TOSFOS DH Ein Yamim Pachos mi'Shenayim
úåñôåú ã"ä àéï éîéí ôçåúéí îùðéí
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains the question against Rebbi and the answer.)
ããøéù îéîéí úäéä âàåìúå ùàéï äîåëø éëåì ìâàåì áôçåú îùðé éîéí, äëé ðîé ãáëì á' éîéí é÷ì ùòøå
Explanation: He expounds from "Yamim Tihyeh Ge'ulaso" that one who sells [a house in a walled city] may not redeem it less than two days [after selling it]. Also here, he should be permitted to trim his hair every two days!
åîùðé ãáá' éîéí ìéëà ëåáã åîñúîà ìà ðú÷áì â"ù àäðé àìà îîùîòåú ãéîéí
We answer that in two days, his hair does not become heavy. Presumably, the Gezeirah Shavah was not received for this. Rather, [Rebbi learns from] the connotation of "Yamim";
ãäééðå ùðä úäéä âàåìúå ùâåàì àçøé á' éîéí ëì äùðä ëãëúéá áúøéä åàí ìà éâàì òã îìàú ìå ùðä úîéîä àìîà ãëì äùðä âåàì.
This is a year, [like it says "Yamim] Tihyeh Ge'ulaso." He may redeem after two days, for the entire year, like it says afterwards "v'Im Lo Yiga'el Ad Melos Lo Shanah Semimah." This shows that he may redeem the entire year.
TOSFOS DH Telachnah Benos Yisrael Lesanos l'Vas Yiftach Dalet Yamim ba'Shanah
úåñôåú ã"ä úìëðä áðåú éùøàì ìúðåú ìáú éôúç ã' éîéí áùðä
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains the Havah Amina to learn from Bas Yiftach, and the Dichuy.)
åîùîò áñåó ëì â' çãùéí äìëå ìúðåú (äâäú ãáù úîø)
Inference: This connotes that at the end of every three months they went to lament.
åîùðé îðà éãòé' ãîçì÷éï äùðä áùåä ãéìîà úøéï éøçéï áçã æîðà åã' éøçéï áçã æîðà åá' éøçéï áçã æîðà [åëå']
Explanation: The Gemara answers that we do not know that they divided the years equally. Perhaps one time [they delayed] two months [between two successive journeys], and another time four months, and another time two months...
åëéåï ãäëé äåà ìà éãòéðï îäéëà ðéìó ãìéú ìï ìîéìó îî÷åí ùéëåì ìäéåú ùàéï äãáø ùåä (äâää áâìéåï) ìäëé éìôéðï îáúé òøé çåîä.
Therefore, we do not know how to learn. We should not learn from a place where it can be that the matter (interval) is not the same. Therefore, we learn from Batei Ir Chomah.
TOSFOS DH Mai Taima Gabei Kohanim d'Ika Koved
úåñôåú ã"ä î"è âáé ëäðéí [ãàéëà] ëåáã
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why we do not learn from a Stam Nazir.)
åà"ú åäà ëäðé' òöîí éìôé' (úòðéú éæ.) îñúí ðæé' ôøò ôøò ãî÷éìéï àçú ìùìùéí éåí åà"ë ðéìó ðæéø òåìí îñúí ðæéø ãäåé ùìùéí éåí
Question: Kohanim themselves we learn from a Stam Nazir from a Gezeirah Shavah "Pera-Pera", that they trim their hair once in 30 days. If so, we should learn from a Nazir Olam from a Stam Nazir, that it is 30 days!
åé"ì ãìà îéñúáø ìéä ììîåã ÷ãåùú òåìí î÷ãåùú ùòä
Answer: It is unreasonable to [the Tana] to learn permanent Kedushah from temporary Kedushah;
åìäëé éìéó îëäðéí àò"â ãìîã îï äìîã îùåí ãëäðéí ðîé ÷ãåùú òåìí äåå.
Therefore, he learns from Kohanim, even though this is Lamed (learned) from Lamed (Kohanim themselves we learned from a Stam Nazir), because also Kohanim are permanent Kedushah.
TOSFOS DH Mai Ika Beinei li'Sh'ar Achohi
úåñôåú ã"ä îàé àéëà áéðéä ìùàø àçåäé
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why we must say that he shaved less often than they did.)
