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1. Bein ha'Shemashos 2. Tzeis ha'Kochavim 3. Niddah's Chiyuv Pesach Sheini
4. Magen Avraham / Gra Zmanim 5. לפיכך נקוד על ה"א

Sholem asks:

If a woman would become a Niddoh at the onset of Peach how could she possibly bring a Pesach Sheini... Assuming a cycle of 28 - 30 days, she would become a Niddoh again !!

Sholem, UK

The Kollel replies:

Possibly she became pregnant and does not have a period.


Dovid Bloom

Another possibility:

A more likely scenario would be that she has a longer cycle. The Shach Yoreh Deah 189:65 talks about a woman with a cycle of 35 days and this is not unusual.

Dovid Bloom