (implying that more is obligated in Ma'asros)?
ùìà ìôçåú
Answer: It means that he should not give less than the amount he usually gives.
à''ø ìòæø ëîåú ùäåà ìîåã áîãä [ãó ìå òîåã á (òåæ åäãø)] àí ðúëåéï ìäåñéó àôé' áîéãä
Answer #2 (R. Elazar): It's teaching that even when he adds according to the amount that he usually gives, on this occasion he may separate by measuring.
ø' éåðä àîø ø''ù áï ì÷éù áòé ÷åîé ø' éåçðï úåñôú úøåîä îä äéà
(R. Yona): R. Shimon ben Lakish asked R. Yochanan - When a person does take extra because he had first separated only 1/60th, it is obligated in Ma'asros?
à''ì îùåí [ãó ë òîåã á] éçéã àðé ùåðä àåúä
Answer (R. Yochanan to R. Shimon ben Lakish): I answer you with the individual's (i.e. R. Yehuda's) opinion (in the Mishnah). (However, R. Yochanan didn't specify therefore whether or not it would be obligated.)
îä ìçéåá àå ìôèåø àéï úéîø ìçéåá ðéçà àéï úéîø ìôèåø îä àéï øáé éäåãà ãàéú ìéä ùìà îï äîå÷ó ôèåø øáðï ãìéú ìäåï ùìà îï äîå÷ó ìà ëì ùëï
Question: Did R. Yochanan mean that it is exempt or obligated (in Ma'asros)? If he meant that it is obligated, it's understandable that the Chachamim (of the Mishnah) would disagree and say that it is considered regular Terumah and exempt from Ma'asros (since only R. Yehuda there permits taking from produce that is not in close proximity, but the Chachamim do not). But if he meant that it is exempt from Ma'asros; if R. Yehuda, who allows separating from produce not in close proximity, exempts it from Ma'asros; certainly the Rabbanan (Chachamim) who don't allow it will exempt it from Ma'asros?!
àúà ø' éåñé ø' àéñé áùí ø''ù áï ì÷éù úåñôú úøåîä çééáú áîòùøåú
(R. Yosi citing R. Isi in the name of R. Shimon ben Lakish): Extra Terumah is obligated in Ma'asros.
à''ø éåñé äîùðä [ìà] àîøä ëï
Question (R. Yosi): The Mishnah doesn't say this (as it indicates that it would be exempt from Ma'asros).
à''ø æòéøà ìøáé àéñé äééãà îúðé'
Question (R. Zeira to R. Isi): Which Mishnah is it that indicates this?
åìà àâéáéä à''ì åãìîà äãà ãúðéðï úøí åòìä áéãå îùùéí åàçã úøåîä åàéðå öøéê ìúøåí åìà úðé òìä çæø åäåñéó çééá áîòùøåú
(R. Zeira): (R. Isi didn't answer as he wanted R. Zeira to answer it himself) Perhaps it's from the end of the Mishnah, where it says, "If he found it to be 1/61st, it is Terumah, but he must separate (again)'', but it didn't say that the second Terumah is obligated in Ma'asros; this indicates that it is exempt...?
òã ëîä àãí ôåèø èáìå ãáø úåøä
Question: How much must a person separate to exempt his Tevel on a Torah level?
[ãó ìæ òîåã à (òåæ åäãø)] øáé (éåçðï)[éåðúï] àîø àçã ìîàä ëúøåîú îòùø
(R. Yonasan): 1/100th, like Terumas Maaser.
à''ì ø' éåçðï îï îàï ùîòéúä
Question (R. Yochanan to R. Yonasan): From where did you hear this?
à''ì îôéìôåì çáøééà ùîòéú äà
Answer (R. Yonasan): From discussions with my colleagues.
ãøáé éðàé àîø àôéìå àçã îàìó
And R. Yannai said that even 1/1000th removes the prohibition of Tevel.
àîø øáé îðà ìéú ëàï ùéòåøà ãëúéá øàùéú ãâðê úéøåùê åéöäøê åàôé' ëì ùäåà:
(R. Mana): There is no minimum amount, as the pasuk states (Devarim 18:4), "The first of your grains, you wine and your oil'' - even the smallest amount.