åà"ú åðéîà ãàéëà áéðééäå ÷øáðåú ãäåà îáéà åìà äï
Question: We should say that they differ about Korbanos! He brings [Korbanos] when he trims his hair, and they do not.
åé"ì ãä"÷ îàé àéëà áéðéä áúâìçú ã÷àîø ÷øà åéäé î÷õ éîéí àùø éâìç îùåí ãáúâìçú äéä îàçø.
Answer: We ask how he differs regarding shaving. The verse says "at the end of days that he would shave." This implies that he delayed shaving [more than his brothers. Stam princes shave every Erev Shabbos].
TOSFOS DH Hani Mem Shanah l'Mai
úåñôåú ã"ä äðé (î÷õ) î' ùðä ìîàé
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why we must say that it was 40 years from the request.)
ôé' ãìéëà ìîéîø ìî' ùðä (ìîàé) ìîìëåú áéú ãåã ãàæ îøã àáùìåí
Implied question: Why can't we say that it is 40 years from the kingship of David, and then Avshalom rebelled?
ãäà îùîò ÷øàé ãäéä îìê ä' ùðéí àçø îòùä æä â' ùì øòá åàçã ùîðä éùøàì åàçã ùäòîéã îùîøåú
Answer: The verses connotes that [David] reigned five years after this episode - three years of famine, one year in which he counted Yisrael, and one in which he established Mishmaros (divisions of Kohanim. We know that David reigned 40 years in all.)
åîùðé î÷õ î' ùðä ùùàìå ìäí îìê
Explanation: The Gemara answers that it was 40 years from when they (Bnei Yisrael) requested a king;
åìôé (äâäú ø' áöìàì àùëðæé) ùîøãå áîìëå ùì òåìí úìä îøéãú [àáùìåí áùàìúí ìäí îìê
Since they rebelled against the King of the world, [the verse] attributes the rebellion of Avshalom to their request for a king.
ùäéä ùðú òùø] ìùîåàì åáçöé é"à äòîéã îìê åîìê çöé é"à åá' ùðéí äøé ã' ùðéí ìùàìä
Explanation (cont.): This was in the 10th year of Shmuel. In his 11th year he established a king, and he (Sha'ul) ruled [the latter] half of [Shmuel's] 11th year, and two [more] years. It turns out [that Sha'ul died and David's reign began] four years after the request.
åáúçìú ì"å ìîìëåú áéú ãåã äéà ùðú î' ìùàìä åàç"ë îøã àáùìåí åäùðä ääéà äéä ùðú øòá å÷øà (äâäú áøëú øàù) àåúä ùðú î' ìùàìä
At the beginning of the 36th year of David, it was 40 years after the request, and afterwards Avshalom rebelled. That was a year of famine, and [the verse] calls it 40 years from the request;
åìôé æä (äâäú úôàøú ìîùä) îøã áúçìú ùðú î' ìùàìä åìàå ãå÷à î÷õ î' ùðä.
According to this, he rebelled at the beginning of 40 years from the request. "At the end of 40 years" is not precise.
TOSFOS DH Stam Nezirus Sheloshim Yom
úåñôåú ã"ä ñúí ðæéøåú ùìùéí éåí
(SUMMARY: Tosfos points out that the Gemara gives the reason.)
åáâîøà îôøù èòîà.
Remark: The Gemara explains the reason [according to Rav Mashnah and Bar Pada].
TOSFOS DH Bar Pada Amar k'Neged Neziros ha'Amurim b'Torah...
úåñôåú ã"ä áø ôãà àîø ëðâã ðæéøåú äàîåøéï áúåøä...
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why Bar Pada says only 29.)
ôéøåù ëúåáéí áôøùú ðæéø åëðâãï îåùê (îëàï îòîåã á) ñúí ðæéøåú ë"è éåí
Explanation: This refers to Neziros written in Parshas Nazir. Corresponding to them, Stam Nezirus lasts 29 days.
àò"â ãúîöà ùìùéí ëùàúä (äâäú áàøåú äîéí) éåøã ìîðééðí
Implied question: You find 30 when you count them!
éù ìåîø ãðæø àìäéå òì øàùå ìà äåé îîðééðà ãäåà ìùåï ëúø ëãîúøâîéðï ëìéìà.
Answer: "Nezer Elokav Al Rosho" is not counted. [Nezer is not from the root of Nazir, rather,] it is an expression of a crown, like the Targum [Yonason] "Kelila."
