TOSFOS DH Amar Rava Lo Teima Safek Chaza...
úåñôåú ã"ä àîø øáà ìà úéîà ñô÷ çæà...
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains the case of Safek.)
ôø"é ëãàîøéðï áô' äîôìú (ðãä ãó ëá.) æéáä ãôúéëà áéä ùëáú æøò ìà ñúøä àìà éåí àçã æéáä ãìà ôúéëà áéä ùëáú æøò ñúøä ùáòä
Explanation (Ri): This is like we say in Nidah (22a), that Zivah in which semen is mixed cancels only that day. Zivah in which no semen is mixed cancels [all clean days counted, i.e. up to] seven days.
åøáà îééøé ëâåï ùáã÷ òöîå åîöà ùëáú æøò åâí æéáä òì äáâã
Rava discusses when he checked himself and found semen and also Zivah on the garment;
åìà ðåãò àí áàä äæéáä ìáãä åäùëáú æøò ìáã åéñúåø ùáò àå ôúéëà áùëáú æøò (ëï ðøàä ìäâéä ò"ô ÷øï àåøä) ùáàå éçã åìà éñúåø ø÷ éåí àçã.
He does not know that if the Zivah came by itself and the semen by itself, and he cancels seven days, or if semen was mixed [with the Zivah], i.e. they came together, and he cancels only one day.
TOSFOS DH Amar Lei Rava...
úåñôåú ã"ä àîø ìéä øáà...
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains the rejection.)
ä"â åàîàé äà àéï ìê çåìé âãåì îæä
The text: The text says "what is the reason? There is no greater sickness than this!"
ôø"é âø ùøàä ÷øé ÷åãí ùðúâééø åðúâééø åøàä æéáä îèîà áæéáä åìà úôèåø ÷øé àú äæéáä
Explanation (Ri): A convert saw Keri before conversion, and converted, and saw Zivah. He is Mitamei through Zivah. The Keri does not exempt the Zivah;
åàí ëãáøé øá àãà åøá ôôà ãèòîà ã÷øé ôåèø áæéáä äáà àçøéå îùåí çåìùà âáé âø ðîé ðéîà äëé ãàéï ìê çåìé âãåì îæä
According to Rav Ada and Rav Papa, that the reason Keri exempts Zivah that comes afterwards is due to weakness, we should say so also regarding a convert. There is no greater sickness than this!
ëé äëé ãáã÷éðï àåúå áëì äæ' ãøëéí ëï öøéê ìáãå÷ àåúå (äâäú úôàøú öéåï) ìôèåø á÷øé
Just like we check him (a convert) with all seven ways, so we must check him to exempt him through Keri (if he saw Keri earlier in the day);
ãîä ìé ÷øé ùøàä ëùäåà òåáã ëåëáéí îä ìé ùøàä ëùäåà éùøàì.
What is the difference if he saw Keri when he was a Nochri, or if he saw when he was a Yisrael?!
TOSFOS DH Ela Tanai Hi
úåñôåú ã"ä àìà úðàé [äéà]
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains that Rav Ada bar Ahavah and Rav Papa are rejected.)
ëìåîø ãøá àãà åøá ôôà ìéúà ãåãàé èòîà ã÷øé ìàå îùåí çåìùà àìà îùåí âæéøú äëúåá
Explanation: Rav Ada and Rav Papa are wrong. Surely, the reason for Keri (why it exempts Zivah) is not due to weakness. Rather, it is a Gezeras ha'Kasuv;
ããøùéðï áñôøé åäéä ìôðåú òøá éøçõ áîéí îìîã ùä÷øé ôåèø æéáä äáà àçøéå (äâäú ø' áöìàì àùëðæé) ëì îòú ìòú åìëê ì"ù ðæ÷÷ åì"ù ìà ðæ÷÷ àîøé' ã÷øé ôåèø æéáä äáàä àçøéå îòú ìòú
We expound in the Sifri "v'Hayah Lifnos Erev Yirchatz ba'Mayim" teaches that Keri exempts Zivah that comes afterwards within 24 hours. Therefore, there is no difference whether or not he already received Tum'as [Zav]. We say that Keri exempts Zivah afterwards within 24 hours.
