
TOSFOS DH she'Harei Lo Mo'al

úåñôåú ã"ä ùäøé ìà îòì

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why he was not Mo'el, and he did not atone.)

áùåââ àí ùââ åä÷øéá ÷øáï òì äãí ÷øáï ùì çìá ãàëúé á÷ãåùúééäå ÷àé ëéåï ãáäîä ÷ãåùä ÷ãåùú äâåó åìà ðô÷ ìçåìéï áäëé


Explanation: [He was not Mo'el] if he was Shogeg. I.e. if b'Shogeg he offered for [eating] blood a Korban [that he had separated] for Chelev, for it retains its Kedushah, since the animal has Kedushas ha'Guf and it does not become Chulin through this;

ìà îòì (äâäú áøëú øàù) ëéåï ùìà ðäðä îîðä


He did not transgress Me'ilah, since he did not benefit from it.

ìà ëéôø áîæéã ãìà òùä ëìåí ùàéðå éëåì ìäúëôø á÷øáï ùì çìá òì ãí (äâäú áøëú øàù) ëìì


He did not atone if he was Mezid, for he did not do anything, for he cannot atone at all for [eating] blood through a Korban [separated] for Chelev.

ìà îòì àí òùä ëï (äâää áâìéåï) áùåââ äåàéì åàéðå îåöéàå îøùåú ä÷ãù àìà îä÷ãù æä ìä÷ãù àçø


Explanation (cont.): He was not Mo'el if he did so b'Shogeg, since he does not remove it from Hekdesh's Reshus. Rather, [he changes it] from one Hekdesh to another Hekdesh;

åîúåê ùìà îòì ìà ëéôø


Since he was not Mo'el, he did not atone.

åäëé îôøù ìéä áôø÷ áúøà ãëøéúåú (ãó ëæ:) åàçøé ùàðå øåàéï áùåââ ãìà ëéôø ãéï äåà ëùðúëååï ìò÷ø çèàú çìá åìòùåú çèàú ãí ãìà ëéôø.


Support: We explain it like this in Kerisus (27b). Since we find that b'Shogeg he did not atone, it is proper that when he intended to uproot a Chatas for Chelev and make it a Chatas Dam, he did not atone.


Note: The end of this Tosfos is mistakenly printed in the Gemara at the end of Tosfos DH she'Harei on Daf 27b (Maharav Ransborg).

äéä îã÷ã÷ äø"í ãàîø áô"÷ ãæáçéí (ãó è:) çèàú çìá ùùçèå ìùí çèàú ãí ëùøä åäëà àîø ãìà ëéôø


Contradiction (Maharam): It says in Zevachim (9b) that if a Chatas Chelev was slaughtered for the sake of Chatas Dam, it is Kosher. Here we say that it did not atone!

åéù ìçì÷ ãäúí îééøé ùìà äéä çééá ùúéäí ëé àí çèàú çìá åìëê òãéó


Answer #1 (Maharam): There we discuss when he was not obligated in both of them. He was liable only Chatas Chelev. Therefore, it is better (there is more reason to say that he atoned);

àáì äëà ùðúçééá ùúéäï äåé ò÷éøä éåúø


However, here he was obligated both of them. He uproots more [from its Kedushah. Therefore, he did not atone.]

åòåã éù ìåîø ãåãàé ìòðéï ìäúëôø áå áùáéì çèàú çìá ùäéúä òåîãú ìëê àéëà îàï ãàîø ëùøä


Answer #2: Surely, regarding to get atonement for [his obligation to bring] Chatas Chelev, which it was destined for, there is an opinion that it is Kosher;

àáì äëà àééøé ìäúëôø áå îùåí çèàú ãí ùøåöä ìòå÷øå îîä ùäéä îúçéìä ìëê ìà ëéôø.


However, here we discuss to get atonement for [his obligation to bring] Chatas Dam. He wants to uproot it from what it was initially for. Therefore, he did not atone.


TOSFOS DH Al Chataso

úåñôåú ã"ä òì çèàúå

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains how we derive the law for Shogeg and Mezid.)

