DOES NEZIRUS APPLY TO NOCHRIM? (Yerushalmi Perek 9 Halachah 1 Daf 42a)
îúðé' äòëå"í àéï ìäï ðæéøåú ðùéí åòáãéí éù ìäï ðæéøåú
(Mishnah): Nezirus does not apply to Nochrim. It does apply to women and slaves.
çåîø áðùéí îáòáãéí ùäåà ëåôó àú òáãå åàéðå ëåôó àú àùúå
There is a stringency of women over slaves. One can force his slave to transgress Nezirus, but he cannot force his wife.
çåîø áòáãéí îáðùéí ùäåà îéôø ðãøé àùúå åàéðå îéôø ðãøé òáãå
Vows of slaves have a stringency that does not apply to vows of women: one can annul his wife's vows, but not his slave's vows.
äéôø ìàùúå äéôø ìä òåìîéú äéôø ìòáãå éöà ìçéøåú (äùìéí) [ðøàä ùö"ì îùìéí, ëâéøñà áîùðéåú] àú ðæéøåúå
If one annulled his wife's vow, it is permanently annulled. If one annulled his slave's vow, when the slave becomes free, he completes his Nezirus.
òáø îëðâã ôðéå ø"î àåîø ìà éùúä
If a slave (who accepted Nezirus) fled from [his master], R. Meir says, he may not drink [wine];
åø' éåñé àåîø éùúä:
R. Yosi says, he drinks.
î' [áîãáø å á] áðé éùøàì ðåãøéï áðæéø åàéï äòëå"í ðåãøéï áðæéø
(Gemara): "Bnei Yisrael" accept Nezirus, and Nochrim do not accept Nezirus.
ëîä ãàú àîø [åé÷øà ëá éç] àéù îä ú"ì àéù ìäáéà äòëå"í ùðåãøéï ðãøéí åðãáåú ëéùøàì àîåø àó äëà ëï
Question: You say "[Bnei Yisrael...] Ish [Ish... Asher Yakriv]" - why does it [repeat] "Ish"? This includes Nochrim, that they vow Nedarim and Nedavos (Korbanos with and without Achrayus, respectively) like Yisrael.. Also here [you should say that Ish includes Nochrim]!
ùðééà äéà ãëúéá [áîãáø å éà] åëôø òìéå àú ùéù ìå ëôøä éöàå òëå"í ùàéï ìäï ëôøä
Answer: Here is different, for it says "v'Chiper Alav" - one who has Kaparah [through a Korban Chatas]. This excludes Nochrim, who do not have Kaparah.
[ãó îá òîåã á] úîï úðéðï äòëå"í øáé îàéø àåîø ðòøê àáì ìà îòøéê ø' éäåãä àåîø îòøéê àáì ìà ðòøê
(Mishnah): A Nochri - R. Meir says, he can be Ne'erach (others can pledge his Erech, to give to Hekdesh a fixed amount based on his age and gender), but he cannot be Ma'arich (pledge others' Erech); R. Yehudah says, he can be Ma'arich, but not Ne'erach;
åæä åæä îåãéï ùäï ðåãøéï åðéãøéï
Both of them agree that he can be Noder (pledge to give to Hekdesh someone's slave market value), and Nidar (others can pledge his slave value).
ø' éøîéä áòé î"ã úîï îòøéê åäëà îæéø î"ã ðòøê äëà ðéæåø
Question (R. Yirmeyah): The one who says that he can be Ma'arich, here he can be Mazir (impose Nezirus on others)? The one who says that he can be Ne'erach, here he can be Nizur (others impose Nezirus on him)?
ðéæåø äéê àéôùø éùøàì îæéø àú äòëå"í åùîò äåà ìéä
Question: How can he be Nizur? If a Yisrael is Mazir a Nochri, will he heed him?!
àìà áùàîø éùøàì äøéðé ðæéø åùîò äòëå"í åàîø îä ùàîø æä òìé
Answer: Rather, the case is, a Yisrael said 'I am a Nazir', and the Nochri heard and said 'what he said is Alai.'
àéðå àìà ëôåøò çåá
Rejection: He is only like one who pays a debt (he accepted to offer Korbanos for the Nazir. He did not accept Nezirus!)
îæéø äéê àéôùø
Question: How can he be Mazur?
òëå"í îæéø àú éùøàì éùøàì ìéùøàì àéðå îæéø åòëå"í îæéø àú éùøàì
If a Nochri is Mazir a Yisrael - [this cannot be, for] a Yisrael cannot be Mazir a Yisrael. Can a Nochri be Mazir a Yisrael?!
àìà áùàîø äòëå"í äøéðé ðæéø åùîò éùøàì åàîø îä ùàîø æä òìé
Answer: Rather, a Nochri said 'I am a Nazir', and a Yisrael heard and said 'what he said is Alai.'
îä îéòèú áå
Question: If so, what does [the verse] exclude?! (Also a Yisrael is Mazir only in this way!)
éùøàì ááì éçì åàéï äòëå"í ááì éçì
Answer #1: A Yisrael has an Isur of Lo Yachel Devaro; a Nochri does not have an Isur of Bal Yachel.
àîø øáé éåðä éùøàì éù ìäï äéúø çëí òëå"í àéï ìäï äéúø çëí
Answer #2 (R. Yonah): A Yisrael can permit [his Nezirus] through a Chacham. A Nochri cannot permit through a Chacham.
àîø øáé éåñé éùøàì öøéëéï äéúø çëí åäòëå"í àéï öøéëéï äéúø çëí
Answer #3 (R. Yosi): A Yisrael can permit [his Nezirus] through a Chacham. A Nochri does not need a Chacham's Heter.
åàúééà ãøáé éåñé ëãøáé àáäå
R. Yosi holds like R. Avahu;
çãà ðëøéú àúú ìâáé øáé àáäå àîø ìàáéîé áø èåáé ôå÷ åôúç ìä áðåìã
A Nochris came in front of R. Avahu [to permit her vow]. He told Avimi bar Tuvi 'go make a Pesach for her through Nolad (a reason to regret it, based on something that occurred later, and permit it. Avimi was not a Chacham; he is not Rebbi Avimi bar Tuvi mentioned in Bava Basra (2:3). KORBAN HA'EDAH changes the text to say 'Bati bar Tuvi.')
åãøáé éåðä ëøáé àçà ãàîø äåà ìáï äåà [ùåôèéí â ç] ëåùï øùòúééí åìîä ð÷øà ùîå ëåùï øùòúééí ùòùä ùúé øùòéåú àçú ùçéìì àú äùáåòä åàçú ùùéòáã áéùøàì ùîåðä ùðä
R. Yonah holds like R. Acha, who said 'Lavan is Kushan Rish'asayim. Why was he called Kushan Rish'asayim? It is because he did two evils - one is, he profaned the Shevu'ah [not to cross Gal'ed]. And one is, he subjugated Yisrael for eight years.' (According to R. Yosi, perhaps he permitted his Shevu'ah, and did not transgress it.)