KESUVOS 6 (13 Tamuz) - Today's Daf is dedicated to the blessed memory of U.S. Army Staff Sgt. Seymour Ira Gottlieb (Yitzchak Shimon ben Chaim Shlomo Yosef ha'Levi, Z"L), who died in Word War II on the 13th of Tamuz 5704 in the battle of St. Lo, France, fighting the Nazis to save his Jewish brethren in Europe.

[6a - 22 lines; 6b - 34 lines]

1)[line 1]בי רבBEI RAV- the Yeshiva of Rav

2)[line 2]נהרדעאNEHARDE'A- a city in Bavel in which Shmuel served as Rav

3)[line 3]סימניךSIMANEICH- a way for you to remember this is

4)[line 4]ורב שרי?V'RAV SHARI?- is it possible that Rav permitted this? At this point - unlike the conclusion of both versions of the question asked earlier - our Gemara assumes that the reason why Rav or Shmuel permitted relations with a Besulah on Shabbos is because he rules according to Rebbi Shimon, who maintains that Davar she'Eino Miskavein Mutar (see below, entry #6).

5a)[line 6]האי מסוכריא דנזייתאHAI MESOCHRAYA D'NAZYASA- that (a) cloth used to stopper up the hole in the bottom of a beer barrel (RASHI); (b) cloth stuffed between the spigot and the hole in a beer barrel into which it is jammed (RASHI to Shabbos 111a and Bechoros 25a)

b)[line 6]אסור להדוקהASUR L'HADUKAH- it is forbidden to stick it in place [since the beer in which it is soaked will be squeezed out (Sechitah), which is forbidden on Shabbos]


(a)A Davar she'Eino Miskavein is an act carried out toward a certain end that can be reached without transgressing a Melachah, but which may result in a Melachah (act of creative labor) being inadvertently performed. Rebbi Yehudah prohibits performing such an action mid'Rabanan, since it may result in a Melachah. Rebbi Shimon disagrees. He maintains that even though a Melachah may result from this action, the action is permitted since that one has no intention to perform the Melachah.

(b)One must have specific intent to perform a Melachah on Shabbos in order to be liable for punishment or to be required to bring a Korban. Therefore, if one has acted in a way that results in an inadvertent Melachah, even Rebbi Yehudah agrees that he is not obligated to bring a Korban, since the Melachah was performed accidentally. The Machlokes between Rebbi Yehudah and Rebbi Shimon addresses only whether or not one may perform an action that may possibly result in a Melachah to begin with (See also Insights to Shabbos 41:2).

(c)This disagreement of Rebbi Shimon and Rebbi Yehudah applies only to a situation in which it is not inevitable that a Melachah will occur as a result of the action. If, however, a prohibition will definitely be violated, then the action is termed a Psik Reishei and is forbidden. The classic example of a Psik Reishei involves one who wishes the blood of a chicken to feed to his dogs on Shabbos. He has no desire to kill the chicken, however, since that is prohibited on Shabbos. The Gemara asks rhetorically, "Psik Reishei v'Lo Yamus? - "Is it possible to cut off its head and it will not die?" Even Rebbi Shimon agrees that it is forbidden to perform such an action on Shabbos.

7)[line 12]מתני לה בלא גבריMASNI LAH B'LO GAVRI- learned [the opinions of Rav and Shmuel] without intermediaries

8)[line 18]תינוקת שלא הגיע זמנה לראותTINOKES SHE'LO HIGI'A ZEMANAH LIR'OS- a young girl who has never menstruated

9)[line 19]נותנין לה ארבעה לילותNOSNIN LAH ARBA LEILOS- we give her four nights [until she must assume that a show of blood following relations signals the onset of her period (see Background to 1:17), as opposed to residual bleeding from losing her hymen]

10)[line 20]עד שתחיה המכהAD SHE'TICHYEH HA'MAKAH- until the wound heals [signified by relations after which she did not bleed]

11)[line 21]לילה הראשוןLAILAH HA'RISHON- the first night [even if she has relations more than once]

12)[last line]ארבעה לילותARBA'AH LEILOS- four nights [after her wedding] (i.e., Wednesday night, Thursday night, Friday night, and Motza'ei Shabbos)


13)[line 1]מציMATZI- he may

14)[line 2]לברL'VAR- aside from

15)[line 3]והא עד מוצאי שבת ארבעה לילות קתני!V'HA AD MOTZA'EI SHABBOS ARBA'AH LEILOS KA'TANI!- Abaye points out that Beis Hillel used a seemingly extraneous double wording. It would appear that they are stressing that relations are permitted every one of the first four nights after the wedding.