åëôø äëäï òì çèàúå áëáùä ãéçéã ëúéá àìîà ãáîæéã àéðå éëåì ìùðåú àôé' áîòåú


Explanation: It says regarding the female lamb that an individual may bring [for a Chatas] "v'Chiper ha'Kohen Al Chataso." This implies that b'Mezid, he cannot change even coins.

åëï úðéà áúåñôúà ãëøéúåú [ô"ã] äôøéù îòåú ìçèàú çìá åäáéàåí òì çèàú ãí ìçèàú ãí åäáéàåí ìçèàú çìá


Support - Citation (Tosefta Kerisus 4:12): If one separated coins for Chatas Chelev, and brought it for Chatas Dam, or for Chatas Dam, and brought it for Chatas Chelev:

áùåââ îòì ìôéëê ëéôø áîæéã ìà îòì ìôéëê ìà ëéôø


If he was Shogeg, he was Mo'el. Therefore, he atoned. If he was Mezid, he was not Mo'el. Therefore, he did not atone.

[àìîà] áîæéã àó áîòåú ìà ëéôø åë"ù áäîä ãìà îöé îùðä


Inference: B'Mezid, even regarding coins, he did not atone, and all the more so regarding an animal, he cannot change it.

åìôé' æå äúåñôúà îùîò ãðñéáà ÷øà àçøéðà òì çèàúå åìà ôñå÷ øàùåï ùãøù ëáø,


Observation: This Tosefta connotes that we bring a different verse "Al Chataso", and not the first verse that we already expounded. (In our Gemara, for the first Drashah we cite "Korbano Al Chataso", and for the second "Al Chataso.")

äâä"ä (äâäú îäø"á øðùáåøâ) ùäøé îòì åëôø ùäîòåú àéï áäí ÷ãåùú äâåó åéåöàéï î÷ãåùúï á÷ì


Comment: He was Mo'el, and he atoned. The coins have no Kedushas ha'Guf, and they leave their Kedushah easily;

åëùîùðä àåúå ì÷øáï àçø ðô÷é äîòåú ìçåìéï åäøé äï çåìéï áéã îåëø äáäîä ãàé ìà ðô÷à ìçåìéï ìà îòì åìëê ðîé ëôø áùåââ


When he changes them to another Korban, the coins become Chulin, and they are Chulin in the hand of the one who sold the animal. If they would not become Chulin, he was not Mo'el. Therefore, b'Shogeg he [was Mo'el,] and also atoned.

åìëê áîæéã ðîé ðéîà ãëôø äåàéì åùééê áäå ùðåé


Suggestion: Therefore, we should say that also b'Mezid he atoned, since changing [Kedushah] applies to them (the coins)!

÷î"ì (äâäú îäø"á øðùáåøâ) áùåââ àîø åîòì åëéôø åìà áîæéã


Rejection: B'Shogeg [the Tana] said that he was Mo'el, and atoned, but not b'Mezid.

åîéäå àé ìà äåä éìôé' [÷øà ä"à] îæéã åëôø


However, if we did not learn from the verse, one might have thought that b'Mezid he atoned.

àò"â ùãøùðå åëôø òì çèàúå òã ùéäà ÷øáðå ìùí çèàúå


Implied question: We expounded "v'Chiper [ha'Kohen] Al Chataso" to teach that the Korban must be for the sake of his Aveirah!

úøúé ùîòéðï îéðéä


Answer: We learn both of these from the verse.

ëãàîøéðï áòìîà (âéèéï ãó ðá.) àúí åìà ùåúôéï àúí åìà àôåèøåôñéí àúí åìà äúåøí àú ùàéðå ùìå åëåìäåï ãøùéðï îçã àúí.


Source: We say elsewhere (Gitin 52a) "Atem" (you may take Terumah), but not partners [on the other's share], Atem and not overseers, Atem and not one who tithes what is not his. We learn all of these from one "Atem".


TOSFOS DH ka'Tani Miha

úåñôåú ã"ä ÷úðé îéäà

(SUMMARY: Tosfos discusses the proof that even a Ba'al Mum is like Mefurashim.)

