More Discussions for this daf
1. Kedushah 2. Women wearing Tefilin 3. Baal Keri learning Torah
4. Tosfos DH Shev 5. Time to eat vs. Time to Bentch 6. Question on Rashi regarding Kavod ha'Briyos
7. Children and Mezuzahs 8. Chiyuv d'Rabanan Being Motzi a Chiyuv d'Oraisa 9. Tum'ah of Zera
10. Talmid Chacham 11. Rav Ada bar Ahavah's zealousness 12. Bentching/Shochad
13. Ba'al Keri Meharher 14. First Tosafos on Amud Bais 15. Mitzvos Lo Sa'asei she'ha'Zman Grama
16. Rav Yochanan by the Mikva 17. Chinuch for Tefillah 18. Tosfos Divrei Hamaschil Ba'al Keri
19. Women and Tefilin 20. Problems with the Kal v'Chomer 21. Mezuzah

Shuly asks:

If an article of clothing had touched zera does that article need to be brought to the mikveh? What if it will ruin the clothing? Can the clothing make a man tomeih by touching it being that it's only a Reshon level of Tumah?

Shuly, Brooklyn ny

The Kollel replies:

Moist Zera is Metamei on the level of Av ha'Tum'ah. So clothing that touches it becomes Rishon l'Tum'ah and needs Tevilah in a Mikvah and sunset to become Tahor (that is, if he wants to remove the Tum'ah; he is not required to). Water ruining the clothes makes no difference in Halachah. People and Kelim (including clothing) cannot become Sheni l'Tum'ah, so if a person touches the Rishon clothing, nothing happens.

Nowadays we are all Tamei and do not deal with Tum'ah of the dead, Neveilos, etc. Only in the case of a Ba'al Keri, from whom there was an emission of Zera, do some have a practice to go to the Mikvah. Clothing nowadays definitely does not need immersion in a Mikvah.

All the best,

Reuven Weiner

Martin Shejtman asks:

And: if one touches such clothing when it is wet but no traces or zera are on it (for ex., it's been washed), does it metamei the hands? I'm asking because maim chozrim lihiot rishon.

In the same case when one touches such clothing and it's dry and the hands are also dry, nothing happens to the hands, correct?

a gut shabbos!

The Kollel replies:

When the rules of Tum'ah were observed, the clothing remained a Rishon if it wasn't immersed in the Mikvah, and then, even when dry, the Rishon clothing makes the hands Sheini (without water in the middle). You're talking about when a food is Tamei with Sheini but is now dry -- making it wet makes the liquid a Rishon and only then makes the hands Sheini.

But again, nowadays no concern is given to Tum'ah. Only for eating bread is Netilas Yadayim necessary, and only filth or touching sweaty areas requires rewashing.

All the best,

Reuven Weiner