TOSFOS DH Amar Lo Havei Li Min ha'Chalon Oh Min ha'Deluskama
úåñôåú ã"ä àîø ìå äáà ìé îï äçìåï (åäáéà ìå îï äãìåñ÷îà îï äãìåñ÷îà åäáéà ìå îï äçìåï) [ö"ì àå îï äãìåñ÷îà - ùéèä î÷åáöú]
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why the Shelichus is valid.)
åìà ôéøù ìå àé æä çìåï åàéæå ãìåñ÷îà åìùí äéå äøáä çìåðåú àå äøáä ãìåñ÷îåú àò''ô ùàîø áòä''á ìà äéä áìáé òì æä àìà òì æä ôéøåù ìà äéä ãòúé òì àåúå çìåï ëé àí òì äàçø î''î áòä''á îòì
Explanation: He did not specify which window or which bag, and there were many windows or bags, even though the Ba'al ha'Bayis said "I did not intend only for this, rather, for this", i.e. I did not intend only for that window [from which you brought], rather, for the other, in any case the Ba'al ha'Bayis was Mo'el;
ùäøé ðòùä ùìéçåúå ããáøéí ùáìá àéðï ãáøéí:
This is because his Shelichus was done, for Devarim sheb'Lev (intents that were not spoken) are void.
TOSFOS DH Havei Li Min ha'Chalon v'Hevi Lo Min ha'Deluskama... Shali'ach Ma'al
úåñôåú ã"ä äáà ìé îï äçìåï åäáéà îï äãìåñ÷îà ëå' ùìéç îòì
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains that he is Mo'el when the Ba'al ha'Bayis spends it.)
ôé' ìëùéåöéà áòä''á (ùäåà îñúîà) [ö"ì åîééøé ùáòä''á âæáø - ùéèä î÷åáöú] (ùäøé) [ö"ì åäøé] òãééï ìà éöàå îøùåú ä÷ãù òã ùäåöéàí
Explanation: [The Shali'ach was Mo'el] when the Ba'al ha'Bayis spends it, and we discuss when the Ba'al ha'Bayis is the Gizbar, and it did not leave Reshus Hekdesh until he spends it.
TOSFOS DH Shalach b'Yad Cheresh... Asu Shelichusaihu Ba'al ha'Bayis Ma'al
úåñôåú ã"ä ùìç áéã çù''å òùå ùìéçåúå áòä''á îòì
(SUMMARY: Tosfos points out that a difficult that the Gemara will ask.)
åáâî' ôøéê äà ìàå áðé ùìéçåú ðéðäå
Remark: The Gemara asks that they cannot be Sheluchim.
TOSFOS DH Lo Asah Shelichuso ha'Chenvani Ma'al
úåñôåú ã"ä ìà òùä ùìéçåúå äçðååðé îòì
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains when and why the grocer is Mo'el.)
ìôé ùäçù''å àéðï áðé îòéìä äìëê ä÷ãù ìà éöà ìçåìéï òã ùáàå ìéã äçðååðé åéåöéàí äçðååðé
Explanation: This is because Me'ilah does not apply to a Cheresh, lunatic or child. Therefore, the Hekdesh did not become Chulin until it comes to the hand of the grocer, and the grocer spends it;
åîòì äçðååðé ðîé ã÷àîø ìëùéåöéà ÷àîø
Also "the grocer was Mo'el" means when he will spend it.
TOSFOS DH Keitzad Ya'aseh
úåñôåú ã"ä ëéöã éòùä
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains that we ask how the Ba'al ha'Bayis can stop the Me'ilah.)
ôé' ëéöã éòùä áòä''á ùìà éîòåì äçðååðé
Explanation: [We ask] what can the Ba'al ha'Bayis do, so the grocer will not be Mo'el.
TOSFOS DH Havei Li b'Chetzyah Neros
úåñôåú ã"ä äáà ìé áçöéä ðøåú
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains that this does not include the wicks.)
ðø äåà ëåø ùì áøæì àå ùì çøñ ùîùéîéï áå ùîï åôúéìåú åäìê åäáéà ìå áçöéä ðøåú åáçöéä ôúéìåú
Explanation: A Ner is an iron or earthenware pot in which one puts oil and wicks. [The Shali'ach] went and brought him Neros with half [the coins], and wicks with half.
