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David Goldman asks:

I read that in the Yerushalmi it says to say a bracha on Erev Sukkos "al asiyas lulav" but does not mention she'hechiyanu.

And in the Bavli it says to make she'hechiyanu when tying the arba minim before Yomtov. But how is this possible to make a she'hechiyanu before there is a mitzv to have tied arba minim?


David Goldman, USA

The Kollel replies:

Sholom Rav,

I don't understand your question. Firstly, is there a Mitzvah to tie the four species or not. Secondly, what has the Yerushalmi got to do with the Bavli. Please clarify.

Be'virchas kol Tuv,

Eliezer Chrysler.

David Goldman asks:

Why would there be a mitzvah for a bracha before Yomtov at all? The mitzvah of arba minim only exists in yomtov itself.And does the Yerushalmi not require a shechiyanu at all?

Also, evidently the reason we say shechiyanu and shake the lulav when taking the lulav even before Hallel is because of the problem of people not having had their own minim for Hallel.

The Kollel replies:

Sholom Rav,

The Rambam writes in Hilchos B'rochos (11:9) that all time-related Mitzvos, such as Shofar, Sukkah and Lulav ... , one recites 'Shehechiyanu' when preparing them; failing that, one recites it when performing the Mitzvah.

Tosfos in Menachos (Daf 42b DH 've'Ilu') points out that the Bavli does not hold like The Yerushalmi with regard to the B'rachah of 'al Asiyas Lulav').

I don't know what the Yerushalmi holds regarding 'Shehechiyanu'. But I would assume that it agrees with the Bavli - all the more so since it considers the preparation a Mitzvah.

Be'Virchas kol tuv,

Eliezer Chrysler

David Goldman asks:

Thank you. So according to Rambam one would recite shehechiyanu several times; when preparing the minim, when shaking them and then in Hallel, plus when constructing the sukkah?


The Kollel replies:

Sholom Rav,

According to the Rambam - and according to everybody else, one ought to recite 'Shehechiyanu' over the Arba Minim when preparing them, period. Only, as he (and the Shulchan Aruch) state, the Minhag nowadays, is to recite it when shaking it. One never recites 'Shehechiyanu' more than once over the same thing.

be'Virchas Kol Tuv,

Eliezer Chrysler