More Discussions for this daf
1. Question on Review Question 1a 2. Kol Mar'eh and Re'ach 3. Me'ilah and Kavanah
4. Meilah By Seeing 5. Tanur - Orlah

M. Zians asks:

We see here that it is a Machlokes about whether Meilah applies in an unavoidable situation. In B'haaloschah 11:16 we see from Rashi that the original Zekeinim were killed because they got Hanaah from the Ziv Hashchinah- the actual lashon of Rashi is Kalut Rosh- is that not the same issue here?- the situation was unavoidable and they got Hanaah?- & it she-ein bo Mamash -if it is the same, why would the Gemarrah not use this as a proof that it is not permissible and that seeing is mamash.

M. Zians, Hamilton,Canada

The Kollel replies:

The Zekeinim did not have to have Kalus Rosh in front of the Shechinah. This was avoidable, and therefore not comparable to our Sugya.

All the best,

Yaakov Montrose