BETROTHING WITH MAASER SHENI (Yerushalmi Halachah 7 Daf 29a)
במעשר שני
The Mishnah taught: R. Meir said - (If he used) Maaser Sheni, whether shogeg or meizid, she is not betrothed.
רבי אבהו בשם רבי יוחנן לא עלת על דעתיה לעבור על דברי תורה.
R. Abahu citing R.Yochanan: (The reason that when he betrothed b'shogeg with Maaser Sheni, it is not valid) - he does not wish to transgress a Torah law, so he would not have betrothed her had he known that it was Maaser Sheni.
אמר רבי זעירא [דף כט עמוד ב] אחת לא עלתה על דעתו ואחת לא עלתה על דעתה.
R. Zeira: Concerning the two cases in the Mishnah of Maaser Sheni b'shogeg and Hekdesh b'shogeg, that neither is a valid Kidushin, one of them is because he would not want to transgress the Torah and the other is because she would not want it...
א''ר יונה הקדש לא עלת על דעתו ומעשר שני לא עלת על דעתה.
R. Yona: Concerning Hekdesh, he would not want to transgress (but she would not mind, since she is receiving something) and concerning Maaser Sheni, she would not want to receive it (as she would then be required to take the produce to Yerushalayim, but he would not mind using it for Kidushin).
אמר ר' אבין הקדש לא עלת על דעתו ולא עלת על דעתה. מעשר שני עלת על דעתו ולא על דעתה.
R. Avin: Concerning Hekdesh, neither would want to benefit from Hekdesh, and concerning Maaser Sheni, he would not mind using it but she would not want to (since she would then need to bring it to Yerushalayim).
[דף לב עמוד א (עוז והדר)] רבי יוסה בשם רבי פדייה הקדש מזיד יוצא לחולין בלא פדיון.
R. Yosa citing R. Pedaya: (The reason that she is betrothed if he used Hekdesh b'meizid), is because Hekdesh can become chulin even without giving redemption money.
והא תני בשגגה פרט למזיד.
Question (Beraisa): (The pasuk states (Vayikra 5, 15), "If a person commits treachery and sins) unintentionally (from Hash-m's holy things)- this excludes if it was done b'meizid...?!
הדא דאת אמר לחומש ולקרבן הא לצאת מוציא.
Answer: This exclusion of meizid is from paying an extra fifth and bringing a Korban, but b'meizid, it does become chulin.
רבי חמא בר עוקבא בשם רבי יוסי בן חנינה מיעוט שלמים יוצאין לחולין בלא פדיון.
R. Chama bar Ukva citing R. Yosi ben Chaninah: It excludes Shelamim that if done b'meizid, they do become Chulin without redemption.
והא תני מקדשי לא כל קדשי.
Question (Beraisa): The pasuk (ibid) says, "from (i.e. some of ) Hash-m's holy things but not "all of'' Hash-m's holy things?
הדא דאת אמר לחומש ולקרבן. הא לצאת מוציא.
Answer: This exclusion is from paying an extra fifth and bringing a Korban, but it does become chulin.