TOSFOS DH v'Shinah she'Hevi Lo Neros mi'Mekom Pesilos... ha'Shali'ach Ma'al
úåñôåú ã"ä åùéðä ùäáéà ìå ðøåú îî÷åí ôúéìåú åôúéìåú îî÷åí ðøåú äùìéç îòì
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why the Shali'ach was Mo'el.)
ùäøé ùéðä îãòú áòä''á ùäìê ì÷ðåú ðøåú îî÷åí àçø ùìà ðöèååä
Explanation: [The Shali'ach] deviated from the Ba'al ha'Bayis' intent, for he went to buy Neros from a different place that he was not commanded.
TOSFOS DH v'Halach v'Hevi Lobi'Perutah Esrog... Sheneihem Ma'alu...
úåñôåú ã"ä åäìê åäáéà ìå áôøåèä àúøåâ åáôøåèä øéîåï ùðéäí îòìå ø' éäåãä àåîø áòä''á ìà îòì ëå'
(SUMMARY: Tosfos points out that this is like the argument about a robe.)
áâî' îôøù ôìåâúééäå âáé çìå÷ åëä''â ôìéâé áàúøåâ
Remark: The Gemara explains their argument about a robe, and they argue similarly about an Esrog.
TOSFOS DH Nasan Lo Dinar Zahav
úåñôåú ã"ä ðúï ìå ãéðø æäá
(SUMMARY: Tosfos tells how much this is worth.)
ôé' ùäåà ë''ã ùì ëñó
Explanation: [A gold Dinar] is [worth] 24 silver [Dinarim].
TOSFOS DH Amar R. Elazar Asa'um k'Ma'atan
úåñôåú ã"ä àîø ø' àìòæø òùàåí ëîòèï
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why this is a good source to consider it Shelichus.)
ôé' ãëéåï ãðéçà ìéä ìáòä''á áîàé ãòáéã çù''å äåå ìéä ëùìéç
Explanation: Since the Ba'al ha'Bayis is pleased with what the Cheresh, lunatic or child did, he is like a Shali'ach;
ãúðï äæéúéí îàéîúé î÷áìéï èåîàä îùéæéòå æéòú äîòèï îòèï äåà [ö"ì ëìé - ùéèä î÷åáöú] ùîùéîéï áå æéúéí åæéòä ÷øé ìîåäì äéåöà îäï
A Mishnah teaches, from when are olives Mekabel Tum'ah? It is from when they emit Zei'ah in the Ma'atan. Ma'atan is the Kli in which one puts them. Zei'ah is the liquid that comes out of them (initially);
å÷àîø áâî' ãîä ùéæéòå áîòèï çùéá îù÷ä ãäà ðéçà ìéä åìà (æéòåú á÷åôä) [ö"ì æéòú ä÷åôä - ùéèä î÷åáöú] ôé' ãääåà ìà çùéá îù÷ä ãìà ðéçà ìéä ëéåï ãäåìê ìàéáåã
It says in the Gemara that the Zei'ah they emitted in the Ma'atan is considered a liquid, for he is pleased with it, but not Zei'ah of the basket. I.e. it is not considered a liquid, for he is not pleased with it, since it is lost.
åéù ìúîåä ãàèå ìà ùîòéðï îëîä ãåëúéï ääéà ãøùà éåúï ãåîéà ãëé éúï (á''î ãó ëá:) ãëéåï ãðéçà ìéä àò''â ãàéäå (âåôéä ìà) [ö"ì ìà éäéá - ùéèä î÷åáöú] çùéá îù÷ä
Question: Do not we not hear this Drashah from many places, Yutan (liquid will be put) similar to Yiten (he will put)? Since he is pleased with it, even though he did not put it, it is considered a liquid!
åìîä ìéä ìàúåéé äê îùðä ä''ì ìàúåéé ðîé áòåãäå äèì òìéå [ö"ì åùîç äøé æä áëé éåúï]
Why must he bring this Mishnah? He should have brought also "while the dew is still on it, if he was happy, it is Ki Yutan (it is Machshir)!
åùîà äúí àéëà îòùä îéäà áéãé ùîéí ìäëé àééúé ääéà ãæéòú äæéúéí ãîîéìà åãîéà ìùìç áéã çøù ãëîîéìà ãîé ëéåï ùàéðï áðé ùìéçåú
Answer: Perhaps there, there is an action bi'Ydei Shamayim. Therefore he brings the case of Zei'ah of olives, which is by itself, similar to sending through a Cheresh [lunatic or child], which is like by itself, since they are not Bnei Shelichus.