TOSFOS DH Hinahu li'Drasha (pertains to Amud A)
úåñôåú ã"ä äðäå ìãøùà (ùééê ìòîåã à)
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why Rav Masne does not expound like Bar Pada.)
åëéåï ãàúééï ìãøùà ìà îöèøôéï ìîðééðà åáöøé ìäå îë"è (äâäú àåøç îéùåø).
Explanation: Since it is for a Drashah, we do not join it to the count, and there are less than 29.
TOSFOS DH Melamed sheha'Nezirus Chal Al ha'Nezirus (pertains to Amud A)
úåñôåú ã"ä îìîã ùäðæéøåú çì òì äðæéøåú (ùééê ìòîåã à)
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains the case that this teaches about.)
åãàé ðøàä ãàí àîø äøéðé ðæéø åðæéø ìà àéöèøéê ãîéùúîò ùôéø ëùéùìéí ðæéøåúå äøàùåï ãîúçéì åîåðä ðæéøåú ùðé
Assertion: Surely, it seems that if one said "I am a Nazir, and a Nazir", we do not need [a verse to teach about this]. This properly connotes that when he finishes his first Nezirus, he begins and counts the second;
åëé àéöèøéê ÷øà ìäéëà ãàîø äøéðé ðæéø äéåí åðæéø äéåí (äâäú øò"à) ãäåä ìï ìîéîø ìà çééì òìéä àìà çã ðæéøåú ëéåï ãàîø äéåí
We need the verse for when he said "I am a Nazir today, and a Nazir today." We should have said that only one Nezirus takes effect on him, since he said "today";
ìäëé àéöèøéê ÷øà îéåúø ùäðæéøåú çì òì äðæéøåú.
For this we need an extra verse [to teach] that Nezirus takes effect on Nezirus.
TOSFOS DH Ho'il v'Ika Chad Minaihu d'Lav li'Drasha
úåñôåú ã"ä äåàéì åàéëà çã îéðééäå ãìàå ìãøùà
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains that "one" is not precise.)
àå àçã àå òùøä åìàå ãå÷à çã îãääåà ìîðééðà ëåìäåï ìîðééðà
Explanation: There can be one or 10 [not for a Drashah]. It need not be precisely one. Since that one is (or those are) for the count, all are for the count;
åðäé ãàéëà áäå ãøùà îëì î÷åí àúå ìîðééðà.
Even though there is a Drashah for them, in any case they are included in the count.
TOSFOS DH Tanan Stam Nezirus Sheloshim Yom v'Chulei Ela l'Bar Pada Kashya
úåñôåú ã"ä úðï ñúí ðæéøåú ùìùéí éåí åëå' àìà ìáø ôãà ÷ùéà
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains the question against Bar Pada, and the answer.)
ãîùîò ùäúðà îùê ðæéøåú ãàåøééúà àúà ìàùîåòéðï
Explanation: [The Mishnah] connotes that the Tana comes to teach the duration of Nezirus mid'Oraisa.
åîùðé ëéåï ãàéëà éåí úìúéï ãîâìç åîééúé ÷øáðåú åàñåø ìùúåú áééï åìéèîà ìîúéí òã ùîáéà ÷øáðåúéå
We answer that since on day 30 he shaves and brings Korbanos, and he may not drink wine or become Tamei until he brings Korbanos...
îùåí äëé [úðé] úìúéï éåîéï ãîùê äðæéøåú òã úìúéï éåîé
Therefore he taught 30 days, for the duration of Nezirus is until 30 days.
ëé (äâäú áøëú øàù) àé àôùø ìäáéà ÷øáðåúéå áë"è àôéìå ìáø ôãà àìà áéåí ùìùéí
One cannot bring Korbanos on day 29, even according to Bar Pada, only on day 30.
Note: It seems that the following is a separate Dibur. It seems that Tosfos' text said "Havya Lei Kaparah", like the Rosh's text.)
äåéà ìéä [ëôøä] ãàôéìå ðæéø èäåø ÷öú çåèà äåà ùöéòø òöîå îï äééï.
Explanation: [The Gemara says that] it is a Kaparah because even a Nazir Tahor is somewhat of a sinner, for he pained himself [through abstaining] from wine.
