[66a - 35 lines; 66b - 10 lines]

1)[line 11]öéçöåçé æéáäTZICHTZUCHEI ZIVAH- traces of Zivah

2)[line 13]áòéðéäB'EINEI- when it is by itself

3)[line 19]îòú ìòúME'ES L'ES- for a 24-hour period [after he had an emission of Zivah]

4)[line 26]"åúãø ðãø åúàîø, ä' ö-á÷åú àí øàä úøàä áòðé àîúê åæëøúðé åìà úùëç àú àîúê, åðúúä ìàîúê æøò àðùéí; åðúúéå ìä' ëì éîé çééå, åîåøä ìà éòìä òì øàùå""VA'TIDOR NEDER VA'TOMAR, 'HASH-M TZE-VAKOS, IM RA'OH TIR'EH BA'ONI AMASECHA U'ZECHARTANI V'LO TISHKACH ES AMASECHA, V'NASATA LA'AMASECHA ZERA ANASHIM; U'NESATIV LA'SH-M KOL YEMEI CHAYAV, U'MORAH LO YA'ALEH AL ROSHO'" - "And she (Chanah) made a vow and she said, 'Lord of Hosts, if you will see the affliction of your maidservant, and You will remember me and not forget Your maidservant, and You will give to Your maidservant the seed of men; then I will give him to HaSh-m all the days of his life, and a razor will not go on his head'" (Shmuel I 1:11) (CHANAH'S VOW)

(a)See Background to Kesuvos 65:4 and Rosh Hashanah 11:34.

(b)We can learn much from this seemingly simple verse, including many of the great qualities of Chanah (who was one of the seven prophetesses. First, we see that it is permitted to make a Neder in times of trouble (even though, under normal circumstances, this is something that one should avoid).

(c)Second, Chanah was the first person since the creation to refer to HaSh-m as "Tze-vakos" (as Chazal in Berachos 31b comment). "You created so many myriads of hosts in the world. Can You not spare me one son?" They compare it to a poor man who having nothing to eat, forced his way into a royal banquet, and asked the king whether he could not spare one piece of bread from the large feast that he was serving. Rashi cites another Midrash which explains it somewhat differently. Chanah pointed out that HaSh-m created hosts in the heaven who could not have children and hosts on earth who could, and added that if He wanted her to have no children like the hosts of the heaven, then He should let her live forever like them!

(c)Third, unlike most other women, she wanted children not for any mundane reason but purely for the sake of HaSh-m, to provide Klal Yisrael with a great spiritual leader. She asked for a Tzadik who would also be a Nazir (a holy man who would abstain from the pleasures of life). In fact, she specifically stipulated that from a very young age, she would dedicate him to the service of HaSh-m.

5)[line 27]"ëé äðê äøä åÀéÉìÇãÀúÌÀ áï, åÌîåÉøÈä ìà éòìä òì øàùå, ëé ðæéø à-ì÷éí éäéä äðòø îï äáèï; åäåà éçì ìäåùéò àú éùøàì îéã ôìùúéí... åúçì øåç ä' ìôòîå áîçðä ãï...""KI HINACH HARAH V'YOLADT BEN, U'MORAH LO YA'ALEH AL ROSHO, KI NEZIR E-LOKIM YIHEYEH HA'NA'AR MIN HA'BATEN; V'HU YACHEL L'HOSHI'A ES YISRAEL MI'YAD PELISHTIM… VATACHEL RU'ACH HASH-M L'FA'AMO B'MACHANEH DAN..." - "Because you are about to become pregnant and give birth to a son, a razor shall not pass over his head, for the boy will be a Nazir of G-d from birth; and he will begin to deliver Yisrael from the hands of the Pelishtim... And the spirit of HaSh-m began to occur in the Camp of Dan..." (Shoftim 13:5, 25) (MANO'ACH'S WIFE AND THE ANGEL)

(a)Following Yisrael's spiritual decline, HaSh-m delivered them into the hands of the Pelishtim for a period of forty years. Mano'ach and his wife, a righteous couple from the tribe of Dan, had been unable to have children. It was to Mano'ach's wife that HaSh-m sent an angel with the information that she would give birth to a son who was destined to save Yisrael single-handedly from the harsh oppression of the Pelishtim, adding that she was to desist from drinking wine and from eating any product of the vine, because he was to be a Nazir from birth.

(b)The woman told her husband about the G-dly-looking man (who resembled an angel and whom she took to be a prophet), about whom she knew nothing, and what he had informed her. In response, Mano'ach prayed to HaSh-m to send the man once more and to repeat his instructions, which He did, though this time, too, the angel appeared to his wife as she sat in the field, and not to him. She hurried to tell her husband, who followed her out to the field to meet "the man," who repeated to him all that he told his wife, with orders to adhere to every detail.

(c)When Mano'ach offered to serve their guest a kid-goat, he informed them that he would not eat their food, and that they should rather bring it as a bunt-offering to HaSh-m. This they did, and when they asked him his name, he told them that his name was "Peli" ("hidden," by which he meant that angels, which are known by the mission that they are currently fulfilling, have no fixed name).

(d)When they brought the Korban to HaSh-m, the angel produced fire from the rock before their eyes and then ascended to the heaven with the pillar of flame that engulfed the animal and disappeared. At that moment they realized that he was an angel. Mano'ach, who was evidently inferior to his wife in a number of regards, expressed his fear that having seen an angel of HaSh-m they were destined to die. His wife reassured him that if HaSh-m had wanted them to die, He would neither have accepted their Korban nor would He have shown them the series of miracles that they had just witnessed.

(e)Subsequently, a son indeed was born to them, and they called him Shimshon. The boy was blessed by HaSh-m and it was he who eventually saved Yisrael from the hand of the Pelishtim, as the angel had predicted.

6)[line 32]"åéàîø ùîåàì àéê àìê åùîò ùàåì åäøâðé; åéàîø ä' òâìú á÷ø ú÷ç áéãê""VA'YOMER SHMUEL, 'EICH ELECH V'SHAMA SHAUL VA'HARAGANI?' VA'YOMER HASH-M, 'EGLAS BAKAR TIKACH B'YADCHA...'" - "And Shmuel said, 'How can I go [in the knowledge that)] if Shaul gets to know about it he will kill me? And HaSh-m said, 'Take a calf along with you...'" (Shmuel I 16:2) (SHMUEL'S DANGEROUS MISSION)

See Background to Yoma 11:14.


7)[line 1]çèåó åáøéêCHATOF U'VRICH- [when wine is being passed around for Birkas ha'Mazon] grab [it] and say the blessing (MEFARESH; RASHI to Berachos 53b), and similarly with other Berachos, be sure to make the blessing first and do not let others preempt you (ROSH)

8)[line 4]äùîéí ëê äåàHA'SHAMAYIM KACH HU- I swear that it is correct [that the one who answers Amen is greater than the one who says the Berachah]

9)[line 5]âåìééøéíGULYARIN- (a) common soldiers; (b) arms-bearers (ARUCH)

10)[line 5]îúâøéï áîìçîäMISGARIN B'MILCHAMAH- [start the war and are the main ones who] fight in the war