[49a - 29 lines; 49b - 43 lines]
1a)[line 1]המבושלHA'MEVUSHAL- a cooked food
b)[line 1]ובשלוקSHALUK- (a) a partially cooked food (RAN); (b) an overcooked food (MEFARESH, ROSH)
2)[line 3]במעשה קדרהMA'ASEH KEDERAH- a dish of cooked grain from one of the five species of grain (wheat, barley, oats, rye, spelt)
3)[line 4]בביצה טורמוטאBEITZAH TURMOTA- an egg that is boiled one thousand times in hot water and soaked one thousand times in cold water, until it shrinks and can easily be swallowed whole
4)[line 4]ובדלעת הרמוצהDELA'AS HA'REMUTZAH- (a) a pumpkin of Karkuz (the opinion of Shmuel and the Gemara's conclusion, Nedarim 51a); (b) a certain type of gourd made edible by baking in hot ashes (the opinion of Rav Ashi, ibid., YERUSHALMI Kil'ayim 1:2 and Nedarim 6:1)
5)[line 5]ממעשה רתחתהMA'ASEH RESICHASAH- various forms of wheat kernels or flour that require a lot of boiling (RAN, citing the YERUSHALMI)
6)[line 9]"ויבשלו הפסח כאש כמשפט והקדשים בשלו בסירות ובדודים ובצלחות ויריצו לכל בני העם""VA'YEVASHLU HA'PESACH BA'ESH KA'MISHPAT, VEHA'KODASHIM BISHLU BA'SIROS UVA'DEVADIM UVA'TZELACHOS, VA'YARITZU LIFNEI HA'AM." - "And they 'cooked' the Pesach in fire according to the law, and the Kodshim (the Shalmei Chagigah) they cooked in pots, in cauldrons, and in dishes, and they brought it quickly to the people." (Divrei ha'Yamim II 35:13) (YOSHIYAHU'S PESACH)
(a)"Cooked... in fire" means roasted in fire, as this is the law of the Korban Pesach.
(b)See Background to Megilah 31:2.
7)[line 12]בנדרים הלך אחר לשון בני אדםB'NEDARIM HALECH ACHAR LESHON BENEI ADAM- interpret the words of a Neder based on their colloquial usage
8)[line 20]ריפתאRIFTA- bread
9)[line 22]בהיטריותHITRIYOS- gourds
10)[line 24]אסיאASYA- doctor
11)[line 24]חזא קרא דמחת בביתיהCHAZA KARA D'MACHAS B'VEISEI- he saw [the remains of] a gourd lying in the house (indicating that Rebbi Yirmeyah had eaten from it - MEFARESH)
12a)[line 26]ברכיכיRAKICHEI- tender ones (that are beneficial for the sick)
b)[line 26]באשוניASHUNEI- hard ones (that are detrimental to the sick)
13)[line 27]בגוויה דקראGAVEI D'KARA- the [soft] inside of the gourd
14)[line 27]לוליבא דקרא בסילקאLULIVA D'KARA B'SILKA- the soft part of the gourd, cooked with beets
15)[line 28]לוליבא דכיתנא בכותחאLULIVA D'CHISNA B'CHUSCHA- the soft part of flax seeds, mixed into Kutach, a dip that is prepared by cooking whey with stale bread and salt
16)[line 1]קציריKETZIREI- sick people
17)[line 1]מריעיMERI'EI- weak Talmidei Chachamim
18)[line 6]דמשאיל להוןD'MASH'IL LEHON- [Oh! If there would only be someone] who could ask of them
19)[line 6]נקדניNAKDANEI (alt. NAKRANEI)- (a) fastidious people (ROSH, TOSFOS); (b) people who are careful about what and how they eat (RAN, MEFARESH)
20)[line 6]דהוצלHUTZAL- a city in Bavel, located between Sura and Neharde'a, that was walled from the time of Yehoshua bin Nun, where members of the tribe of Binyamin may have settled after they were taken into exile
21)[line 6]דייסאDAISA- a dish of cooked cracked wheat
22)[line 9]בחסיסיCHASISEI- unripe barley that has been peeled and dried in an oven and ground into flour
23)[line 18]כל מידעםKOL MIDA'AM- [after eating] anything (any food)
24)[line 18]לא תפלוטLO SIFLOT- do not spit
25)[line 19]לפתילתא של אברPESILTA SHEL AVAR- a bar of lead (a) that is indigestible (RAN); (b) that burns the insides of the body when molten (as in the capital punishment of Sereifah) (ARUCH)
26)[line 20]שבור מלכאSHEVOR MALKA- King Shapur II, the king of Persia (ruled 309-379 CE, during the Sassanid Dynasty)
27)[line 22]בהוצאHUTZA- a palm leaf or piece of tree bark
28)[line 26]בלוספייןBELUSFIYIN (alt. BELUFSIYIN)- (a) a species of figs (ROSH); (b) a species of inferior figs that are hard to digest (RAN, TOSFOS); (c) overripe figs (MEFARESH)
29)[line 31]תרדיןTERADIN- beets
30)[line 32]מטרוניתאMATRONISA- Roman matron; aristocratic woman
31)[line 32]מורה ורויMOREH V'RAVI?!- [You are] a Halachic authority, and you are inebriated?!
32)[line 32]הימנותא בידא דההיא איתתאHEIMNUSA B'YADA DEHA'HI ITESA- that woman (i.e. you) can put her trust [in me]
33)[line 33]וחוגרני צידעיCHUGRANEI TZID'EI- I bind up my temples (due to fierce headaches)
34)[line 38]גולפאGULFA- an earthenware pitcher (which, when upturned, serves as a seat)
35)[line 39]צנאTZANA- a basket (large enough to serve as a seat)
36)[line 40]נקטת עמראNAKTAS AMRA- bought wool
37)[line 40]גלימא דהוטביGELIMA D'HUTVEI- a fine cloak