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David Berkovitz asks:

Rashi says it is lav davka male or female and yet the two comparisons in the gemorah are to horns which only a male has so it would seem it is davka male (e.g. the tefillos of tzdikkim spread out like the antlers spread out-- can only be a male)

david berkovitz, passaic, nj usa

The Kollel replies:

Rashi (DH "Ayalah Zo") says that an Ayalah is female, and that nevertheless the Gemara understands that it has license to derive the verses based on its male counterpart as well (i.e. as if it said "Ayal" instead of "Ayalah" or "Ayeles"). The Yavetz says Rashi is mistaken, and that the Gemara is referring to a species where both the male and female have horns.

All the best,

Yaakov Montrose