MENACHOS 101-103 - Dedicated by Andy and Nancy Neff in memory of Lucy Rabin, Leah Miriam bat Yisroel. Beloved mother of Nancy Neff, Valerie, Doug and Andy Rabin, and wife of Sidney Rabin, Lucy Rabin passed away on 14 Sivan 5767.


THREE TREES OF THREE DIFFERENT PEOPLE (Yerushalmi Sheviis Perek 1 Halachah 4 Daf 2b)

îùðä ùìùä àéìðåú ùì ùìùä àðùéí äøé àìå îöèøôéï åçåøùéï ëì áéú ñàä áùáéìï


(Mishnah): If there are three trees belonging to three different people, they combine and they may plow the entire Beis Seah for their sake (until Rosh Hashana.) (Note: The Vilna Gaon understands that plowing is permitted only until Shavuos and he removes the words 'until Rosh Hashana' from the text of the Gemara below in (e).)

åëîä éäà áéðéäï


Question: How far apart must they be?

øáé ùîòåï áï âîìéàì àåîø ëãé ùäéà äá÷ø òåáø áëìéå:


Answer (Rabban Shimon ben Gamliel): Enough space for the ox with its pack to pass.

âîøà úðé ø"ç àéìðåú ùì àãí àçã å÷ø÷ò ùì àãí (àçã)[àçø] îöèøôéï åçåøùéï ëì áéú ñàä áùáéìï


(Gemara) Baraisa (R. Chiya): If the trees belong to one person and the field to another, they combine to allowing plowing the entire Beis Seah (until Rosh Hashana. See next entry and note above in (a)).

àîø øáé éåñé àó àðï ðîé úðéðï ãø"ç øáä ùìùä àéìðåú ùì ùìùä àðùéí äøé àìå îöèøôéï åçåøùéï ëì áéú ñàä òã ø"ä:


(R. Yosi): R. Chiya Rabbah also taught it, deriving it from an even greater leniency (in our Mishnah) - If the three trees belong to three different people, they combine to allow plowing the entire Beis Seah until Rosh Hashana. (See earlier note as to the text of the Vilna Gaon.) (If so, certainly if the trees belong to one person and the field belongs to another, he may plow the entire Beis Seah.)


TEN SAPLINGS (Yerushalmi Sheviis Perek 1 Halachah 5 Daf 2b)

îùðä òùø ðèéòåú îôåæøåú úåê áéú ñàä çåøùéï ëì áéú ñàä áùáéìï òã ø"ä [ãó ä òîåã á (òåæ åäãø)] äéå òùåéåú ùåøä åîå÷ôåú òèøä àéï çåøùéï ìäï àìà öøëï:


(Mishnah): If there are ten saplings planted within a Beis Seah, one may plow the entire Beis Seah for their sake until Rosh Hashana. If they were arranged in a row surrounded by a fence, one may only plow as needed.

âîøà ø' æòéøà áùí øáé ìà øáé éåñé áùí øáé éåçðï òøáä äìëä ìîùä îñéðé åãìà ëàáà ùàåì ãàáà ùàåì àîø òøáä ãáø úåøä åòøáé ðçì ùúéí çã òøáä ììåìá åòøáä ìî÷ãù


(Gemara) (R. Zeira citing R. Ila/ R. Yosi citing R. Yochanan): Aravah (the requirement to circuit the Mizbeach with a willow branch on Succos) is Halacha L'Moshe MiSinai (an oral tradition dating back to the Giving of the Torah). This is unlike Abba Shaul who said that its source is in the Torah, as the pasuk states (Vayikra 23:40), "willows of the river" - the plural word indicating that there are two required willows - one used for the Lulav bundle and one used in the Temple.

øáé áà øáé çééà áùí øáé éåçðï òøáä åðéñåê äîéí äìëä ìîùä îñéðé åãìà ëø"ò ãø"ò àîø ðéñåê äîéí ãáø úåøä áùðé åðñëéäí áùùé åðñëéä áùáéòé ëîùôèí î"í éå"ã î"í


(R. Ba/ R. Chiya citing R. Yochanan): Aravah and Nisuch HaMayim (the water libations performed on Succos) are Halacha L'Moshe MiSinai. This is unlike R. Akiva who said that its source is in the Torah - on the 2nd day of Succos, in describing the wine libations the Torah says 'Veniskayhem' - 'and their libations' (the letter 'Mem' is extra); on the 6th day it's 'UNesachehah' - ' and its libations' (the letter 'Yud' is extra) and on the 7th day it's 'Kemishpatam' - 'as their law' (the letter 'Mem' is extra) - the extra letters spell out the word Mayim - water - which is an allusion to the requirement of the water libations.

øáé çééà áø àáà áòé ÷åîé øáé éåçðï åòëùéå ìîä äï çåøùéï áæ÷éðåú


Question (R. Chiya bar Abba to R. Yochanan): If the permission to plow until Shavuos is only for saplings, how could Rabban Gamliel and his Beis Din permit plowing for mature trees?

à"ì áùòä ùðéúðä äìëä ðéúðä ùàí á÷ùå ìçøåù éçøåùå


Answer (R. Yochanan): When the Halacha was given to Moshe, it included a condition that if Beis Din would decide that there was a need to plow, it would be permitted.