TOSFOS DH Megale'ach li'Sheloshim v'Echad Yom v'Chulei Ela l'Bar Pada Kashya
úåñôåú ã"ä îâìç ìùìùéí åà' éåí ëå' àìà ìáø ôãà ÷ùä
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why this is difficult for Bar Pada.)
ãäåä ìéä ìâìç áéåí [ì'] ãùìîå ðæéøåú áë"è éåí.
Explanation: He should shave on day 30, since Nezirus finished in 29 days.
TOSFOS DH Amar Lecha Bar Pada Eima Seifa...
úåñôåú ã"ä àîø ìê áø ôãà àéîà ñéôà...
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why l'Chatchilah he shaves on day 31.)
åøéùà ã÷àîø ìëúçéìä ìà äééðå èòîà ãëùéàîø (äâäú ø"ù îãòñåé) ùìùéí éåí ùìéîéï ìäéåú ðæéø àé àôùø ìå ìâìç áéåí ùìùéí
Explanation: The Reisha said that l'Chatchilah he may not [shave on day 30]. This is because when he says to be a Nazir for 30 full days, he cannot shave on day 30;
åâæøå çëîéí ëùàåîø ðæéø ñúí ãìëúçéìä ìà éâìç àìà áéåí ùìùéí åà' àáì áãéòáã àí âéìç áéåí ì' éöà
Chachamim decreed when he said Nazir Stam, that l'Chatchilah he shaves only on day 31, but b'Di'eved, if he shaves on day 30; he was Yotzei;
Note: Whenever we say "he shaves only on day..." or "he must shave on day...", this means that he cannot shave earlier. He may shave later.
ùëï ãéðå ãàåøééúà ãñúí ðæéø éâìç áéåí ùìùéí
This is Torah law. A Stam Nazir shaves on day 30.
åàí úàîø àîàé àéöèøéê ìîéîø âæéøä àèå äéëà ãàîø ùìéîéí ìéîà âæéøä àèå äéëà ãàîø ùìùéí éåí áìà ùìéîéí
Question: Why do we need to say that it is a decree due to when he said full [days]? We should say that it is a decree due to when he said 30, without "full"!
ãäëé îåëç áñîåê áôéøëà ùðéä ãìáø ôãà ãìéú ìéä î÷öú äéåí ëëåìå ëé àîø ùìùéí ãîãàåøééúà öøéê ìâìç áéåí ì' åàçã
It is proven below from the second question that according to Bar Pada, who does not hold that Miktzas ha'Yom k'Kulo (part of the day counts like the whole day), when he said 30, mid'Oraisa he must shave on day 31!
éù ìåîø ãîùåí ãùðé ì÷îï ìøá îúðà ëàåîø (äâäú äøù"ù) ùìéîéí ãäúí ìéëà ìùðåéé áìéùðà àçøéðà
Answer: Because we answer below according to Rav Masne that it is as if he said "full", for there we cannot answer with different words [that he said];
ãàùîåòéðï ëùàîø ìùåï îéåúø ì' éåí ëàéìå àîø ùìéîéï ãìéëà ìîéîø áæä î÷öú äéåí ëëåìå åàéöèøéê ìåîø ùìéîéí (äâäú áøëú øàù)
It teaches us that when he said extra words "30 days", it is as if he said full. In such a case, we cannot say Miktzas ha'Yom k'Kulo. It needed to say [that he said] 30;
÷îùðé ðîé áäà ìéùðà ìáø ôãà.
Also here, we answer with the same words according to Bar Pada.
TOSFOS DH ul'Rav Masne Kashya Seifa ka'Savar Miktzas ha'Yom k'Kulo
úåñôåú ã"ä åìøá îúðà ÷ùéà ñéôà ÷ñáø î÷öú äéåí ëëåìå
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains that Bar Pada does not hold that Miktzas ha'Yom k'Kulo.)
äéìëê àí âéìç áéåí ùìùéí éöà ëéåï ùòùä î÷öú äéåí áðæéøåú åîéäå ìëúçéìä ìà éâìç àìà áéåí ùìùéí åàçã
Explanation: Therefore, if he shaved on day 30, he was Yotzei, since he fulfilled part of the day in Nezirus. However, l'Chatchilah he shaves only on day 31;
åìáø ôãà ìéú ìéä î÷öú äéåí ëëåìå ãà"ë àôéìå áéåí ë"è àí âéìç éöà
Bar Pada does not hold that Miktzas ha'Yom k'Kulo. If he did, [he would hold that] even [if he shaved] on day 29 he was Yotzei;
åäúðà àîø áéåí ùìùéí àí âéìç éåí ùìùéí éöà.