TOSFOS DH Nasno Al Gabei ha'Kof v'Holichu... Harei Zeh Eiruv
úåñôåú ã"ä ðúðå òì âáé ä÷åó åäåìéëå [àå] ò''â äôéì [åäåìéëå] ä''æ òéøåá
(SUMMARY: Tosfos justifies the support for the answer.)
ä÷ùä ø' àôøéí ãáô' áëì îòøáéï (òéøåáéï ìà:) àîøéðï àéï æä òéøåá
Question (R. Efrayim): In Eruvin (31b) we say that it is not an Eiruv!
åúéøõ ãäúí îééøé ùä÷åó òöîå îðéçå ìùí òéøåá àáì äëà îééøé ùàîø ìàãí ìéèìå îòì âáé ä÷åó åîòì âáé (äâîì) [ö"ì äôéì - ùéèä î÷åáöú] ìëùéâéòå ìî÷åí åéðéçðå ìùí òéøåá
Answer #1 (R. Efrayim): There we discuss when the monkey itself places it for the sake of an Eiruv. Here, he told a person to teach that take it from the monkey or elephant when it gets to the place, and place l'Shem Eiruv.
å÷ùä ãàí ëï ìà îééúé äëà îéãé ëéåï ãáø ãòú äðéçå
Question: If so, we do not bring any [proof] from here, since someone with intelligence placed it!
ìëê ðøàä ãäëà îééøé (áòîã) [ö"ì áòåîã - ùéèä î÷åáöú] åøåàäå ùäôéì äðéç äôú áî÷åí äðçú òéøåá åàîø úé÷ðé ìé ôú àìîà ãîúòáã ùìéçåúéä àò''â ãùìéç äôéì ìàå áø ãòú
Answer #2: Here we discuss when he stands and sees that the elephant left the bread in a place proper to put the Eiruv, and he seized "the bread should acquire [Shevisah] for me." This shows that his Shelichus was done, even though the Shali'ach, i.e. the elephant, has no Da'as.
äëé ðîé (îëàï îòîåã á) çøù ãîòéìä àéúòáéã ùìéçåúéä
Also here, the Cheresh of Me'ilah, his Shelichus was done!
åà''ú àãøáä ðéìó ùìéçåú ãîòéìä îùìéçåú ãúøåîä åâáé úøåîä áòéðï ùìéç áø ãòú
Question: Just the contrary, we should learn from Shelichus of Me'ilah from Shelichus of Terumah. Regarding Terumah we require a Shali'ach with Da'as!
ãàãøáä äåé òãéôà ìîéìó îúøåîä ãäà ëì òé÷ø ùìéçåú ãîòéìä îúøåîä äåà ãéìéó
Just the contrary, it is better to learn from Terumah, for the entire concept of Shelichus of Me'ilah is learned from Terumah!
åé''ì ëéåï (ãùìéç) [ö"ì ãùìéçåú - äá"ç] ãîòéìä áäåöàä åùéðåé øùåú äåà ãäåé åäëà äåé ùéðåé øùåú òì éãé ùìéçåú (áø ãòú ìëê îñúáø ìéä ìãîåééä) [ö"ì ùàéðå áø ãòú ëîå ò"é ùìéçåú áø ãòú ìëï îñúáø ìéä ìãîåéé - äá"ç] ìäðê ãîééúé ãàéï ÷ôéãà ááø ãòú
Answer: Since a Shelichus of Me'ilah is through Hotza'ah and Shinuy Reshus, and here there is Shinuy Reshus through Shelichus of one without Da'as like through Shelichus of one with Da'as. Therefore, it is reasonable to compare it to these that we bring, for there is no adamancy about a Bar Da'as;
åâáé îéãé ãäðàä ìà îäðé ùìéçåú áî÷åí ùäîòéìä áàä òì éãé äðàä ëãàîø áô' á' ã÷ãåùéï (ãó îâ.) ùìà îöéðå áëì äúåøä ëåìä æä ðäðä åæä îúçééá
Regarding matters of Hana'ah, Shelichus does not help in a place where Me'ilah comes through Hana'ah, like it says in Kidushin (43a), that we do not find in the entire Torah this one benefits and this one is liable;
åî''î àéöèøéê ìîéìó ùìéçåú îúøåîä ãìà úéîà ãàéï ùìéçåú ìãáø òáéøä
In any case, we need to learn from Shelichus of Terumah, like we say that Ein Shali'ach l'Devar Aveirah.
