[107a - 34 lines; 107b - 46 lines]

1)[line 1]פוסקין מזונותPOSKIN MEZONOS- [if a man travels overseas and leaves his wife without provisions, Beis Din sells some of his property and] designates funds for his wife

2)[line 3]אבאABA- Rav. Rav is called Aba (a) as a title of authority, since Rav was older than Shmuel (RASHI Yevamos 57b); (b) because that was his name (ARUCH, Erech Abaye, cited by TOSFOS Chulin 38a DH Itztrich)

3)[line 8]אימא צררי אתפסהEIMA, TZERAREI ATPESAH- I may say that the husband, at the time that he left, gave her bundles of money to be used for buying food

4)[line 11]ולא ספקהV'LO SAFKAH- and the amount that she earns from the work that she must do does not cover the cost of her food

5)[line 24]ואם בא ואמר צאי מעשה ידיך במזונותיך רשאיV'IM BA V'AMAR TZE'I MA'ASEH YADAYICH BI'MZONOSAYICH, RASHAI- that is, if the husband comes and says that he had made an agreement with his wife prior to his departure that she will keep her earnings and he will not support her, he is believed (RITVA)

6)[line 29]במשרה את אשתו ע''י שלישB'MASHREH ES ISHTO AL YEDEI SHALISH- a man who provides for his wife's daily needs through an agent

7)[line 31]מאי פסקאMAI PASKA- why did the Beraisa write it without qualification?

8)[line 31]היא דאי בעית אינסובי בעד אחד מצי מינסבאHI, D'IY BA'IS INSUVEI B'ED ECHAD MATZI MINSEVA- the wife, who, if she wants to, can get married by the testimony of one witness, by taking advantage of the special enactment of Beis Din (MISHNAH Yevamos 87b)

9)[line 33]למיחת לנכסיוL'MEICHAS LI'NECHASAV- to divide his property (lit. to go down to his property)


10)[line 2]דתינוולD'TINAVEIL- that she will be disgraced

11)[line 7]לא מיקרבא דעתיה לגבהLO MIKARVA DA'ATEI L'GABAH- he does not feel close to her [and definitely did not give her bundles of money]

12)[line 15]ממאנתMEMA'ENES (MI'UN)

See Background to 100:19.

13)[line 24]בבית שעריםBEIS SHE'ARIM- an important city in the times of the Mishnah and the Gemara, located in the lower Galilee southeast of Haifa and to the west of the modern-day Moshav Beis She'arim.

14)[line 25]בצפוריTZIPORI- a city in the lower Galilee, approximately midway between Tiberias and Haifa

15)[line 26]תהי בהTAHI BAH- wondered about it

16)[line 31]פתריתו בה כולי האיPASRISU BAH KULEI HAI- have you gone so far in your interpretations?

17)[line 40]והלכתא כותיה דרב זביד בקוניאV'HILCHESA KAVASEI D'RAV ZEVID B'KUNYA- (These three Halachos were said over in the Beis ha'Midrash at the same time. That is why the Gemara quotes the Halachah of Kunya here even though it has nothing to do with the Gemara's discussion - RITVA; see also SHITAH MEKUBETZES citing Ra'avad, who suggests it is cited here because Rav Zevid was mentioned earlier in this Gemara, at the top of 107a.)

18)[line 41]מאני דקוניאMANEI D'KUNYA- (a) utensils made of earthenware that are covered with lead (O.F. plomer - to cover [a clay vessel] with lead) (RASHI); (b) utensils made of earthenware that are covered with glass (ARUCH, cited by RABEINU TAM in TOSFOS)

19)[line 41]חיורי ואוכמיCHIVREI V'UCHMEI- white and black

20)[line 42]ירוקיYERUKEI- yellow greenish, where the utensils are made as above, except that alum is mixed in with the lead

21)[line 42]קרטופניKARTUFNEI- cracks

22)[last line]הניח מעותיו על קרן הצביHINI'ACH MA'OSAV AL KEREN HA'TZEVI- (lit. he placed his money on the horn of a gazelle) he lost his money

23)[last line]המודר הנאה מחבירוHA'MUDAR HANA'AH ME'CHAVEIRO- a person (Reuven) whose friend (Shimon) made a vow that he (Reuven) may not derive any benefit from his friend (Shimon)