ìòéì ãàéðå îâìç òì áäîú àáéå îàé ìàå àôéìå áòìú îåí


Explanation: Above, we taught that he does not shave on his father's animal. Doesn't this apply even if it is a Ba'al Mum?!

àìîà ëîôåøùéï ãîééï ãàé ëñúåîéï ìâìç ëîå òì îòåú ñúåîéï


Inference: It is like Mefurashim. If it were like Stumim, one should be able to shave, just like on Ma'os Stumim!

åîãîé äéìëúà ãä"ä ãìòðéï àåúä ääìëä ãðú÷áìä (äâäú áøëú øàù) ãîòåú ñúåîéï éôìå ìðãáä ðéîà ãå÷à îòåú åìà áäîä åàôéìå áòìú îåí


We compare traditions. For the same Halachah that was received, that Ma'os Stumim go to Nedavah, we should say that it is only for coins, but not for an animal, even a Ba'al Mum!

åìéëà ìîéãçé ãäà ã÷úðé ìòéì ãàéðå îâìç òì áäîú àáéå äééðå áîôåøùéï


Suggestion: We can reject this. Above it taught that he does not shave with his father's animal, i.e. Mefurashim.

ãàí ëï äéëé îñé÷ àáì éåöà áîòåú àáéå ùäøé îâìç òì îòåú àáéå


Rejection: If so, how do we conclude "perhaps he is Yotzei with his father's coins [that he separated for his Chatas], for one may shave with his father's coins? (I.e. in the same case of coins, Mefurashim, one may shave.)

åäà àéï îâìç àìà òì îòåú ñúåîéï ùì àáéå ëã÷úðé áäãéà áîúðéúéï (ì÷îï ãó ì.).


One may shave only with Ma'os Stumim of his father, like our Mishnah explicitly teaches (30a)!


TOSFOS DH Nizrak Aleha Echad Min ha'Damim

úåñôåú ã"ä ðæø÷ òìéä àçã îï äãîéí

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why he can annul after Zerikah.)

ëâåï ùâîøä ðæéøåú áèäøä åäáéàä ÷øáðåú ðæéøåú èäøä ùäï â' áäîåú ëáùä ìçèàú åëáù ìòåìä åàéì ìùìîéí åðæø÷ òìéä àçã îï äãîéí çèàú àå òåìä àå ùìîéí


Explanation: E.g. she finished Nezirus in Taharah, and brought Korbanos Nezirus Taharah, which are three animals - a female lamb for the Chatas, a male lamb for the Olah, and a ram for the Shelamim, and Zerikah was done with the blood of one of them, the Chatas, Olah, or Shelamim;

àéðå éëåì ìäôø ðãøä ìòðéï ùìà úöèøê ìâìç åìäáéà ùàø ÷øáðåú ãìôé ùàéï ëàï òåã òéðåé ðôù ãáééï îåúøú


He cannot annul her vow so that she will not need to shave and bring the rest of the Korbanos, since there is no more Inuy Nefesh, for she is permitted wine.

åàé îùåí ùöøéëä ìâìç åîàéñ (äâäú áøëú øàù) òìéä àùä îúâìçú


Implied question: He should be able to annul because she must shave, and a woman who shaves [all her hair] is repulsive to him!

àôùø ìä áôàä ðëøéú äëé îôøù áâîøà


Answer: She can wear a wig. The Gemara explains like this.

àáì àé ìà ðæø÷ äãí òãééï ãàñåøä [áééï] îé÷øé ùôéø òéðåé ðôù àò"â ãìà îéúñøà àìà ùòúà ôåøúà.


Distinction: However, if the blood was not thrown, she is still forbidden wine. [He can annul, for] this is properly called Inuy Nefesh, even though she is forbidden only a short time [until Zerikah].


TOSFOS DH R. Akiva Omer Afilu Nishchat

úåñôåú ã"ä øáé ò÷éáà àåîø àôéìå ðùçè

(SUMMARY: Tosfos discusses this enactment.)

åìà ðæø÷ äãí àéðå éëåì ìäôø


Explanation: [Even if it was slaughtered,] but Zerikah was not done, he cannot annul.

