More Discussions for this daf
1. Question on Rashi 2. Ma'arachah for the Menorah 3. The 'Tapuach' on the Mizbeach
4. Size of the Various Ma'arachot 5. זר על המזבח 6. דקה מן הדקה
7. וכי זר קרב אצל המזבח 8. כפילות לכאורה בברייתא

Donny Wartenberg asks:

Dear Kollel,

Tosafos from Yoma 45a DH Rebbi Yosi Omer asks where was there room on the copper altar in the mishkan for all 3 fires and answers that it was in the outer Amah that was designated for the Kohanim to walk there.

The assumption seems to be that since these 3 fires are 'min hatorah', as stated at the beginning of parashas Tzav, then they had to exist in the mishkan and not only at the Bais Hamikdash.

Based on this, it seems that the Tapuach, which is mentioned in vayikra 6:4, also must have been located in the area designated for the kohanim to walk on. Would this be correct?

Thank you,

Kesivah v'Chasimah Tovah,

Donny Wartenberg, USA

The Kollel replies:

It does sound correct. However, I believe that the Tapu'ach may be different because it is not a "Din" that there must be a Tapu'ach. The Passuk you refer to just tells us what to do if there is Deshen on the Mizbei'ach, not that there must be Deshen on the Mizbei'ach.

Dov Freedman