The Tana taught that [if he shaved] on day 30 he was Yotzei. (This implies that on day 29, he was not Yotzei!)
TOSFOS DH Tanan Hareini Nazir Sheloshim Yom Im Gilach Yom Sheloshim Lo Yatza
úåñôåú ã"ä úðï äøéðé ðæéø ùìùéí éåí àí âéìç éåí ùìùéí ìà éöà
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why this is difficult only for Rav Masne, and how he answers.)
áùìîà àé ãå÷à éåí ùìùéí ìáø ôãà ãìéú ìéä î÷öú äéåí
Explanation: Granted, if day 30 is precise according to Bar Pada, who does not hold that Miktzas ha'Yom k'Kulo, this is fine.
àò"â ãìòéì ÷àîø àí âéìç éåí ùìùéí éöà
Implied question: Above, he said that if he shaved on day 30 he was Yotzei!
äúí äåà ãñúí ðæéøåú ÷áéì òìéä ãäåé ë"è àáì äëà ãàîø ùìùéí éåí îùê ðæéøåú ëì ùìùéí éåí
Answer: There, he accepted Stam Nezirus, which is 29 days. Here that he said 30 days, the duration of Nezirus is all 30 days;
äìëê àí âéìç áéåí ùìùéí ìà éöà ãìéú ìéä î÷öú äéåí ëëåìå
Therefore, if he shaved on day 30 he was not Yotzei, for he does not hold that Miktzas ha'Yom k'Kulo.
àìà ìøá îúðà ÷ùä ãàò"â ãàîø ì' éåí äà ñáéøà ìéä [ãàîøéðï] î÷öú äéåí ëëåìå åàí âéìç áéåí ùìùéí àîàé ìà éöà
However, according to Rav Masne, this is difficult, even though he said 30 days. [Rav Masne] holds that we say Miktzas ha'Yom k'Kulo. If he shaved on day 30, why wasn't he Yotzei?
åîùðé ëàåîø (äâäú äøù"ù) ùìéîéí
Explanation: We answer that he is like one who said full days;
ôéøåù àó òì âá ãîúðéúéï ñúîà ÷úðé [ùìùéí] éåí àôéìå äëé ëéåï ãàîø ùìùéí éåí ìéùðà éúéøà äåà ãàôéìå ñúí ìøá îúðà äåé ùìùéí éåí
I.e. even though our Mishnah taught Stam 30 days, even so, since he said 30 days, this is extra, for even Stam, according to Rav Masne it is 30 days;
åëé àîø äøéðé ðæéø (äâäú áàøåú äîéí) ùìùéí éåí äåé ëàéìå àîø ùìéîéí åìéëà ìîéîø î÷öú äéåí ëëåìå
When he said "I am a Nazir 30 days", it is as if he said full [days], and we cannot say Miktzas ha'Yom k'Kulo;
åìëê àí âéìç áéåí ùìùéí ìà éöà.
Therefore, if he shaved on day 30 he was not Yotzei.
TOSFOS DH v'Es ha'Sheniyah b'Yom Samech Aleph bi'Shlama l'Rav Masne Nicha
úåñôåú ã"ä åàú äùðéä áéåí ñ"à áùìîà ìøá îúðà ðéçà
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why this is difficult only for Bar Pada.)
ëùéâìç äøàùåðä áéåí ùìùéí åàçã ðâîø ðæéøåú åîúçéì ðæéøåú ùðé áå áéåí
Explanation #1: When he shaves the first on day 31, Nezirus finished, and he begins the second Nezirus the same day;
îéãé ãäåé ààãí ùî÷áì òìéå ðæéøåú áçöé äéåí ùòåìä ìå àåúå éåí ìéåí ùìí
This is like one who accepted Nezirus in the middle of the day. That day counts like a whole day;
äìëê áéåí ñ' ëìå á' ðæéøåú åáñ"à îâìç òì äùðéä åðîöà ãëì úâìçú áéåí ùìùéí åà'
Therefore, on day 60 the two Neziros are finished. On day 61 he shaves for the second. Each shaving is on day 31,
åë"ú ñåó ñåó îàé ÷î"ì îúðé' ìøá îúðà äà áøéùà ÷úðé áäãéà ãìëúçéìä öøéê ìâìç áéåí ì' åàçã
Question: What does this Mishnah teach, according to Rav Masne? The Reisha explicitly taught that l'Chatchilah, one must shave on day 31!