áâîøà îôøù îùåí äôñã ÷ãùéí åîñé÷ áâîøà ëùðùçèä äçèàú ùàí éôø ìä ðîöàú áäîä æå úöà ìáéú äùøéôä ùäéà àéðä öøéëä ìçèàú


The Gemara explains that this is due to a loss of Kodshim. The Gemara concludes that this is when the Chatas was slaughtered, for if he annuls her, it turns out that this animal will be burned, for she does not need a Chatas,

åâí ìà éåëì ìæøå÷ ãîä ìùí ùìîéí ãçèàú ùìà ìùîä ôñåìä


Also, we cannot do Zerikah for the sake of Shelamim, for a Chatas Lo Lishmah is Pasul.

éù ìäñúô÷ àí äéôø ìä àí îåôø àå ùîà éù ëç áéã çëîéí ìò÷åø ãáø îï äúåøä áùá åàì úòùä.


Question: It is not clear if he annulled, whether it is annulled. Or, perhaps Chachamim have the power to uproot Torah law passively. (Seemingly, this is not passive. Through uprooting his Hafarah, they permit offering a Chatas that the Torah did not require! Tzafnas Pane'ach answers that Chachamim enact that Hafarah does not permit her, and now he cannot annul, for Hafarah does not alleviate her Inuy Nefesh!)


TOSFOS DH ba'Meh Devarim Amurim

úåñôåú ã"ä áã"à

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why Tiglachas Tum'ah is different.)

ùàéðå éëåì ìäôø àçø ùðæø÷ àçã îï äãîéí áúâìçú èäøä ëãôé' ùâîøä ðæéøåú áèäøä


Explanation: [When do we say] that he cannot annul after Zerikah of the blood of one of them? This is regarding Tiglachas Taharah, like I explained. She finished Nezirus in Taharah;

àáì áúâìçú èåîàä ëâåï ùðèîàú áðæéøåúä åäáéàä ÷øáðåú èåîàä (äâäú áøëú øàù) àò"ô ùðæø÷å ãîéí éëåì ìäôø


However, regarding Tiglachas Tum'ah, e.g. she became Tamei in her Nezirus and brought Korbanos Tum'ah, even though Zerikah was done, he can annul;

îôðé ùàôùø ìåîø ìä àé àôùé áàùä îðååìú ëìåîø ùäéà öøéëä ìîðåú îòúä ðæéøåú èäøä åúàñø áééï åéù ëàï òéðåé ðôù


He can say "I do not want a repulsive wife", i.e. she must count from now Nezirus Taharah and be forbidden wine, and there is Inuy Nefesh.

åä"ð áâîøà îöéðå ìùåï ðéååì ùø"ì òéðåé


We find in the Gemara that it says "Nivul" (repulsiveness), and it refers to Inuy.

å÷ùä ìéùðà (ãòéðåé) ãàé àôùé ãäåé ìéä ìîéîø îùåí òéðåé


Question: Why does it say "I do not want [a Menuveles wife]"? It should say [that he can annul] due to Inuy!

åö"ì ã÷àé àãø"ò ã÷àîø ùðùçèä àçú îï äáäîåú àéðå éëåì ìäôø îôðé äôñã (äâäú îäø"á øðùáåøâ) ÷ãùéí


Answer #1: We must say that this refers to R. Akiva, who says that once one of the animals was slaughtered, he cannot annul, due to wasting Kodshim;

àò"â ãàñåøä áééï òã ùéæøå÷ äãí (äâäú äøù"ù, úåñôåú éå"è) åéù ëàï òðåé ðôù ôåøúà áùáéì ääåà ôåøúà àéðå éëåì ìäôø áùáéì äôñã ÷ãùéí


Even though she is forbidden wine until the blood is thrown, and there is a small Inuy. He cannot annul for that small Inuy, due to wasting Kodshim.

àáì áúâìçú ãèåîàä ãàéëà òéðåé ðôù âãåì ùñåúøú åáòé ìîéîðé ðæéøåú àçøú [îåãä] ùéëåì ìåîø ìä àé àôùé [áòéðåé] âãåì


However, in Tiglachas Tum'ah there is great Inuy Nefesh. She cancels [her count], and must count another Nezirus. [R. Akiva] agrees that [he can annul, for] he can say "I do not want [that she will have] great Inuy."

