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7. דין ממזר

Aaron Gal asked:

Harav Shalom,

I dont undersand what Shimon Ben Azai was trying to prove when he said that he had found a Megilat Yochasin in Yerushalayim that read about a Ploni who is Mamzwe because he was born to Eshet Ish. Obviously, he cannot prove by this that Halacha is according to R' Yehushua, seems to me that he can prove only that ALL chayavei Mitat Din, no matter if Sekila, Chanika, Hereg, the children are Mamzerim, but this cannot prove anything what the Halacha is re Chayavei Karet. So what really R Shimon Ben Azai want to prove by this Megilat Yochasin?

Bechavod Rav,

Aaron Gal, Fair Lawn, New Jersey USA

The Kollel replies:

It is already clear from the Mishnah that ben Azai holds like R. Yehoshua ('Kol she'Chayavin Alav Misas Beis Din'), and that is precisely the proof that he brings from the Megilas Yuchsin, just as you yourself suggested. What problem do you have with that?

Be'Virchas Kol Tuv

Eliezer Chrysler