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13. Ba'al Keri 14. ביטול תקנת עזרא 15. מכניס עצמו לאונס

tanchem asks:

Why does the gemara say "man d'amar zeh v'zeh mitur k'Reb Yehudah ben Beseira" when its more likely Reb Nosson ben Avsholem

tanchem, Jerusalem il

The Kollel replies:

If the Beraisa would have been going like Rebbi Nasan ben Avishalom, it should have stated, "as long as he does not say the Azkaros." The fact that the Beraisa did not say this suggests that it follows Rebbi Yehudah ben Beseira who permitted everything.

(See Otzaros ha'Yam, Pri Efrayim, and Birkos Yitzchak, cited in Otzar ha'Chochmah.)

Kol Tuv,

Dovid Bloom