THE SHI'UR OF ERUV TECHUMIM (Yerushalmi Perek 8 Halachah 2 Daf 51a)
מתני' כמה הוא שיעורו מזון שתי סעודות לכל אחד ואחד
(Mishnah) Question: What is the Shi'ur of two meals for each person [for whom Eruv Techumim is placed]?
מזונו לחול אבל לא לשבת דברי ר''מ
Answer #1 (R. Meir): It is the amount [of bread] that one eats in two weekday meals, but not Shabbos meals;
ר' יהודה אומר לשבת אבל לא לחול
Answer #2 (R. Yehudah): It is the amount of two Shabbos meals, but not weekday meals,
אלו ואלו מתכוונין להקל
Both of them intend to be lenient (this will be explained).
ר' יוחנן בן ברוקא אומר מככר בפונדיון מארבע סאין בסלע
Answer #3 (R. Yochanan ben Brokah): It is a loaf one buys for a Pundiyon (one part in 48 of a Sela) when wheat sells for four Sa'im for a Sela;
ר' שמעון אומר משתי ידות לככר משלש לקב
Answer #4 (R. Shimon): It is two thirds of a loaf that is a third of a Kav. (A Kav is the volume of 24 eggs, one sixth of a Se'ah.)
חצייה לבית המנוגע
Half of [such] a loaf is the size of a meal for Beis ha'Menuga. (If one stays in a house with Tzara'as long enough to eat this much, the clothes he is wearing become Tamei);
וחצי חצייה כדי לפסול את הגוייה:
If one eats half of half (i.e. a quarter) of such a loaf of Tamei food, he is disqualified [from eating Terumah until he immerses].
גמ' רבי מאיר אומר בחולא דלית ליה מה לוכל הוא אוכל פיתא ציבחר בשבתא דאית ליה מה לוכל אוכל פיתא סגין.
(Gemara): R. Meir says that on a weekday, one does not have what to eat [with bread], so he eats little bread. On Shabbos, he has what to eat [with bread], so he eats much bread.
רבי יודן אומר בחולא דלית ליה מה לוכל אוכל פיתא סגין בשובתא דאית ליה מה לוכל אוכל פיתא ציבחר.
R. Yehudah holds that on a weekday, one does not have other food to eat, so he eats much bread. On Shabbos, he has what to eat, so he eats little bread.
[דף נא עמוד ב] ותני כן קרובים דבריהן להיות שוין.
(Beraisa): The opinions [of R. Yochanan ben Brokah and R. Shimon about the size of the loaf - HA'GAON RAV C. KANIEVSKY, SHLITA] are close to equal.
איתא חמי אהן עבד עיגולא תרי עשר ביעין [דף נה עמוד א (עוז והדר)] ואהן עבד עיגולא תמני ותימר הכן
Question: See, [they are far apart! R. Yochanan ben Brokah] makes a loaf of [a 12th of a Se'ah, i.e.] 12 eggs, and [R. Shimon] makes a loaf of eight eggs, you say so (that they are close to equal)?!
רב הונא אמר צא מהן שליש ליציאה.
Answer (Rav Huna): Deduct a third [of the price of a loaf] for expenses (e.g. firewood, and profit of the baker. The loaf is a third of a Kav, i.e. eight eggs.
Note: According to this, they are exactly equal! Some say that the baker deducts close to a third, so they are not exactly equal. If so, R. Yochanan ben Brokah did not specify the exact Shi'ur! Do not say that the Shi'ur is whatever one buys for a Pundiyon. If so, he did not give a Shi'ur for one who bakes his own bread! I answer that R. Shimon's Shi'ur is bread the volume of eight eggs; this does not equal bread made from eight eggs of wheat. If we say that the bread is about a third larger than the volume of the wheat (which seems feasible for pita-like bread from dough stuck to the oven wall, which does not rise very much), we can explain that the opinions of R. Yochanan ben Brokah and R. Shimon about the size of the Eruv are close to equal. - PF
ר' יוסי בי רבי בון נפק ליה לאילין נחתומיא כהדא דרב הונא ולחוד כהן שיעורא:
R. Yosi bei R. Bun went out to bakers [and permitted them to deduct] like Rav Huna taught, as long as it is like this amount. (For a larger amount, the expenses are less - GRA Pe'ah 8:5. E.g. the same wood needed to back one loaf suffices to bake several loaves at once - PF.)