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7. Shabbos 118a 1L in Point by Point Outlines 8. 14 Meals 9. Chevlei Moshiach
10. אלמלי שמרו ישראל שבת ראשונה

Dov asks:

It says in rashi regarding the birth pants of Moshiach to look at ksubos daf 113b but there is no such daf in ksubos? Also isn't milchemes gog umogog part of the birth pants of Moshiach? In that case he is saved from only 2 things?

Dov, Montreal

The Kollel replies:

Dear Dov,

Chevlei Moshiach are the birth pains (Chevlei Laidah) before Moshiach's arrival. See Maharsha here and as mentioned in Kesuvos 112b about the bad attitude toward Talmidei Chachamim before Moshiach comes. (In Rashi 113b is a mistake- many Gemaros are corrected to 112b). In Pesachim 118a Chevlei Mashiach is explained as Shibud Malchios (subservience to the Goyim's rule.

The war of Gog uMagog is (soon) after Moshiach's arrival - see Midrash Tanchuma Tazria 8 and so explains Maharal in Be'er HaGola 2.

Rashi DH Chevlei in Sanhedrin 98b explains Chevlei Moshiach as the fears and pains from the armies of Goyim in his time- this seems to mean that the fears are before Mashiach and the war and conquering after Mashiach comes (Rav Kornfeld).

All the best,

Reuven Weiner