CONTINUING THE CALCULATIONS (Yerushalmi Kilayim Perek 5 Halachah 1 Daf 24b)
îä àú òáã ìä äåà åòáåãúå ìúåê áéú ñàä àå çåõ ìòáåãúå.
Question: What is the measurement - does the Beis Seah include its work access or is it a Beis Seah plus its work access?
àéï úòáãéðä äåà åòáåãúå áúåê áéú ñàä [ãó îå òîåã á (òåæ åäãø)] àùëç çñø (úìú îàååï åàøáòéï)[çîù îàååï] åúîðéà. åàéï úòáãéðä çåõ ìòáåãúå àùëç éúø îàøáò îàååï åçîùéï åúøúéé.
If it includes it, the calculation (of 2500) is 508 Amos less than it should be; if you add the work access, it is 452 more than it should be! (See the end of Menachos 63 for these calculations.)
(åëîå ôìâåú)[åáîåôìâåú] áéçéãéåú äï àéï úéîø áøåöó ìà úðéðï àìà [ãó ëä òîåã à] òùø âôðéí ìáéú ñàä.
Answer: (If you do include it, meaning that the trees are only spread over 2048 Amos, which is 452 Amos too small) if you spread the trees a little further apart, they are considered individual trees (rather than a vineyard). If you bring them closer together, there are supposed to be only 10 vines per Beis Seah!
[ãó îæ òîåã à (òåæ åäãø)] äåé ìà îöé úðééä
Conclusion: Rather, there is no possible way that R. Zeira's calculation can fit into a Beis Seah.
ALIGNMENT OF THE VINES (Yerushalmi Kilayim Perek 5 Halachah 1 Daf 25a)
äëåøú îëååï åäâåó àéðå îëååï äøé æä ëøí. äâåó îëååï åäëåøú àéðå îëååï àéðå ëøí.
(The Mishnah taught that if it has an arrangement of two opposite three vines, it's a vineyard.) If the trunks are aligned but the foliage is not, it is a vineyard. If the foliage is aligned but the trunks are not, it is not a vineyard.
äéå ã÷åú åàéðï îëååðåú äòáå åäøé äí îëååðåú äøé æä ëøí
If they began narrow and were not aligned and they then thickened and became aligned, it is is a vineyard.
ëéöã äåà éåãò àí îëååðåú äï îáéà çåè åîåúç. àéú úðéé úðé îáôðéí åàéú úðéé úðé îáçåõ.
How can one know if they are aligned? He should measure using a taut thread. Some say that he should measure within the vineyard between the rows (as their alignment inside is primary); some say that he should measure outside (as their alignment outside is primary).
àîø øáé éåðä îàï ãàîø îáôðéí áúåê èôç. îàï ãàîø îáçåõ öøéê ùéäà ðåâò áäï.
(R. Yona): The one who said 'inside' - everything that is within a Tefach of the thread is considered part of the vineyard. The one who said 'outside' - only that which touches the thread is considered part of the vineyard.
ùåøä äçéöåðä ùàéðä îëååðú ëðâã äëøúéï ðåúðéï ìä òáåãú' åæåøò àú äîåúø.
If the outer row of a vineyard is not aligned with the other vines, it is like a single vine and one must distance from it 6 Tefachim and one may then plant the rest.
àîø øáé éåñé ùàí äéå æåøòéï áúåê ùùä äëì àñåø. çåõ ìùùä äâôðéí îåúøåú åäëøí àñåø.
(R. Yosi): If he planted within those 6 Tefachim, the outer row becomes prohibited. If he planted beyond 6 Tefachim from the outer row, the outer row is permitted, but the seeds that are within 4 Amos of the rows of the vineyard prohibited those rows.
(åàéæä)[àé æäå] ëøí ãì.
Question: (When the Mishnah taught that if there are still ten vines spread out within a Beis Seah it's called a poor vineyard) - why is it called a poor vineyard (if it prohibits a large area)?
àîø øáé éåðä ãì áâôðéí åòùéø áòáåãåú:
Answer (R. Yona): It is 'poor' in vines but 'rich' in effect (that it prohibits a large area).