à"ð îùåí ãø"î ÷àîø äàé ìéùðà àé àéôùé ÷àîø ú"÷ ðîé àé àôùé,


Answer #2: Because R. Meir said the expression "I do not want", also the first Tana said "I do not want."

ä"â àé àôùé áàùä îâìçú, ùöøéëä ìâìç áñåó ðæéøåú èäøä ëãëúéá áäãéà


The text [in R. Meir] says "I do not want a wife who shaves." She must shave at the end of Nezirus Taharah, like the Torah writes explicitly;

åìú"÷ àôùø áôàä ðëøéú äëé îôøù áâîøà.


The first Tana holds that [this is no reason to annul, for] she can wear a wig. The Gemara explains like this.



TOSFOS DH Kivsei Atzeres she'Shachtan

úåñôåú ã"ä ëáùé òöøú ùùçèï

(SUMMARY: Tosfos mentions the three cases.)

ùìà ìùí òöøú àå ùùçèï ìôðé òöøú áòøá òöøú àå ìàçø òöøú


Explanation: [They were slaughtered] Lo Lishmah, or before Shavuos on Erev Shavuos, or after Shavuos.


TOSFOS DH Kivsei (part 2)

úåñôåú ã"ä ëáùé (çì÷ á)

(SUMMARY: Tosfos discusses when the meat is permitted.)

äãí éæø÷


Citation of Gemara: The blood is thrown.

áéå"è òöîå ã÷àé ðîé (äâäú áàø îùä) àøéùà ùìà ìùîï àìà (äâäú áøëú øàù) ìùí ùìîé ðãáä åò"é ëï äåúø äáùø áàëéìä


Explanation: [It is thrown] on Yom Tov itself. This refers also to the Reisha, [when they were slaughtered] Lo Lishmah, rather, l'Shem Shalmei Nedavah, and through this (Zerikah), it is permitted to eat the meat.

åàé (äâäú îäø"á øðùáåøâ) ìéú ìéä ðãøéí åðãáåú ÷øáéï áéå"è à"ë ìà é÷èéø àéîåøéí òã äòøá åìà éàëì äáùø òã äòøá [ãëì ëîä] ãìà îé÷èøé àéîåøéï áùø ìà îéùúøé áàëéìä


If [the Tana] holds that Nedarim and Nedavos may not be offered on Yom Tov, if so, he may not burn the Eimurim until night, and the meat may not be eaten until night, for as long as the Eimurim were not burned, the meat is not permitted.

åî"î ëé ðîé àéï ðãøéí åðãáåú ÷øáéï áéå"è îåúø ìæøå÷ äãí


In any case, even if Nedarim and Nedavos may not be offered on Yom Tov, Zerikah is permitted.


TOSFOS DH Kivsei (part 3)

úåñôåú ã"ä ëáùé (çì÷ â)

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why we bring the Beraisa, and not a Mishnah.)

åàí äéúä ùáú ìà éæøå÷


Citation of Gemara: If it was Shabbos, one may not throw [the blood].

ãäåé ëîå úé÷åï åîãøáðï (äâäú ø' áöìàì àùëðæé) àñåø (ëï äåà áãôåñ åðöéä)


Explanation: [Zerikah] is like fixing. It is forbidden mid'Rabanan.

àìîà [îåúø] ìæøå÷ äãí ùìà ìùîï


Inference: One may do Zerikah Lo Lishmah [not on Shabbos].

åà"ú àîàé ìà îééúé îúðé' (ìòéì ãó ëã.) òåìä ú÷øá òåìä åùìîéí é÷øáå ìùìîéí


Question: Why don't we bring the Mishnah (24a) "the Olah is offered for an Olah. The Shelamim is offered for a Shelamim"? (This is like Lo Lishmah. They were Hukdash for Nezirus, and now they are offered for Nedavos!)

