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1. A gentile who lives in a house for less than 40 days 2. Chezkas baduk 3. Chuldah a Prophetess?
4. Chaver

M. Pinson asked:

Tosfos "haynu tesha chanuyos" asks on rashi why don't you set it on the chazaka that it was searched,

If so in the mishna we can say the same thing even if you saw the chulda bring in chamitz, there is a safek if it ate, and let's set it on the chezkas baduk

M. Pinson, Los angeles, CA

The Kollel replies:

Once we see that Chametz entered the house there no longer is a Chezkas Baduk. We have a Chiyuv Bedikah until we are sure that the Chuldah ate it. However if we are unsure whether Chametz entered the house at all (for maybe it was Matzah that entered), then we can rely on the Chezkas Baduk and assume that there is no Chametz until we know for certain that Chametz entered.

D. Zupnik