äà ìà ÷ùéà ãñéôà àúà ìàùîåòéðï ãéåí ì' òåìä ìëàï åìëàï ëãîñé÷ ì÷îï áùéðåééà àìéáà ãøá îúðà åäà ìà ùîòéðï îøéùà
Answer: The Seifa teaches that day 30 counts for here and here (the first and second Neziros), like we conclude below in the answer according to Rav Masne. We do not learn this from the Reisha.
àìà ìáø ôãà ÷ùä îøéùà ùîâìç òì äøàùåðä áéåí ì' [åàçã] åòì äùðéä áéåí ñ' [åàçã]
Question: The Reisha is difficult for Bar Pada. He shaves for the first on day 31, and for the second on day 61.
åàò"â ãà÷ùéðï ìáø ôãà îøéùà ëé äàé åëáø ùðé ìéä îãøáðï âæøå ãìëúçéìä öøéê ìâìç áéåí ì' åàçã åàí ëï îàé [äãø] ôøéê ìéä
Implied question: We asked like this against Bar Pada from the Reisha, and already answered that mid'Rabanan they decreed that l'Chatchilah he must shave on day 31. If so, what do we return to ask against him?
ãøê äù"ñ ëï ìä÷ùåú ëòéï ÷åùéà øàùåðä åìúøöå ëòéï úéøåõ øàùåï åáìáã ùéùîéòðå ÷öú çéãåù îä ùìà ùîòðå áøéùà
Answer: The Gemara is wont to ask like the first question, and answer it like the first answer, as long as it teaches [at least] a small Chidush that we did not hear from the Reisha;
åä"ð àéëà ÷öú çéãåù áñéôà ìáø ôãà ùàéï áøéùà ëãðô÷à ìï ì÷îï áîñ÷ðà ãúéøåöà
Also here there is a small Chidush in the Seifa according to Bar Pada that is not in the Reisha, like we derive below in the conclusion of the answer;
ãîùîéòðå ãî÷öú äéåí ëëåìå ìáø ôãà áúçéìú äðæéøåú ëàãí ùî÷áì òìéå ðæéøåú áçöé äéåí
We learn that Miktzas ha'Yom k'Kulo at the beginning of Nezirus according to Bar Pada, like one who accepted Nezirus in the middle of the day.
àò"ô ùàåúå çéãåù ìà ðúôøù áñéôà ìáø ôãà
Implied question: That Chidush was not explained in the Seifa according to Bar Pada!
öøéëéï àðå ìîéîø ùäù"ñ ñåîê òì ëê,
Answer: [Even so,] we must say that the Gemara relies on this.
òåã ñéâðåï àçø áùìîà ìøá îúðà ðéçà (äà) ëìåîø äà ã÷úðé ùîâìç ëì ðæéøåú áéåí ùìùéí åàçã ãäééðå äøàùåðä áéåí ùìùéí åàçã åäùðéä áéåí ñ"à
Explanation #2: Granted, according to Rav Masne, this is fine. I.e. it taught that he shaves each Nezirus on day 31, i.e. the first on day 31, and the second on day 61.
åàò"â ãùîòéðï îøéùà ãîâìç áéåí ùìùéí åàçã
Implied question: We learn from the Reisha that he shaves the first on day 31!
ñéôà àéöèøéëà ìéä ìàùîåòéðï ãéåí ùìùéí òåìä ìëàï åìëàï ìá' ðæéøåú ëãîñé÷ ì÷îï àìà ìáø ôãà ÷ùéà
Answer: We need the Seifa to teach that that day 30 counts for here and here, i.e. for both Neziros, like we conclude below. However, according to Bar Pada, this is difficult.
àó òì âá ãìáø ôãà ðîé öøéê ìâìç áéåí ùìùéí åàçã îãøáðï ëãùðé ìòéì
Implied question: Also according to Bar Pada, he must shave on day 31 mid'Rabanan, like we answered above!
îëì î÷åí úé÷ùé ìáø ôãà îééúåø (îëàï îãó äáà) äîùðéåú
Answer: In any case, it is difficult for Bar Pada from the extra Mishnah;