CONCERN FOR A LOST GET (Yerushalmi Perek 3 Halachah 3 Daf 16b)
[דף טז עמוד ב] מתני' המביא גט ואבד ממנו אם מצאו על אתר כשר ואם לאו פסול
(Mishnah): If a man (a Shali'ach) was carrying a Get and lost it - if he found it immediately, it is Kosher (we assume that it is the same one). If not, it is Pasul.
מצאו בחפיסה או בדלוסקמה אם מכירו כשר
If he found it in a Chafisah or Deluskema (kinds of pouches), if he recognizes it, it is Kosher.
המביא גט והניחו זקן או חולה נותנו לה בחזקת שהוא קיים
: If Reuven made a Shali'ach to give a Get, (even) if Reuven was old or sick, the Shali'ach gives the Get, based on the Chazakah that Reuven is still alive.
בת ישראל שנישאת לכהן והלך בעלה למדינת הים אוכלת בתרומה בחזקת שהוא קיים
A Bas Yisrael married to a Kohen eats Terumah even when her husband goes abroad. We rely on the Chazakah that he is still alive.
השולח חטאתו ממדינת הים מקריבין אותה בחזקת שהוא קיים:
If Shimon sent a Chatas from abroad, we offer it, based on the Chazakah that he is still alive.
גמ' איזהו על אתר.
(Gemara) Question: What is considered [finding it] immediately?
רבי יוחנן אמר כל שלא עבר שם ברייה.
Answer #1 (R. Yochanan): It is before anyone passed by there.
ר' יעקב בר אידי רבי שמעון בר אבא בשם רבי יהושע בן לוי כל שלא עברו שם שלשה בני אדם.
Answer #2 (R. Yakov bar Idi citing R. Shimon bar Aba citing R. Yehoshua ben Levi): It is before three people passed by there.
עבר גוי
Question: If a Nochri passed by, [what is the law? Even though he cannot be a Shali'ach to give a Get, perhaps he was sent to give it to a Yisrael, who will give it!]
נישמעינה מן הדא אבא בר בר חנה אייתי גיטא (ובד) [צ"ל ואבד - קרבן העדה] מיניה ואשכחיה חד סירקיי. אתא עובדא קומי רבי יוחנן ואכשרון. הדא אמרה עבר גוי כשר.
Answer: We learn from the following. Ada bar Rav Chanah brought a Get, and it was lost from him. A Yishmaeli found it. The case came in front of R. Yochanan, and he was Machshir. This shows that if a Nochri passed by, it is Kosher.
נימר סי' הוה ליה ביה.
Question: Perhaps [they were Machshir] because he had a Siman in [the Get]!
ולא כן תני אין סימן בגיטין.
Question: (What is the question?) Was it not taught that a Siman does not help for Gitin!
והוא דמר תרין תלת שורין. ברם הכא ה"א שבו היה נקוד.
Answer: [It was taught that a regular Siman does not help for Gitin, e.g.] when he says that it was written in two lines. However, here he says that the 'Hei' was [not written properly, and it looks like] dots. (Such a great Siman helps for Gitin.)
רבי עזרא בעא קומי רבי מנא הכא למה הוא פסול
Question (R. Ezra, to R. Mana): Here, why is it Pasul (if it was found later)?
אני אומר אחר היה שם והיו שמו כשמו.
Answer (R. Mana): I say that there was [another] man here, and his name was like the name of [the husband who sent the Get that was lost].
הגע שבדקו כל אותו המקום ולא מצאו אדם ששמו כשמו
Question: Exert yourself [and you will find the answer]! If they checked the entire region, and did not find anyone with the same name [why is it Pasul]?
אלא משום חומר הוא בעריות.
Answer #1: Is it not due to a stringency of Arayos?! (MESHIV DAVAR 4:84 - we are concerned for a couple with the same names, from another city of the same name, even though we do not know of such a city, like Rav Huna in the Bavli, Gitin 27a.)
והא תנינן הלכו ולא מצאו שם אדם והשיאו את אשתו הלכו ולא הכירוהו והשיאו את אשתו.
Objection: It was taught in a Mishnah [that a man on a mountain top gave his name and place, and said that he is dying, and] they went and did not find anyone, and they permitted his wife to remarry! [And in Tzalmon, a man gave his name and said that he is dying from a snakebite,] and they went and did not recognize the body, and they permitted his wife to remarry!
אמר ליה רבי מנא כן אמר רבי שמואל בר אחא האיש הזה שני גיטין היו בידו אחד כשר ואחד פסול איבד את הכשר והשליך את הפסול בשעה שמצא אני אומר הפסול מצא.
Answer #2 (R. Mana): So said R. Shmuel bar Acha - this man had two Gitin in his hand - one Kosher and one Pasul. He lost the Kosher one, and discarded the Pasul one. When he found a Get, I say that he found the Pasul one. (CHASAM SOFER (Yevamos 16:6) - the Shali'ach would be believed to say that he had only one Get. Rather, we are concerned lest the first Get written was Pasul, and they discarded it and wrote another.)
Note: CHASAM SOFER connotes that we are concerned even if the Shali'ach does not know that there was a previous Pasul Get. If he brought a Get from or in Chutz la'Aretz, he must be present while it is written. With difficulty, we can say that a potential Shali'ach was present when they wrote the first Get, and after they discarded it, they chose a different Shali'ach to be present when writing the second Get, and to give it (PF).