[68a - 54 lines; 68b - 42 lines]
1)[line 1]בטלי כסף או בטלי זהבB'TELEI CHESEF O B'TELEI ZAHAV?- with cloths of silver (white linen) or cloths of gold (colored silk)?
2)[line 11]והמצבה את בטנוHA'MATZBEH ES BITNO- one who makes his stomach appear to be bloated from hunger
3)[line 12]והמקפח את שוקוHA'MEKAPE'ACH ES SHOKO- one who makes his thigh appear to be shrunken
4)[line 21]לא מקבל עילואיLO MEKABEL ILAVA'I- he will not accept upon himself [to use lower quality furniture than that to which he is accustomed]
5)[line 22]במחרישה דכספאB'MACHAREISHAH D'CHASPA- with a silver backscratcher
6)[line 24]גיבויGIBUY- collection of debts through the court (for taking the gifts of the poor when he was not entitled)
7)[line 36]פרנסת הבעלPARNASAS HA'BA'AL- the dowry given to the groom
8)[line 40]בלבושא וכיסויאB'LEVUSHA V'CHISUYA- with clothing and coverings
9)[line 43]מכלל דתנא קמאMICHLAL D'TANA KAMA- this implies that the Tana Kama (that is, Rebbi Yehudah)...
10)[line 49]דרשינן משמךDARSHINAN MI'SHEMECH?- Should we teach in your name? (RASHI Beitzah 28a)
11)[line 49]יהא רעואYEHEI RA'AVA- may it be the desire of [the Creator]
12)[line 49]כל כי הני מילי מעלייתאKOL KI HANEI MILEI MA'ALYASA- all fine teachings like these
13)[line 49]תדרשו משמאיTIDRESHU MI'SHEMA'I- you should teach in my name
14)[line 51]דאמידניהD'AMIDNEI- that we have formed an opinion about him (whether he is stingy or generous)
15)[line 7]נישאו עד שלא בגרוNIS'U AD SHE'LO BAGRU- that is, if a Na'arah marries (without having been given an Isur Nechasim)
16)[line 16]גדולה ויתרהHA GEDOLAH VITRAH- but if she has reached puberty, she relinquishes [her claim to the difference between what the family designated for her and the Isur Nechasim (one tenth of the estate)]
17)[line 17]דמחאיD'MACHAI- in a case where she protested
18)[line 29]אינה כתנאי כתובהEINAH K'TENA'EI KESUVAH- is not like the obligatory conditions that are part of the Kesuvah (whether they are written in it or not)