Answer: The Tana teaches that (at least) six are always there. He merely gives a way to remember it. (Indeed, sometimes seven are required.)
Support: The Beraisa says 'the amount needed for Shabbos and two days of Rosh Hashanah.' It does not say 'for Shabbos...'
(Mishnah): If the morning Tamid was not offered, the afternoon Tamid is offered... (If the morning Ketores was not offered, it is offered in the afternoon.) R. Shimon says, the full daily amount is offered in the afternoon, because Chinuch (inauguration) of the inner Mizbe'ach must be with Ketores (and Chinuch of the outer Mizbe'ach must be with a morning Tamid).
Question: Why does R. Shimon mention Chanukas ha'Mizbe'ach? The first Tana did not mention it!
Answer: The Mishnah is abbreviated, it means as follows:
If the morning Tamid was not offered, they do not offer in the afternoon;
This is only if the (outer) Mizbe'ach was never inaugurated. If it was, they offer in the afternoon.
R. Shimon says, this is only if they did not offer due to Ones or Shogeg;
If they did not offer b'Mezid, they do not offer in the afternoon.
If the morning Ketores was not offered, Ketores is offered in the afternoon.
Question: What is the source of this?
Answer (Beraisa): "V'Es ha'Keves ha'Sheni Ta'aseh Bein ha'Arbayim" - the first Tamid of the day may not be offered in the afternoon;
This is only if the Mizbe'ach was never inaugurated. If it was, the first may be offered in the afternoon;
R. Shimon says, this is only if they were Anusim or Shogegim. If they were Mezidim, they do not offer in the afternoon.
If the morning Ketores was not offered, Ketores is offered in the afternoon.
Question: We should not be Mevatel the Mizbe'ach (from the afternoon Tamid) just because Kohanim transgressed!
Answer (Rava): R. Shimon means that the Kohanim who transgressed (Rashba - the Mishmar) do not offer in the afternoon. Others offer it.
Regarding Ketores, there is no such fine. Since there is less opportunity to offer it (the Tamid is an Olah, and Olos may be brought voluntarily, but one may not volunteer Ketores), and the Kohen who offers it is blessed with wealth, Kohanim were zealous to offer it.
(Mishnah - R. Shimon): They offer the full amount in the afternoon, because the inner Mizbe'ach must be inaugurated with Ketores in the afternoon.
Contradiction (Beraisa): Chinuch must be with Ketores in the morning.
Answer: Tana'im argue about this.
(Abaye): The opinion that Chinuch is in the afternoon is more reasonable. It says "ba'Boker ba'Boker b'Heitivo Es ha'Neros Yaktirenah";
If the Menorah was not lit the previous afternoon, there would be no need to fix the lamps in the morning! (This shows that Chinuch of the Menorah is in the afternoon. The same applies to Ketores, for it is offered at the time of Hadlakas ha'Menorah.)
The opinion that Chinuch is in the morning learns from the outer Mizbe'ach, which is inaugurated with the morning Tamid.
(Mishnah): The Shulchan must be inaugurated with Lechem ha'Panim on Shabbos.
Question: This implies that Lechem ha'Panim may not inaugurate the Shulchan on a weekday, but the bread would become Kodesh! (This is not true.)
Answer: No, the Mishnah teaches that Chinuch and Kidush must both be on Shabbos.
Support (Seifa): The Menorah must be inaugurated through Hadlakas ha'Neros in the afternoon. (Hadlakas ha'Neros is only in the afternoon.)
(Beraisa): This is the Ketores that an individual offered on the outer Mizbe'ach. It was a Hora'as Sha'ah (a special temporary ruling.)
Question: What does this refer to?
Answer (Rav Papa): It refers to the Ketores that the Nesi'im offered (during Chanukas ha'Mishkan.)
Inference #1: Normally, an individual may not offer Ketores on the outer Mizbe'ach, but he may offer on the inner Mizbe'ach!
Inference #2: Normally, an individual may not offer Ketores on the outer Mizbe'ach, but the Tzibur may!
Contradiction (Beraisa) Suggestion: Perhaps "Motza Sefasecha Tishmor v'Asisa" applies even to Ketores (an individual may bring a Nedavah of Ketores)!
Rejection: "Lo Sa'alu Alav Ketores Zarah."
Suggestion: Perhaps an individual may not bring Ketores Nedavah because he does not bring Ketores Chovah, but the Tzibur may, for it brings Chovah!
Rejection: "Lo Sa'alu." (The plural addresses the Tzibur.)
Suggestion: Perhaps the Tzibur may not offer Ketores Nedavah on the inner Mizbe'ach, but it may offer on the outer Mizbe'ach!
