[88a - 37 lines; 88b - 38 lines]
1)[line 2]דתניא מסתפג אדם באלונטית...D'TANYA, MISTAPEG ADAM B'ALONTIS...- One who washed himself with cold water on Shabbos or Yom Tov may dry himself with a towel; he need not worry that he will squeeze water out of it (Sechitah). Rebbi Chananya ben Akavya permitted the people of Teverya to carry their wet towels home from the bathhouse, in accordance with Rebbi Shimon's ruling. Alternatively, he permitted them to dry themselves with a towel and place it in the bathhouse window, like the Tana Kama.
2)[line 4]לאולייריןOLIYARIN- bathhouse attendants
3)[line 4]על אותו דברAL OSO DAVAR- that is, to wring out towels (Sechitah)
4)[line 6]לא שנוLO SHANU- we did not learn [that a Mechitzah hanging from a platform suspended over water permits]
5)[line 8]וכי מה בין זה לעוקה?V'CHI MAH BEIN ZEH L'UKAH?- what is the difference between this (pouring water back through the hole in a Gezuztra, which Rabah Bar Rav Huna forbade due to the water being subsequently carried out from under the Mechitzos) and [the case of] a [Chatzer smaller than four-by-four Amos, which one may not pour water into on Shabbos unless] a pit [which is large enough to contain two Se'ah of water exists in the middle of that Chatzer - in which case he may pour even if that pit is full from before Shabbos and the water will surely flow out of the Chatzer]?
6)[line 8]הני תיימיHANEI TAIMEI- these (i.e. the water poured into the Chatzer with an Ukah) terminate; that is, they become absorbed into the ground
7)[line 15]במופלגתB'MUFLEGES- if the upper balcony is located at a horizontal distance of four Tefachim from the lower balcony
8)[line 16]אין אדם אוסר על חבירו דרך אוירEIN ADAM OSER AL CHAVEIRO DERECH AVIR- a person's use of the airspace of one domain does not prohibit someone else from using that domain on Shabbos (it is not considered a shared domain). This means that one's use of the airspace (that is, a "horizontal" use of the area, such as throwing into the area or passing into it a distance of four Tefachim or more, as opposed to a purely "vertical use" such as lifting something up or placing something down) is not considered a significant enough usage to prohibit others from using that area.
9)[line 20]הא גופא קשיאHA GUFA KASHYA...- "Yesh Gezel b'Shabbos" implies that if one regularly uses an adjacent area which is not his for his own purposes and the owner does not object, than that area is considered to belong to him for the purposes of carrying within it on Shabbos. "Churva Machzir li'Ve'alim" implies that if one regularly uses an adjacent ruin which is not his for his own purposes, then even if the owner does not object he may not use it on Shabbos but rather must return it.
10)[line 25]אמאי אסורותAMAI ASUROS- [even though the residents of the lower platform are drawing water through the hole of the upper platform on a regular basis, since it is not theirs and they are doing so without permission,] why are they (the residents of the upper platform) prohibited [from drawing water on Shabbos]?
11)[line 28]דאנא בהדך לא ניחא ליANA BA'HADACH LO NICHA LI- I (the lower platform) no longer wish to be associated with your [opening]
12)[line 30]מחזקת סאתים מן הנקב ולמטהMACHZEKES SE'ASAYIM MIN HA'NEKEV UL'MATAH- which holds two Se'ah within its space
13)[line 30]מבחוץMI'BA'CHUTZ- in the Reshus ha'Rabim just outside of the Chatzer
14)[line 31]לקמורLI'KMOR- to cover the pit. The pit must be covered to make it a Makom Petur (RASHI, ME'IRI); or a Chorei Reshus ha'Yachid (ME'IRI); or because of Mar'is ha'Ayin (RAMBAM)
15)[line 32]ביבBIV- This is a ditch dug in the ground which empties water poured into it into a Reshus ha'Rabim, unlike an Ukah which is a pit with no outlet. Rebbi Eliezer ben Yakov is of the opinion that if the first four Amos of the Biv in the Reshus ha'Rabim are covered, it is permitted to pour water directly into it since four Amos are normally enough to absorb the two Se'ah which a person is assumed to use on a daily basis. The Chachamim are Machmir when one pours into the Biv, however, since water poured into a Biv rushes out the other end when it is poured into any point of the Biv, and people in the Reshus ha'Rabim may misinterpret his actions (see Gemara 88b).
16)[line 35]וכן שתי דיוטאותV'CHEN SHTEI DEYOTA'OS- (Rashi's text of the Mishnah did not include the word "v'Chen." The word "Shtei" therefore is the beginning of a new part of the Mishnah. Rabeinu Yehonasan did have the word "v'Chen" in his version of the Mishnah. He explains that this clause is a continuation of the previous Halachah in the Mishnah; that is, two Deyota'os are similar to a Chatzer and an Achsadrah in that they may be combined to constitute an area containing four-by-four Amos. According to this Girsa, the words "Miktzasan Asu Ukah" which follow begin a new section of the Mishnah. See also Ritva, who discusses the Girsa.)