TOSFOS DH Kegon d'Aisei Lei Shaveh Shesh
úåñôåú ã"ä ëâåï ãàééúé ìéä ùåä ùù
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains the question against this rejection and the answer to it.)
ôéøåù )ñìòéí áùìù( [ö"ì áùìù ñìòéí - ùéèä î÷åáöú] åðîöà ùäøåéç ìå ùìéç â' ñìòéí
Explanation: [He bought it for] three Sela'im, and it turns out that the Shali'ach profited for him three Sela'im;
àéîà ñéôà åø' éäåãä àåîø ëå' åàúä äáàú ìé çìå÷ ÷èï åøò äùúà ôøéê îàé øò ùäøé ìôé îä ùúéøõ ãàééúé ùåä ùù áâ' âãåì äåà
We ask from the Seifa. "R. Yehudah says... and you brought me a small, bad cloak." We ask now, what is bad, for according to the answer, that he bought one worth six for three, it is big!
åîùðé ãàîø ìéä àé éäáú ìéä ãéðø [ö"ì ëåìéä] ëå' ôéøåù ëì ãéðø æäá àééúéú ìé ùåä ùðé ãéðøéï ôéøåù ë''ù ùäééúé îøåéç éåúø ùäéå ðåúðéï ìê ìôé çùáåï ùäáàú ùåä é''á áùùä åðîöà ùäééúé îùúëø ëôìéí îîä ùàðé îùúëø òúä
It answers that he says "had you given to him a Dinar..." i.e. the entire gold Dinar, you would have brought me [one] worth two. I.e. all the more so I would have profited more, for they would have given to you, according to the calculation that you brought, [they would have given one] worth 12 for six, and it turns out I would have profited twice from what I profit now.
TOSFOS DH v'Amai Mi Lo Shani Lei Gabei Kitnis Nami d'Yahiv Sela Shavya Tfei
úåñôåú ã"ä åàîàé (ìéîà àé ìà ùðé ìéä âáé ÷èðéú ãéäéá ìéä) [ö"ì îé ìà ùðé ìéä âáé ÷èðéú ðîé ãéäéá ñìò ùåéà - ùéèä î÷åáöú] èôé
(SUMMARY: Tosfos equates this to the text in Kesuvos.)
(âøñé' áëúåáåú ô' àìîðä ðéæåðéú (ãó öè:)) [ö"ì ä"â äëà åáëúåáåú ô' àìîðä ðéæåðéú âøñé' - ùéèä î÷åáöú] àé áàúøà ãîæáðé áùåîà ôéøåù äøáä áéçã îé ìà ùåéà èôé åäéà äéà
So the text is here. In Kesuvos (99b) the text says "if in a place where they sell by estimation, i.e. much together, is it not worth more?!" This means the same [as the text here];
åä''÷ ÷ñ''ã äùúà ãîééøé áàúøà ãîæáðé áùåîà ôéøåù äøáä áéçã åìäëé ôøéê àîàé îåãä ø' éäåãä ãäúí ðîé ãøê äåà ùì îåëøéí ìôé îä ùäìå÷ç ÷åðä äøáä îåæéì îåëø âáéä
It means as follows. We are thinking now that we discuss a place where they sell by estimation, i.e. much together. Therefore, it asks, why does R. Yehudah agree? Also there, it is normal that based on how much the buyer buys, the seller gives a lower price!
åîùðé à''ø ôôà áàúøà ãîæáðé ëðé ëðé ôéøåù îãä îãä ëìåîø ìà áùåîà ëîå ùäééú ñáåø àìà îòè îòè ãôñé÷à îéìúà ìà îåæéì îåëø âáéä ãìå÷ç
Rav Papa answers, in a place where they sell Kani Kani, i.e. by measure. It is not by estimation, like you thought. Rather, it is bit by bit. The matter is uniform. The seller does not give a lower price [for one who buys more].
TOSFOS DH ha'Mafkid Ma'os Etzel ha'Shulchani Tzeruros Lo Yishtamesh Bahem...
úåñôåú ã"ä äîô÷éã îòåú àöì äùåìçðé öøåøéï ìà éùúîù áäí ëå'
(SUMMARY: Tosfos asks that this is unlike the text in Bava Metzi'a.)