øáé áà áø æáãé áùí øáé çåðéä ãá÷òú çååøï òøáä åðéñåê äîéí åòùø ðèéòåú îéñåã äðáéàéí äøàùåðéí


(R. Ba bar Zavdi citing R. Chunia of the Chavran valley): Aravah, water libations and the law of 10 saplings are an enactment of the earlier prophets (of the 1st Temple).

îä åôìéâ


Question: Does he disagree (with our statement that it's Halacha L'Moshe MiSinai)?

øáé éåñé á"ø áåï áùí ìåé ëê äéúä äìëä áéãï åùëçåä åòîãå äùðéí åäñëéîå òì ãòú äøàùåðéí ììîãê ùëì ãáø ùáéú ãéï ðåúðéï ðôùí òìéå ñåôå ìäú÷ééí áéãí ëîä ùðàîø ìîùä îñéðé


Answer (R. Yosi bei R. Bun): They had this Halacha in their hands and it was forgotten and the latter prophets (of the 2nd Temple) agreed with the earlier prophets. This teaches you that anything that Beis Din make special effort to understand will ultimately be preserved in their hands as it was given to Moshe at Har Sinai.

åàúéà ëéé ãîø øáé îðà ëé ìà ãáø ø÷ äåà îëí åàí ãáø ø÷ äåà îëí ìîä ùàéï àúí éâéòéï áå ëé äéà çééëí àéîúé äéà çééëí áùòä ùàúí éâéòéí áå


This follows the statement of R. Mana - The pasuk says (Devarim 32:47), "It is not an empty matter from you (as it is your life)", meaning, 'if it is an empty matter', it is coming 'from you', because you aren't toiling in it, "as it is your life" - when is it your life? When you toil in it.

øáé éåçðï àîø ìøáé çééà áø ðåà ááìééà úøéï îéìéï ñì÷éï áéãëåï îôùåèéúà ãúòðéúà åòøáúà ãéåîà ùáéòéà [ãó å òîåã à (òåæ åäãø)] åøáðï ã÷éñøéï àîøéï àó äãà î÷æúä.


(R. Yochanan to R. Chiya bar No of Bavel): Two accepted Halachos were brought by you from Bavel - bowing with outstretched arms on a fast day and hitting the Aravah on Hoshana Rabbah, as a memorial of the Temple. The Rabbanan of Kisarin also added the law of shortening Hallel on Rosh Chodesh. (This latter phrase was the explanation of the Vilna Gaon.)

úðé ðèéòä îòéï òùø æ÷éðä îòéï ùìåù


Tosefta: For saplings, (lit. like ten) even if some appear mature, ten are required (in a Beis Seah to be able to plow the entire Beis Seah); for mature trees, even if some appear to be saplings, only three are needed (to be able to plow the entire Beis Seah).

àúà çîé ðèéòä ùäéà ðøàéú ëæ÷éðä àú ðåúï ìä ëæ÷éðä åàú àîøú ðèéòä îòéï òùø


Question: How could this be, if there's a Tosefta that teaches - If the saplings appear to be mature, only three are required. If so, how could you say that for saplings, ten are always required?

àîø øáé çåðä îäå îòéï òùø ùàéï ðèéòä îòéï ùìåù ùìà úàîø ùìù ðèéòåú ùäï òåùåú ëòùø ùàéðï òåùåú åãëååúä ùìåù æ÷éðåú ùäï òåùåú ëòùø ùàéðï òåùåú ìôåí ëï öøéê îéîø ðèéòåú îòéï òùø.


(R. Chuna): What's the meaning of 'like ten'? That even if saplings appear mature, having three trees isn't enough - that you shouldn't say that having three saplings that produce a 60 Mana cake is the same as having three mature trees. Similarly, if three mature trees don't produce that amount, they are the same as three saplings that don't (and one shouldn't be permitted to plow) - therefore, it needed to say 'sapling like ten' (to teach that ten saplings are always needed and even if a mature tree produces like a sapling, it still needs only three).

[ãó å òîåã á (òåæ åäãø)] ùãä ÷ðéí ðãåðåú ëùãä úáåàä


Tosefta: If a person planted a field of canes (in order that they grow and thicken), it's like a grain field (see Chapter 2 - that one may plow between the canes only until Pesach).

ø' àáäå áùí ø' éåñä á"ø çðéðä áñàúéí ùðå


(R. Abahu citing R. Yosa bei R. Chanina): (To be considered a field of canes) there must be (at least) a Beis Sasayim (50X100 Amos).

[ãó â òîåã à] ìéú äãà ôìéâé òì ùîåàì ãùîåàì àîø áòùåééï ùåøä


Question: Doesn't the Mishnah's law (above (a) that if the ten saplings were arranged in a row surrounded by a fence, one may only plow as needed) disagree with Shmuel (in Halachah 2) who said that when three trees are in a row, (one may plow the entire Beis Seah)?

úîï òì éãé ùäï îôåæøåú áúåê áéú ñàä àú øåàä ëàìå îìéàä áøí äëà ëåìï ðúåðéí áî÷åí àçã:


Answer: In Shmuel's case, since they are scattered within a Beis Seah, since the roots spread outwards, you view it as if it's full and you may plow the entire Beis Seah. Here, the saplings are all viewed as being in one place since the roots aren't spread outwards.