åé"ì ãìà ãîé ãäúí ÷åãí ùòú (äâäú áøëú øàù) ùçéèä äéôø ìä åáéï áæøé÷ä åáéï áùçéèä òåîã ùìà ìùîï


Answer: These are different. There, he annulled her before the time of Shechitah. Both Zerikah and Shechitah had the status of Lo Lishmah;

àáì äëà ãáùòú ùçéèä äéä òåîã ìùîï åòúä áùòú æøé÷ä òåîã ùìà ìùîï ìà îéúëùø ùìà ìùîï


Here, at the time of Shechitah it had the status of Lishmah, and now, at the time of Zerikah, its status is Lo Lishmah. It does not become Kosher [through Zerikah] Lo Lishmah.

åö"ò (äâäú îäø"á øðùáåøâ) ãìäê ëáùé òöøú ðîé ìà ãîé ãäúí ìà ðùçèå ìùîï àáì äëà ëéåï ãðùçèå ìùîï ùîà ìà (äâäú áøëú øàù) îëùøé ùìà ìùîï


Question: Also Kivsei Atzeres are unlike [our Mishnah here]. There, they were not slaughtered Lishmah. Here, since they were slaughtered Lishmah, perhaps they do not become Kosher [through Zerikah] Lo Lishmah!

ãáô' äúëìú (îðçåú ãó îæ:) îéáòéà ìäù"ñ äà ëáùéí ùùçèï ìùîï åàáã äìçí îäå ùðæøå÷ ãîï ùì ëáùéí ùìà ìùîï ìäúéø áùø áàëéìä (äâäú áøëú øàù)


In Menachos (47b), the Gemara asked about lambs (Kivsei Atzeres) that were slaughtered Lishmah, and the bread (Shtei ha'Lechem) was lost. May one do Zerikas ha'Dam of the lambs Lo Lishmah to permit eating the meat?

åà"ë äà ã÷àîø éæøå÷ äééðå èòîà îùåí ãîééøé (äâäú àøæé äìáðåï) ùðùçèå ùìà ìùîï


Inference: If so, this that we say [here] "he throws" is because we discuss when they were slaughtered Lo Lishmah. (Therefore, we could not resolve the question from our Beraisa.)

åö"ì ãìà ãîé ãäúí áëáùéí îòé÷øà áùçéèú æáç äìçí îúëùø äéìëê ëé àáã ìçí ðîöà äæáç îéôñéì åäåé ëîå àáã äáùø (äâäú áøëú øàù)


Answer: We must say that these are different. There, regarding lambs, from the beginning, through Shechitah of the Korban, the bread become Kosher (the bread and lambs are Me'akev each other). Therefore, if the bread is lost, the Korban is Pasul, just like if the meat was lost;

àáì äëà (äâäú àøæé äìáðåï) ãñúîà ëùø ëîå ìùîï ëãàîø áøéù æáçéí (ãó á:) äùúà ðîé ãùçèï ìùîï îùåí (äâäú ø' áöìàì àùëðæé) ú÷ðä ðòùä ëàéìå ðùçè (äâäú áøëú øàù) ñúîà ìòðéï ìäúéø ìæøå÷ ãîï,


However, here, Stam is Kosher, like Lishmah, like it says in Zevachim (2b). Also now that he slaughtered Lishmah, [R. Zeira suggests that] we should enact to make it as if it was slaughtered Stam, to permit Zerikas ha'Dam!


TOSFOS DH Kivsei (part 4)

úåñôåú ã"ä ëáùé (çì÷ ã)

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains that R. Akiva discusses only when he slaughtered Chatas first.)

[àé ãùçè òåìä àå ùìîéí äëé ðîé ìø"ò ãìéëà äôñã]


Citation of Gemara: If he slaughtered an Olah or Shelamim, indeed, according to R. Akiva, there is no loss.

àìà [äá"ò] ãùçè çèàú [áøéùà] ãàéï ìå ú÷ðä ìæøå÷ ùìà ìùîï ãçèàú îéôñì ùìà ìùîï ìùåí ùìîé ðãáä ãçèàú àéðå áà ðãáä.


Explanation: However, here we discuss when he slaughtered the Chatas first. There is no Takanah to do Zerikah Lo Lishmah, for Chatas is disqualified Lo Lishmah, for the sake of Shalmei Nedavah. Chatas may not be brought for Nedavah.


