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1. The amount of food that a healthy person eats 2. Rebbe's computation of Challah

Elozer asked:

Dear Rabbi Kornfeld shlita

in explaining why Rebbe measured 217 and not 207 the gemara proposes an answer that the challah thereon was included and then proceeds to compute the amount of challah on the "net" of 207 ???? 8

shouldn't challah computation be on the "gross"

216 divided by 24 = 9

207 + 9 = 216

including fractions would bring the number closer to 217

b'birchas HaTorah,


The Kollel replies:

Your explanation is the explanation of the Rach, and is endorsed by Tosfos (DH "Chalsa") as being the most correct (though Tosfos leaves the number at 216).

All the best,

Yaakov Montrose