16)[line 5]שרי למיבעל בשבתSHARI L'MIVA'EL B'SHABBOS- it is permitted to have relations on Shabbos [assuming that it is not the first time, and one need not be concerned that there is residual Dam Besulim left]

17)[line 6]פירצה דחוקהPIRTZAH DECHUKAH- a narrow opening [in a stone wall]

18)[line 7]משיר צרורותMESHIR TZEROROS- he knocks off pebbles [which is forbidden on Shabbos due to that which it is Setirah (dismantling)] (see Insights for an explanation of why these two actions are permitted)

19)[line 10]מעשהMA'ASEH- the action [of having relations]

20)[line 10]טריד דבעי למיבעלTARID D'BA'I L'MIVA'EL- he is preoccupied with [worry over his ability to have] relations that are imminent [and preoccupation with a Mitzvah (see Background to 4:1) exempts one from other Mitzvos]

21)[line 12]טירדאTIRDA- preoccupation [that is unrelated to a Mitzvah]

22)[line 13]טבעה ספינתו ביםTAV'AH SEFINASO BA'YAM- if his ship sank in the sea

23)[line 15]אבלAVEL- a mourner

24)[line 17]"[הֵאָנֵק דֹּם; מֵתִים אֵבֶל לֹא תַעֲשֶׂה] פְּאֵרְ[ךָ חֲבוֹשׁ עָלֶיךָ...]""[HE'ANEK DOM; MESIM EVEL LO SA'ASEH] PE'ER'[CHA CHAVOSH ALECHA...]" - "[Do not sigh nor exhibit any signs of mourning; don your] pride..." (Yechezkel 24:16-17) (YECHEZKEL'S LACK OF MOURNING)

(a)Shortly before the destruction of the first Beis ha'Mikdash, Yechezkel ha'Navi received the following prophecy: "[Son of man, I am about to take your beloved (your wife) from you through a plague. Do not eulogize her, do not weep, nor shed any tears. Do not sigh nor exhibit any signs of mourning; don your] pride (i.e., Tefilin) [and wear your shoes. Do not cover the upper half of your face and do not eat the bread sent to you by others]" (Yechezkel 24:16-17). These instructions contravened virtually all customary practices of mourning; indeed, many laws of mourning are derived from the description in these verses. Yechezkel followed them after the death of his wife, which indeed occurred the following night.

(b)The strange actions of Yechezkel were meant to serve as a warning and premonition of what was to take place during the impending Churban. Although many people would perish, none would be left to mourn.

(c)Our Gemara explains that Tefilin are not befitting for a mourner, who is downcast, since they are described as "pride."

25)[line 18]בראשוןBA'RISHON- on the first [night following the wedding; namely, Wednesday night]

26)[line 19]בשלישיBA'SHELISHI- on the third [night following the wedding; namely, Friday night]. This implies that one is permitted to have relations for the first time on Shabbos, since why otherwise would he be exempt from the Mitzvah of Keri'as Shema?

27)[line 21]התם נמי בטירדא פליגיHASAM NAMI B'TIRDA PELIGI- there [in the case of these two Beraisos] too they argue [whether] preoccupation [over that which he has yet to have relations can be defined as "preoccupation over a Mitzvah"]

28)[line 21]והני תנאי כי הני תנאיV'HANEI TANA'EI KI HANEI TANA'EI- and the disagreement of these Tana'im [according to Rava's understanding] is akin to the disagreement of those Tana'im

29)[line 25]דבר שאין מתכויןDAVAR SHE'EIN MISKAVEIN- see above, entry #6

30a)[line 27]לא כהללו בבלייםLO K'HALALU BAVLIYIM- unlike those Babylonians

b)[line 28]שאין בקיאין בהטייהSHEIN BEKI'IN B'HATAYAH- who are not experts at relations in which the man moves sideways [leaving the Besulim intact] (see Insights)

31)[line 31]שושבינין למה; מפה למהSHOSHVININ LAMAH; MAPAH LAMAH?- what is the purpose of the trustees [appointed to insure that neither the groom nor the bride substitute the sheet intended to catch the Dam Besulim for another (see 12a)] and the sheet [since the groom is able to do Hatayah]?

32)[line 32]שמא יראה, ויאבדSHEMA YERA'EH, V'YOVAD- [if the groom does Hatayah, then the bride will realize and claim that she is still a Besulah, and the Shoshvinin and sheet are necessary since] perhaps [he will not do Hatayah and] blood will be seen, but he will lose [the evidence]

33)[line 33]המפיס מורסאHA'MEFIS MURSA- one who makes an opening in an abscess (pus-filled boil)

34)[last line]אם לעשות לה פה, חייבIM LA'ASOS LAH PEH, CHAYAV- if [his intention is] to make a hole in it [that will remain open so that the pus will drain], he is obligated [for performing the Melachah (act of creative labor forbidden on Shabbos) of Binyan (building)]

35)[last line]להוציא ממנה ליחהL'HOTZI MI'MENA LEICHAH- [his intention is simply] to [temporarily] allow pus out