TOSFOS DH d'Tanan Im Gilach Al Achas Mehem Yatza

úåñôåú ã"ä ãúðï àí âéìç òì àçú îäí éöà

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why one may shave on any of them.)

ëìåîø åìëê àîø ú"÷ ãëé ðæø÷ àçã îï äãîéí àôéìå çèàú ãàééøé áéä ø"ò ãàéðå îéôø ãîåúø îéã ìùúåú ééï


Explanation: Therefore, the first Tana said that when Zerikah of one of the bloods was done, even the Chatas, which R. Akiva discusses, he cannot annul, for immediately he (in this case, she) is permitted immediately to drink wine;

ùäøé îâìç òì àçú îäï àå çèàú àå òåìä àå ùìîéí åìéëà ðéååì


This is because one may shave on (i.e. after Shechitah of) one of them - Chatas, Olah, or Shelamim, and there is no repulsiveness;

åìëê äåöøê ìàéúåéé øàéä ìëê [ãìà úéîà] ãå÷à (äâäú îäø"á øðùáåøâ) òì äùìîéí äåà ãúðï áîúðéúéï ðæø÷ àçã îï äãîéí


Therefore, he needed to bring a proof for this, that one should not say that only regarding the Shelamim, our Mishnah taught that if Zerikah of one of the bloods was done...

ããå÷à âìç òì (äâäú îäø"á øðùáåøâ) äùìîéí éöà ãëúéá åâìç äðæéø ôúç àäì îåòã ìäëé ÷àîø ãáâéìç òì àçã îùìùúï éöà (äâäú áøëú øàù)


[Do not say that] only if he shaved on the Shelamim, he was Yotzei, for it says "v'Gilach ha'Nazir Pesach Ohel Mo'ed." (The end of the verse says that he puts his hair under the pot in which the Shelamim is cooked. Also, "Pesach Ohel Mo'ed" is said regarding Shelamim.) Therefore it says that if he shaved on [any] one of the three, he was Yotzei.

åáôø÷ àéæäå î÷åîï (æáçéí ãó ðä.) îôøù ìä ãî÷éù çèàú òåìä åùìîéí.


In Zevachim (55a), it explains that we equate Chatas and Olah to Shelamim.


TOSFOS DH v'Ein ha'Ishah Maderes Benah b'Nazir

úåñôåú ã"ä åàéï äàùä îãøú áðä áðæéø

(SUMMARY: Tosfos points out that the Gemara explains this.)

ëãîôøù áâîøà, ëéöã ì"â,


Explanation: This is like the Gemara explains. The text does not say "how is this?"


TOSFOS DH v'Ein (part 2)

úåñôåú ã"ä åàéï (çì÷ á)

(SUMMARY: Tosfos discusses the ways of annulling a minor's Nezirus.)

âéìç àå ùâìçåäå,


Citation of Gemara: If he shaved, or they (his relatives) shaved him.

ãàéï ìê îçàä âãåìä îæàú


Explanation: This is the ultimate protest.

åìà îéáòéà âéìç àå ùâìçåäå àìà àôé' îéçä àå ùîéçå áãáøéí ùàéï øöåðå ùéòùä ðæéø îúáèì äðæéøåú åáâîøà îôøù äèòîéí


This is not only if he shaved or they shaved him. Rather, even if he protested or they protested verbally that he does not want to be a Nazir, the Nezirus is Batel. The Gemara explains the reasons.

åãå÷à ëùîéçå îéã ëùùîòå [àáì] àí ìà îéçå îéã (äâäú áøëú øàù) åùåá ìéîéí îéçå àéï áëê ëìåí àçøé ùäúçéì äðæéøåú


Limitation: This is only when they protested immediately. If they did not protest immediately, and days later they protested, this has no effect, since he already began Nezirus.

åáúåñôúà (ô"â) ÷úðé áäãé äðé àå ùäáéà á' ùòøåú


Observation: The Tosefta (3:17) teaches with these [ways of annulling a minor's Nezirus] "or he brought two hairs."

