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10. בעת ההיא אחפש את ירושלים בנרות 11. בדיקה לאור הנר 12. חילוקים בברייתות
13. רש״י ד״ה וכי לא סגי

Maurice Luftig asked:

L'Chvoid HaRabbonim. Thank you for the amazing work you have done on your web site. I tried putting through a question on the site but it forwarded me to a 'misssing page' page.

Below is the question:

Pesochim 7b - Q/A 8b. Why then, does the Tana say 'Latzeis'?

You have asked why the Tana says 'Latzeis' instead of 'Yotzo' by Lulav. You answered that

"(b) In fact, says the Gemara, one needs to amend the wording to read 'Natlo, Yatza Bo' (and not - 'Latzeis')."

The Gemoro answer is 'Ein Hochi Nami - U'Mishum DeKo Boei L'Misneh etc.

Your answer seems to indicate that the Ein Hochi Nami of the Gemoro means - you are correct - therefore amend the wording.

The Gemoro itself seems to be saying that 'you are correct' - i.e. that this would have been the ideal way to express it however, 'MeShum DeKo Boei L'Misneh etc.' - i.e. because the gemoro was going to bring Sukka which uses a future loshon of to be yotse rather than the past tense of having been yotse - for that reason it used the same future tense with regards to Lulav. In other words - it is explaining WHY it chose to use the future tense even for lulav and NOT telling us to change that loshon


Moishe Luftig

The kollel replies:

You are right. Thank you for the correction.

All the best,

Yaakov Montrose