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4. A Kohen married to a widow 5. Gezeirah Biah Rishonah 6. Piryah v'Rivyah with Non-Observant Progeny
7. ילפינן מברייתו של עולם

Rony asked:

We learned that a Cohen may marry a widow but a Cohen Gadol cannot.

What happens if a Cohen married a widow and was afterwards appointed to be a Cohen Gadol. Does he have to divorce her?



The Kollel replies:

See the Gemara in Yevamos 61a, which derives from a verse in the Torah that if a Kohen was merely betrothed to a widow (with Erusin) and then he was appointed to be Kohen Gadol, he may go ahead and marry her (with Nisu'in) and there is no prohibition involved. Certainly, if he was already married to her (with Nisu'in) and then was appointed to be Kohen Gadol, he may remain married to her.

Y. Tavin