åäà ãìà úðé áîúðé'


Implied question: Why didn't our Mishnah teach this?

îùåí ãùúé ùòøåú îáèìåú äðæéøåú àó àçø ùäúçéì ëáø ìîðåú ëîä éîéí îðæéø


Answer #1: Two hairs annul Nezirus even after he already began counting several days of Nezirus;

àáì äðé ãäëà ãâéìç åîéçä äééðå áúçéìú ùîéòú äðæéøåú


However, these [listed] here, that he shaved or protested, are at the beginning of hearing about the Nezirus.

åàôé' àí ðàîø úâìçú åîçàä îáèìéï [ìàçø] ùîéòä àôé' [äëé] ðéçà ãìà úðà ãáôìåâúà ìà ÷îééøé ãáâî' ôìéâé áä øáé åø' éåñé áø' éäåãä


Answer #2: Even if we will say that shaving and protesting are Mevatel [even a while] after hearing, even so it is fine that it (two hairs) was not taught, for the Tana does not teach matters about which there is an argument. In the Gemara, Rebbi and R. Yosi b'Rebbi Yehudah argue about it (bringing two hairs).

à"ð ãìà ÷úðé àìà îéãé ãáéã àãí ìáèì äðæéøåú.


Answer #3: He taught only matters in a person's power to annul Nezirus.


TOSFOS DH Beno Iyn Bito Lo (pertains to the coming Daf)

úåñôåú ã"ä áðå àéï áúå ìà (ùééê ìãó äáà)

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains that this is the tradition.)

ãëê äìëä äéà


Explanation: So is the tradition from Moshe from Sinai.


TOSFOS DH Beno (part 2) (pertains to the coming Daf)

úåñôåú ã"ä áðå (çì÷ á).(ùééê ìãó äáà)

(SUMMARY: Tosfos discusses to which Mitzvos Chinuch applies, and to whom.)

÷ñáø (äâäú áøëú øàù) áðå ãùééê áîöåú ìëùéâãì îåèì òì äàá ìçðëå àáì áúå ìà


Explanation: This is a tradition from Moshe from Sinai. His son, to whom Mitzvos apply when he matures, it is incumbent on his father to train him, but not his daughter.


Note: Perhaps Tosfos means that all positive Mitzvos apply to his son. Below, Tosfos says that Chinuch applies only to positive Mitzvos.

úéîä äà ãàîø áòìîà (éáîåú ãó ÷éã.) ÷èï àåëì ðáéìåú àéï á"ã îöååéï òìéå ìäôøéùå


Question: We say elsewhere (Yevamos 114a) that if a minor eats Nevelos, Beis Din need not stop him;

åäëà àîø (äâäú ëúø úåøä) [øéá"ç] àó ìçðëå ìòùåú îöåä îåèì òì äàá


Here, R. Yosi b'Ribi Chanina says that even Chinuch (training him) to do Mitzvos is incumbent on the father!

åé"ì ãçéðåê ìà ùééê àìà ìäæäéøå ìòùåú åì÷ééí îöåä àáì ìäæäéø îìòáåø àéï æä çéðåê


Answer #1: Chinuch applies only to admonish him to do and fulfill Mitzvos. Warning him not to transgress, this is not Chinuch.

åääåà ãôø÷ áúøà ãéåîà (ãó ôá.)


Implied question: In Yoma (82a, we train children to fast on Yom Kipur)!

äééðå ÷éåí îöåä åòðéúí


Answer: This is [Chinuch] to fulfill the Mitzvas [Aseh] of Inuy.

òåã àåîø ø"é ãçéðåê ìà ùééê àìà áàá àáì áàéðéù àçøéðà ìà ùééê


Answer #2 (Ri): Chinuch applies only to the father. It does not apply to others.

åäëà àîøéðï áúå ìà åäúí àîøéðï àçã úéðå÷ åàçã úéðå÷ú îçðëéï àåúí ìäúòðåú áéåä"ë


Contradiction: Here we say that it does not apply to his daughter. There we say that both boys and girls, we train them to fast on Yom Kipur!

åöøéê ìçì÷ áãáø.


Resolution: We must distinguish in this matter.