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4. When to apply the Halachas of Techum to Ramat Beit Shemesh 5. Karpaf between two cities 6. יושבי צריפין וכבוד הבריאות

Q. Reese asked:

The Rabanan say on 55b that we only give a Karpaf between two cities. According to Chiya bar Rav, we only give a single Karpaf to the two of them. This means that if they are separated by more than 70 Amos, they are not considered a single city as far as Techum is concerned.

According to Rav Chiya bar Rav's reading of the Rabanan, what point were they making by stating that "we give a Karpaf between two cities"? Of course we give a city a single Karpaf - why even if there is a bridge or something within 70 Amos of the city we join it to the city, as our Mishnah states! Why should I have thought that if there is another city within 70 Amos of this one, we do not join it to the first city?

Q. Reese, Atlanta, Georgia

The Kollel replies:

The Ritva on 57a quotes Rabeinu Tam as explaining that the Rabanan hold, as you stated, that the city would be extended even to another house, not specifically a city. Why, then, did they not state a house? He explains that because Rebbi Meir was specifically discussing cities, the Rabanan also stuck to the topic of cities.

Kol Tuv,

Yaakov Montrose