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1. Which types of Bechor are Active Today? 2. Siyum on Shekalim

allen schuldenfrei asked:

does one recite the same hadran on the completion of shekalim? In the vilna shas the standard hadran is omitted? However, artscroll does contain the standard hadran. But then I'm wondering whether the paragraph dealing with the 10 sons of rav pappa should be said since Shekalim is part of the talmud yerushalmi and not bavli?

allen schuldenfrei, baltimore, maryland USA

The Kollel replies:

That is an excellent point, Allen. My feeling is that since the Siyum is on the work of Amora'im, it makes no difference whether the sons of Rav Papa specifically were mentioned in the Maseches, or other Amora'im were mentioned. The point is that we are finishing a work explaining the Mishnayos. The standard Hadran for Gemara is appropriate for Shekalim as well.

Best wishes,

Mordecai Kornfeld