
BURYING FOR STORAGE AND KILAYIM OF SEEDS (Yerushalmi Kilayim Perek 1 Halachah 9 Daf 4a)

[ãó æ òîåã à (òåæ åäãø)] îùðä äèåîï ìôú åöðåðåú úçú äâôï àí äéå î÷öú äòìéï îâåìéï àéðå çåùù ìà îùåí ëìàéí åìà îùåí ùáéòéú åìà îùåí îòùøåú åðèìéï áùáú.


(Mishnah): If one buries bundles of turnip or radish under a vine (for storage), if their leaves are partially visible, there is no issue of Kilayim, Sheviis or Maaser and they may be taken out on Shabbos. (Since he left the leaves partially visible, he showed that he wasn't planting them.)

äæåøò çéèä åùòåøä ëàçú äøé æä ëìàéí


If one plants wheat and barley together, it is Kilayim.

øáé éåãä àåîø àéðå ëìàéí òã ùéäéå ùúé çèéí åùòåøä àå çéèä åùúé ùòåøéí àå çèä åùòåøä åëåñîú:


(R Yehuda): They are only Kilayim if he planted two wheat seeds and a barley seed, one wheat seed and two barley seeds, or one wheat, one barley and one spelt seed

âîøà çæ÷éä àîø ìà ùðå àìà ìôú åöðåðåú äà ùàø ãáøéí ìà.


(Chizkiyah): The Mishnah only taught turnip and radish, but for other vegetables, the leaves don't need to be partially visible.

øáé éåçðï àîø ìà ùðééà äéà ìôú äéà öðåðåú äéà ùàø ëì äãáøéí


(R. Yochanan): No, the same rules apply to all other vegetables.

[ãó ã òîåã á] îä ðï ÷ééîé' àé îùåí æøòéí áàéìï ìîä ìé âôï (åöðåðåú) àôéìå ùàø ëì äãáøéí äàìå. [ãó á òîåã á (òåæ åäãø)] àé îùåí ùàéðå øåöä áäùøùúï ìîä ìé ìôú åöðåðåú àôéìå ùàø ëì äãáøéí.


Question: What's the case? If the prohibition here is planting seeds next to a tree, why specifically teach about a vine? It would equally apply to all other trees! If it's teaching that it's permitted because he doesn't want them to take root, it would apply to all seeds, not just radishes...?

îï îä ãúðé ø' çééä ëâåï àâåãä ùì ìôú åàâåãä ùì öðåðå'. äåé ìéú èòîà (ãìà)[àìà] îùåí ùàéðå øåöä áäùøùúï:


Answer: From the teaching of R. Chiya, that he permitted (only) a bundle of turnips and a bundle of radishes, it shows that it's permitted because he doesn't want them to take root.

úðé ôâä ùèîðä (áèáì)[áúáï] åçøøä ùèîðä áâçìé' àí äéå î÷öúï îâåìéï ðéèìéï áùáú åàí ìàå àéï ðéèìéï áùáú.


Baraisa: An unripe fig that was buried inside straw to ripen and a cake that was hidden inside coals (both straw and now extinguished coals are Muktzeh on Shabbos) - if they are partially visible, they may be taken out on Shabbos; if not, they may not be taken out.

ø' ìòæø áï úãàé àîø áéï ëê åáéï ëê úåçá áùôåã àå áñëéï åðåèìï.


(R. Elazar ben Tadai): Either way, he may insert a skewer or knife into them and remove them.

àúéà ãøáé ìòæø áï úãàé ëø' ùîòåï ãúðé


R. Elazar ben Tadai follows R. Shimon of the Baraisa...

ìà éâåø àãí àú äëñà åàú äîèä åàú ä÷úéãøä îôðé ùäåà òåùä çøéõ. øáé ùîòåï îúéø.


(Baraisa): One may not drag a chair, a bed or a soft seat (across mud) as it might create a furrow. R. Shimon permits it.

[ãó ç òîåã à (òåæ åäãø)] øáà áùí øá äåðà øáé çâéé áùí ø' æòéøà øáé éåñé áùí øáé äéìà îåãéï çëîé' ìø"ù áëñà ùøâìéå îùå÷òåú áèéè ùîåúø ìèìèìå. åëîä ãúéîø îåúø ìèìèìå åãëååúä îåúø ìäçæéøå.


(Rava citing Rav Huna/ R. Chaggai citing R. Zeira/ R. Yosi citing R. Hila): The Chachamim agree with R. Shimon that when the chair has its legs embedded in the mud, he may carry the chair and just as it's permitted to take the chair out of the ground, because their holes are already there, it's permitted to put it back into the ground.

à"ø éåñä àåó ðï [ðîé] úðéðï ðéèìéï áùáú.


(R. Yosef): We have also learned in our Mishnah that it is permitted to take it out (and there is no problem of making a hole). (Our Mishnah taught that when the leaves are partially visible, it may be taken on Shabbos.)

à"ø éåñé áé ø' áåï ãø"ù äéà.


(R. Yosi bei R. Bun): The Mishnah follows the view of R. Shimon (that since it is unintended, it is permitted).

åäà úðéðï ùáéòéú. àéú ìê îéîø ùáéòéú ãø"ù ôúø ìä ùáéòé' ãø"ù îúé' áñôéçé ùáéòé' åäëà [àú] àîø äëï


Question: How could the Mishnah follow R. Shimon - the Mishnah taught that the problem of Sefichin (Sheviis produce that grew naturally) does not apply because he had merely stored it in the earth. But according to R. Shimon, Sefichin are always permitted?

àò"â ãø"ù îúéø áñôéçé ùáéòéú àéú ìéä îùåí ÷ãåù' ùáéòé'. àåó äëà àéðå çåùù ìà îùåí ùáéòéú åìà îùåí ÷ãåù' ùáéòé'.


Answer: Even though R. Shimon permits the use of Sefichin of Sheviis, they still have the sanctity of Sheviis - but in the Mishnah, they don't even have the sanctity of Sheviis.