[94a - 27 lines; 94b - 34 lines]
1)[line 6]שמא תכסיףSHEMA TACHSIF- lest she [not care for the field, since she realizes that it may be taken away from her, causing its value to] depreciate
2)[line 14]לא מצי אידך למימר ליה את לאו בעל דברים דידי אתLO MATZI IDACH L'MEIMAR LEI AT LAV BA'AL DEVARIM DIDI AT- the other partner may not say to the litigant of the first partner, "You are not my litigant, [and as such I do not have to abide by the court decision with regard to my share in the partnership]" (RASHI)
3)[line 16]שיילוהיSHAILUHI- they asked him
4)[line 22]טעיננא טפיTE'INANA TEFEI- I would have presented a better court case [and would have won]
5)[line 24]איבעי ליה למיתיIBA'I LEI L'MEISEI- he should have come to Beis Din
6)[line 25]ב' שטרות היוצאים ביום אחדSHTEI SHETAROS HA'YOTZ'IM B'YOM ECHAD- (This Gemara is not discussing Shetaros that record a loan, for it is clear from the Mishnah that in such a case the money would be divided equally among all of the lenders. Rather, our Gemara refers to two Shetaros both recording the sale or gift of the same property, which were written on the same day.)
7)[line 26]שודא דדייניSHUDA D'DAYANEI- (a) the estimate of the judges as to with whom the seller (the person who wrote the Shtar) was closer, or who of the two is the more upright individual such that the seller would have intended that he buy the field (RASHI); (b) the opinion of the judges as to which of the two should get the field (TOSFOS, citing Rabeinu Tam)
8)[last line]עדי חתימה כרתיEDEI CHASIMAH KARSEI- the witnesses who sign the Shtar (document) are the main part of the Shtar, i.e. the ones who make the Shtar take effect
9)[line 1]עדי מסירה כרתיEDEI MESIRAH KARSEI- the witnesses who watch the Shtar being given are the main part of the Shtar, i.e. the ones who make the Shtar take effect
10)[line 13]כתב לאחד ומסר לאחרKASAV L'ECHAD U'MASAR L'ACHER- if he wrote a Shtar for one person [but did not give it to him, and then wrote a second Shtar for the same property to a different person] and handed the Shtar to that different person, [and afterwards handed the first Shtar to the first person]
11)[line 16]מה שירצה השליש יעשהMAH SHE'YIRTZEH HA'SHALISH YA'ASEH- the agent is free to do whatever he wishes
12)[line 18]לאורתאL'URTA- at night
13)[line 23]א''ל דקדיםAMAR LEI, D'KADIM- that is, Rav Sheshes said that he gave the property to Rami bar Chama since his Shtar was written earlier, although it was not necessarily delivered earlier. (Rav Sheshes apparently thought that if Edei Chasimah Karsei, the time of the transaction is determined by the time of the writing of the Shtar even if it was not written in the Shtar. Rav Nachman corrected him, saying, "Even if you would be right that Edei Chasimah Karsei, the time the Shtar was written would matter only if it was written explicitly in the Shtar." - RASHI)