
TOSFOS DH Kisin a'Lugin Rama Lei

úåñôåú ã"ä ëéñéï àìåâéï øîà ìéä

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why the Makshan thought that Bereirah does not help.)

ãñ''ã ãèòîà ãîúðé' îùåí áøéøä àò''ô ùàéï îôøù ùåí ãáø


Explanation: One might have thought that the reason for our Mishnah is due to Bereirah, even though he does not specify anything;

åìëê ôøéê îìåâéï ãàôéìå ìî''ã éù áøéøä îëì î÷åí ãå÷à îùåí ùôéøù ùàðé òúéã ìäôøéù àáì áñúîà ìà


Therefore he asks from Lugin (declaration of tithes), for even according to the opinion that Yesh Bereirah, it is only because he specified "that I will separate", but Stam, no;

åîùðé áàåîø ìà éôèåø áëéñ åëå' åäåä (ëîôøéù) [ðøàä ùö"ì ëîôøù] áìåâéï åîäðé îèòí áøéøä


He answers that he said "the wallet will not be exempt...", and it is as if he specified, and it works due to Bereirah.

àé ðîé îèòí æä éåòéì àôéìå ìîàï ãìéú ìéä áøéøä


Alternatively, due to this it works even according to the opinion that holds that Ein Bereirah.


TOSFOS DH d'Tanan ha'Loke'ach Yayin mi'Bein ha'Kusim v'Chulei

úåñôåú ã"ä ãúðï äìå÷ç ééï îáéï äëåúéí ëå'

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains that the question is from R. Meir.)

îøáé îàéø ôøéê ìîä ìéä ìîéîø ùàðé òúéã ìäôøéù áîåö''ù ëé ìà àîø ðîé ðúôñ ìä äúøåîä áàçøåðä ëîå âáé ëéñéï ùôøåèä ùì ä÷ãù áàçøåðä


Explanation #1: He asks from R. Meir. Why must he say "that I will separate in the future", i.e. on Motza'ei Shabbos? Even if he did not say so, the last [wine remaining] becomes Terumah, just like regarding wallets, that the last Perutah is Hekdesh!

åé''î ãôøéê îøáé éåñé åøáé ùîòåï ãàåñøéï ãìéú ìäå áøéøä ãä''ð ìéîà ãàéï áøéøä


Explanation #2: Some say that he asks from R. Yosi and R. Shimon, who forbid, for they hold that Ein Bereirah. Likewise, we should say that Ein Bereirah [for a wallet].

åìà ðäéøà ãîàï ðéîà ìï ãø' éåñé åø''ù äéà:


Rebuttal: This is wrong. Who says that [our Mishnah] is like R. Yosi and R. Shimon?!