
FINDING A LOST SACRIFICE (Yerushalmi Halachah 7 Daf 29b)

תמן תנינן בהמה שנמצאת מירושלים ועד מגדל עדר וכמדת' לכל רוח.


Mishnah in Maseches Shekalim: An animal that was found between Yerushalayim and Migdal Eder or the equivalent distance in any direction etc. (if it is a male, it is brought as an Olah sacrifice; if female, it is brought as a Shelamim sacrifice, as we assume that this animal left Yerushalayim and had been designated as a sacrifice).

רבי הושעיה רבא אמר לבא בדמיהם שנו.


R. Hoshiya Rabah: They are not actually brought as a sacrifice but rather, their value is used to buy those sacrifices.

אמר ליה רבי יוחנן ואומרין לו לאדם צא ומעול בקדשים. אלא (באחת) הילכו בהן אחר הרוב אם רוב זכרים עולות. ואם רוב נקיבות זבחי שלמים.


R. Yochanan to R. Hoshiya: Would we tell a person to use a consecrated animal for chulin (non-Kodesh) purposes (which is the transgression known as meilah)? Rather, for each type of animal we follow the majority, meaning Olah for males and Shelamim for females.

ואין השלמין באין מן הזכרים ומן הנקיבות.


Question: Surely a Shelamim could be both male and female?!

כיצד הוא עושה מוציאן לחולין וחוזר ועושה אותן עולות.


Answer: What should he do? Take them out to Chulin and then re-consecrate them as Olahs. (This is not a problem of meilah as he will re-consecrate it immediately.)

וקשיא יש (חטאת) [שלמים] קריבה עולה.


Question: But still, perhaps the male was actually a Shelamim, so how could it be brought as an Olah?

א''ר חנינה תנאי ב''ד הוא על המותרות שייקרבו עולות.


R. Chaninah: It is a stipulation made by Beis Din that extra sacrifices will be used as Olahs.

אמר ר' יוסי לרבי יעקב בר אחא ואין זה מזיד.


Question (R. Yosi to R. Yaakov bar Acha): If there is such a stipulation, this person is actually acting b'meizid?!

אמר ליה מכיון שתנאי בית דין הוא אין זה מזיד.


Answer: Since it was a stipulation made by Beis Din, it is not considered to be intentionally done.

אמר רבי זעירה כמה דאת אמר תמן [דף ל עמוד א] תנאי בית דין הוא על [המותרות שיקרבו עולות כן את אמרת אוף הכא תנאי בית דין על] האובדות שיקרבו עולות:


R. Zeira: Just as we say that Beis Din made a stipulation that all extra sacrifices should be brought as Olahs, so too here, they stipulated that lost animals should be brought as Olahs. (Note: This entry follows the text of the Pnei Moshe.)