** Amazing Plants **
Let us zoom down into the world of plants and even further down into the sub-group of wild flowers. Here are some unedited pictures of actual, real-life flowers. These are not fake pictures.
Swaddled Babies (Anguloa Uniflora)

Parrot Flower (Impatiens Psittacinum)

Flying Duck Orchid (Caleana Major)

An orchid that looks remarkably like a tiger

Happy Alien (Calceolaria Uniflora)

And his friends...

Angel Orchid (Habenaria Grandifloriformis)

Dove Orchid Or Ghost Orchid (Peristeria Elata)

White Egret Orchid (Habenaria Radiata)

Red Lips (Psychotria Elata)

Dancing Girls (Impatiens Bequaertii)

The Darth Vader (Aristolochia Salvadorensis)

An Orchid That Looks Like A Ballerina

Monkey Face Orchid (Dracula Simia)

Snap Dragon Seed Pod (Antirrhinum)

Fly Orchid (Ophrys insectifera)


Flame Lily (Gloriosa superba)

Moth Orchid (Phalaenopsis)

>> Next: Flying on Instruments