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Dovid Maayan asks:

In the braisa quoted towards the bottom of 32b, it is suggested that the fact that someone who transgresses me'ilah b'meizid is ptur from a korban should be learned from a kal v'chomer - "if chaivei krisus are ptur b'meizid..." etc. Isn't this really a chomer v'kal? That is, we are applying a kulah FROM a chomer TO a kal. This seemed unusual to me, but perhaps it is a fine "use" of the idea of kal v'chomer. The Artscroll just calls it a "kal v'chomer" (though the braisa just says b'din hu...) Thanks for your time.

Dovid Maayan, Sharon, Massachusetts, USA

The Kollel replies:

Shalom Rav,

Yes, the term "Kal va'Chomer" is used to refer to both directions of this single form of logical inferences. (Notice that it is not called a "Kal mi'Chomer.") It makes no difference whether one is leaning a stringency from that inference or a leniency.

B'Virchas Kol Tuv,

Eliezer Chrysler