17)[line 35]דיוטאותDEYOTA'OS- second-story dwellings with Chatzeros smaller than four-by-four Amos in front of them (into which the residents of the Deyota'os pour their water)
18)[line 35]מקצתןMIKTZASAN- one of them
19)[line 36]מאי טעמאMAI TAIMA- why is it [that only if the Chatzer is less than four-by-four Amos is it forbidden to pour water into it, but if is larger than that then it is permitted]?
20)[last line]לזלפןL'ZALFAN- to sprinkle them [on the ground to settle the dust]
21)[line 1]שופכןSHOFCHAN- he pours them out (with the intention that the water should leave the Chatzer, and therefore the Chachamim forbade him to do so lest he come to spill the water directly into Reshus ha'Rabim)
22)[line 2]תיימיTAIMEI - the water is absorbed in the ground
23( [line 4] אריך וקטין ARICH V'KATIN - long and narrow (i.e. eight-by-two Amos. Since the area of such a Chatzer is equal to that of one which is four-by-four Amos, it will absorb the same amount of water; but since it is not an area useful for most purposes, one is not assumed to have an interest in settling its dust.)
23)[line 5]מצטרפין לד' אמותMITZTARFIN L'ARBA AMOS- the implication is that they combine to form an area of four-by-four Amos of any shape
24)[line 8]חצר שאין בה ד' אמות על ד' אמותCHATZER SHE'EIN BAH ARBA AMOS AL ARBA AMOS- Our Mishnah describes the Chatzer as having less than four Amos. Rabah and Rebbi Zeira both understand that this refers to an area equivalent to that of four-by-four Amos, although whether it must take that particular shape is open to debate. This Beraisa, however, states clearly that the area must be precisely four-by-four Amos.
25)[line 11]רבנן היאRABANAN HI- This Beraisa follows the opinion of the Rabanan in our Mishnah, who do not allow one to pour water into a Biv no matter how much earth there is to absorb it. Clearly, the Rabanan understand that that which it is permitted to pour water into a Chatzer which is at least four-by-four Amos is due to his intention to settle its dust.
26)[line 22]מתניתין דלא כחנניאMASNISIN D'LO K'CHANANYA- [the Rabanan of] our Mishnah [who allow one to either pour onto a roof or into a Chatzer] does not agree with Chananya [who only allows one to pour onto a roof]
27)[line 23]לקלחL'KALE'ACH- to allow the water to stream into a Reshus ha'Rabim (i.e. since the gutter is carved out of plaster, no absorption is possible)
28)[line 25]אדם רוצה שיבלעו מים במקומןADAM ROTZEH SHE'YIVLE'U MAYIM BI'MEKOMAN- a person does not mind if the water stays in his Chatzer
29)[line 26]והרי שופכיןV'HAREI SHOFCHIN- that is, why is it not permitted to pour directly into a Biv, if the person wants the water to become absorbed in the Biv? (This question is not entirely clear. The Gemara earlier explained that our Mishnah maintains that it is not permitted to pour water into a Chatzer unless it is fit for Ziluf [sprinkling]. A Biv is long and narrow, and therefore unfit for sprinkling. Why then should it be permitted to pour water into it just because the water will be absorbed? See NACHAL ARAVIM; GE'ON YAKOV)
30)[line 26]התםHASAM- there, during the winter
31)[line 27]מיקלקלא וקיימאMIKALKELA V'KAIMA- it is already a mess because of the rainwater
32)[line 27]שמא יאמרו צנורו של פלוני מקלח מיםSHEMA YOMRU TZINORO SHEL PELONI MEKALE'ACH MAYIM- we are concerned that either a) others may learn to do so even during the summer (when one specifically desires the water to leave his Chatzer), or b) others may think that it is permitted to pour directly from a Reshus ha'Yachid to a Reshus ha'Rabim
33)[line 28]סתם צנורות מקלחים הםSTAM TZINOROS MEKALCHIM HEIM- [in the winter,] gutters are generally flowing [with rainwater]
34)[line 29]אמר רב נחמןAMAR RAV NACHMAN- Rav Nachman understood the Beraisa differently than Rava
35)[line 34]אמר אביי הלכך אפילו כורAMAR ABAYE, HILKACH AFILU KUR- Abaye agrees with the Ravah's interpretation of the earlier Beraisa, and argues with Rav Nachman.
36)[line 36]נפישא דמיאNEFISHA D'MAYA- the abundance of water (four Se'ah between the two Chatzeros which contain only one Ukah)
37a)[line 37]גיסטראGISTERA- a broken earthenware utensil (half of which was placed in the Chatzer to collect the water)
b)[line 37]בריכהBEREICHAH- a wide trench
c)[line 37]ועריבהAREIVAH- a small boat