ö''ò áá''î ô' äîô÷éã (ãó îâ.) ãîééúé ìä ìääéà ãäëà åìà îééúé ìä ëìéùðà ãúðéðï ìä äëà
Question: This requires investigation in Bava Metzi'a (43a), for it brings the [Mishnah] here, but it does not bring like the text taught here!
TOSFOS DH Perutah Shel Hekdesh she'Naflah l'Soch ha'Kis...
úåñôåú ã"ä ôøåèä ùì ä÷ãù ùðôìä ìúåê äëéñ...
(SUMMARY: Tosfos discusses why R. Akiva holds that he was Mo'el.)
åàò''â ãñôé÷à äåà àí ðäðä áùì ä÷ãù
Implied question: It is a Safek whether or not he benefited from Hekdesh!
ø''ò ìèòîéä ãîçééá òì ñô÷ îòéìåú àùí úìåé áëøéúåú (ãó ëá.)
Answer: R. Akiva teaches like he taught elsewhere. He obligates Asham Taluy for Safek Me'ilah, in Kerisus (22a).
úéîä åìéáèì äàé ôøåèä ùì ä÷ãù ùðôìä
Question: The Perutah of Hekdesh that fell should be Batel (in the majority)!
åë''ú ãáø ùéù ìå îúéøéï äåà ò''é ôãéåï åàôéìå áàìó ìà áèéì
Suggestion: It is Davar she'Yesh Lo Matirin (it can be permitted) through redemption, and [therefore] it is not Batel even in 1000.
äà ìéëà ìîéîø ããáø ùéù ìå îúéøéï ãøáðï äåà
Rejection: We cannot say so, for Davar she'Yesh Lo Matirin [is never Batel] is only mid'Rabanan [so it cannot cause Me'ilah mid'Oraisa]!
åö''ì ãìéëà àìà çã áëéñ ãìéëà áéèåì
Answer #1: We must say that [before the Hekdesh coin fell,] there is only one coin in the wallet.
àé ðîé îèáò çùéá åìà áèéì
Answer #2: A coin is important, and [mid'Oraisa] it is not Batel.
TOSFOS DH u'Modeh R. Akiva b'Omer Perutah Min ha'Kis Zeh Hekdesh...
úåñôåú ã"ä åîåãä ø''ò áàåîø ôøåèä îï ëéñ æä ä÷ãù...
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains that the last one will be Hekdesh.)
ôéøåù áàçøåðä úäéä ùì ä÷ãù åáâîøà ôøéê î''ù øéùà åî''ù ñéôà
Explanation: The last one will be of Hekdesh. The Gemara asks what is the difference between the Reisha and the Seifa.
TOSFOS DH Amar Lei Seifa b'Omer Lo Yipater Kis Zeh Min Hekdesh
úåñôåú ã"ä àîø ìéä ñéôà áàåîø ìà éôèø ëéñ æä îï ä÷ãù
(SUMMARY: Tosfos justifies the answer.)
ëìåîø àéðå ðôèø (îëéñ) [ö"ì ëéñ - öàï ÷ãùéí] æä ìäåöéàä ëåìä áìà ä÷ãù ôøåèä
Explanation: This wallet is not exempt, to be able to spend all of it, without a Perutah being Hekdesh;
åäàé ìéùðà åãàé îùîò ãä÷ãù äåé áàçøåðä
This expression surely connotes that Hekdesh is at the end.
TOSFOS DH Hayu Shenayim ha'Gadol she'Bahen Hekdesh
úåñôåú ã"ä äéå ùðéí äâãåì ùáäï ä÷ãù
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why he challenges only the Seifa.)
ôéøåù åáñéôà ãîúðéúéï ðîé ìéîà ãäîèáò îåáçø éäéä ùì ä÷ãù
Explanation: Also in the Seifa of our Mishnah, he should say that the choice coin is of Hekdesh;
àáì àøéùà ìà ôøéê ãùîà ìéùðà ãøéùà [ö"ì ìà - öàï ÷ãùéí] îùîò äëé
However, he does not challenge the Reisha, for perhaps the wording of the Reisha does not connote so (that the biggest is Hekdesh).
åìéëà ìîéîø ãôøéê ðîé àøéùà ãàí ëï ìôøåê îàé ùðà øéùà åî''ù ñéôà:
One cannot say that he challenges also the Reisha (for there is no difference between the connotations of the Reisha and Seifa), for if so, he should ask what is the difference between the Reisha and the Seifa!