Rejection: "...V'Es Ketores ha'Samim la'Kodesh k'Chol Asher Tzivisicha Ya'asu" - we may bring only what the Torah mentions.
Answer (Rav Papa): Answer: The Mishnah teaches a bigger Chidush:
It is a small Chidush that the Tzibur may not offer (Ketores) on the outer Mizbe'ach, and individuals may not offer on the inner Mizbe'ach, for there is no precedent for either of these;
Further, even individuals may not offer on the outer Mizbe'ach, even though the Nesi'im did so. That was a Hora'as Sha'ah.
(Mishnah): Chavitei Kohen Gadol (his daily Minchah) are not brought (to the Mikdash) half at a time. Rather, he brings a full Isaron (of flour) and divides it. Half is offered in the morning, and half in the afternoon.
If the Kohen Gadol died after offering half in the morning, and a new Kohen Gadol was appointed, the latter may not bring (just) half, nor may he bring the half remaining from the previous Kohen;
Rather, he brings a full Isaron and divides it. He offers half and the other half is lost (it must be burned);
On this day, two halves are offered, and two are lost.
(Gemara - Beraisa): Had it said 'Minchah Machatzis', one might have thought that he brings half an Isaron (to the Mikdash) in the morning and offers it, and brings half an Isaron in the afternoon and offers it;
Rather, it says "Machatzisah ba'Boker u'Machatzisah ba'Erev." He offers half taken from a full Korban;
He brings a full Isaron and divides it. He offers half in the morning, half in the afternoon.
Suggestion: If the half left for the afternoon became Tamei or was lost, perhaps he may bring half an Isaron and offer it!
Rejection: "Machatzisah ba'Boker u'Machatzisah ba'Erev" - he offers half taken from a full Korban;
He brings a full Isaron and divides it. He offers half and the other half is lost. On this day, two halves are offered, two are lost.
Suggestion: If the Kohen Gadol died after offering half in the morning, and a new Kohen was appointed, perhaps he may bring half, or the half remaining from the previous Kohen!
Rejection: "U'Machatzisah ba'Erev" - he offers half taken from a full Korban;
He brings a full Isaron and divides it. He offers half and the other half is lost. On this day, two halves are offered, two are lost.
(A reciter of Beraisos): The halves that are lost are burned in Beis ha'Sereifah after (it becomes Nosar, i.e.) Ibur Tzurah.
Question (Rav Nachman): Granted, the first extra half requires Ibur Tzurah, for it was once Kosher to be offered. However, the second extra half should be burned right away. From the beginning it was destined to be burned!
Answer #1 (Rav Nachman): Your Beraisa is like Tana d'Vei Rabah bar Avuha, who says that even Pigul (a very stringent Isur) requires Ibur Tzurah.
Answer #2 (Rav Ashi): The Beraisa is even like Chachamim (who say that we burn Pigul right away). When the second Isaron was separated, both halves were Kosher to be the half offered.
Question: How are Chavitim made?
Answer #1 (R. Chiya bar Aba): They are baked, and then they are fried.
Answer #2 (R. Asi): They are fried, and then they are baked.
Support (R. Chiya bar Aba, for himself): We read "Tufinei" like 'Te'afenah (bake it) Na'eh' (nicely. If they are fried first, it will be black due to the oil or pan);
Support (R. Asi, for himself): We read "Tufinei" like 'Te'afenah Na' (bake them when they are Na, i.e. half-cooked. I.e. they are slightly fried first.)
Tana'im argue like R. Chiya and R. Asi argue.
(Beraisa): "Tufinei" teaches that we bake them Na;
Rebbi says, we bake them Na'eh;
R. Yosi says, "Tufinei" (plural) teaches that we bake them a lot;
He holds that they are baked Na and Na'eh.
(Mishnah): Chavitim are kneaded, arranged (into loaves) and baked inside (the Azarah). All of these are Docheh (override) Shabbos.
Question: What is the source of this?
Answer #1 (Rav Huna): "Tufinei" - bake them Na'eh;
If they were baked before Shabbos, they would become bloated. They would not be nice.
Objection (Rav Yosef): They could be baked before Shabbos and covered with vegetables. They would not become bloated!
Answer #2 (Tana d'Vei R. Yishmael): "(Al Machavas ba'Shemen) Te'aseh" - even on Shabbos, even b'Tum'ah (if they cannot be done b'Taharah).
Answer #3 (Abaye): "Soles Minchas Tamid" - Chavitim are like Minchas Tamid (which is Docheh Shabbos.)