åùëáú æøò ãîúðé' ìàå áæéáä àééøé ëãàîø øá àãà áø àäáä àìà ëãàîø îòé÷øà ìîùà åëäðé (äâäú ëúø úåøä) úðàé ãàîøé ã÷øé ùì æá îèîà áîùà
Semen of our Mishnah does not discuss Zivah, like Rav Ada bar Ahavah said. Rather, it is like we initially said, regarding Tum'as Masa, and it is like the following Tana'im;
ãúðéà ù"æ ùì æá îèîà (äâäú áøëú øàù) áîùà îòú ìòú
(Beraisa): Semen of a Zav has Tum'as Masa within 24 hours.
ëìåîø ëùøàä ÷øé úåê îòú ìòú ùøàä áæéáä.
Explanation: This is when he saw Keri within 24 hours of seeing Zivah.
TOSFOS DH R. Yosi Omer v'Chulei
úåñôåú ã"ä øáé éåñé àåîø ëå'
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why we brought a Beraisa, and not a Mishnah.)
åà"ú åìééúé îúðé' ãîñëú ëìéí (ô"à î"â) ìîòìä îäí øå÷å ùì æá åùëáú æøòå ùîèîà áîùà åáôø÷ ëéöã äøâì (á"÷ ãó ëä.) îééúé ìä
Question: Why didn't we bring the Mishnah in Kelim (1:3), which says "spit and semen of a Zav are more Tamei. They are Metamei through Masa"? This is brought in Bava Kama (25a)!
[åé"ì] ùøâìéí ìãáø ãîúðé' îééøé ãå÷à ùëáú æøò ùøåàä ñîåê ìæéáåú (åäúí áòé ìàúåéé ùéèîà áîùà ëì æ').
Answer: "There are Raglayim l'Davar" in our Mishnah discusses only semen seen shortly after Zivah. There (the Mishnah in Kelim) needs to bring that they have Tum'as Masa all seven days.
TOSFOS DH b'Mai ka'Mipalgei bedi'Shmuel...
úåñôåú ã"ä áîàé ÷îéôìâé áãùîåàì...
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains that we discuss a Zav who saw Keri within 24 hours.)
ùäåà æá î÷øä ìéìä ëìåîø ùàí øàä ÷øé úåê îò"ì (äâää áâìéåï îàåøç îéùåø) àçø ùøàä äæéáä èîàä îùàå ì÷øé
Explanation: [The verse discusses] a Zav who had Mikreh Laylah, i.e. he saw Keri within 24 hours after seeing Zivah. His semen has Tum'as Masa.
TOSFOS DH b'Mai (part 2)
úåñôåú ã"ä áîàé (çì÷ á)
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains how both opinions expound.)
åëúéá ìôðåú òøá
Citation of Gemara: And it says "Lifnos Erev."
àó àçø ùôðä äòøá åäééðå òã îòú ìòú åëããøùéðï ðîé áñôøé ëãôøéùé' ìòéì ãîùîò îòú ìòú
Explanation: Even after nightfall, i.e. until 24 hours, like we expound also in the Sifri, like I explained above (DH Ela), that it connotes 24 hours.
î"ã îòú ìòú ãéé÷ îìôðåú òøá åî"ã éåîå ãéé÷ îìéìä
The one who says 24 hours derives from Lifnos Erev. The one who says "that day" (until nightfall) derives from Laylah.
åàéãê äà ãëúéá ìéìä îùåí ãàåøçéä ã÷øé ìîéúéà áìéìä
The other opinion, how does he explain "Laylah"? The Torah wrote Laylah, for Keri normally occurs at night.
åðøàä ìåîø ãàéãê ãåøù ìôðåú òøá ëããøùéðï áñéôøé ã÷øé ôåèø æéáä ùì àçøéä ëì îòú ìòú.
Assertion: It seems that the other opinion [who says 24 hours] expounds Lifnos Erev like we expound in the Sifri, that Keri exempts Zivah after it for 24 hours.
Note: Tosfos Yom Tov (Zavim 2:3) asks that the Mishnah explicitly says that R. Yosi holds that Keri exempts only until night! Some say that texts often confuse "R. Yosi" and "R. Yehudah". (Tosfos' text there said "R. Yehudah.") Birkas Rosh says that he expounds like in the Sifri, that Keri exempts Zivah, but not necessarily for 24 hours, like the Sifri holds.