


Bar Kapara took a big basket, sealed it with tar and put it on his head. He asked Rebbi for the 40 measures of wheat 'that you owe me (for what I lent to you).' Rebbi laughed.


Rebbi: I warned you not to make me laugh!


Bar Kapara: I meant, the 40 measures that you owe (promised) to me. (Ran. Maharsha - the first time, Bar Kapara asked for what Rebbi promised him. Rebbi said that he forfeited that. Bar Kapara then asked for what he had lent to Rebbi, to make him laugh.)


Bar Kapara (to Rebbi's daughter): Tomorrow I will drink wine while your father dances and your mother sings (Rashi - mixes drinks for me).


Ben Elasha, Rebbi's son-in-law, was very wealthy. He invited Bar Kapara to a banquet in honor of the marriage of Rebbi's son, R. Shimon.


Question (Bar Kapara, of Rebbi): Why is homosexuality called To'evah?


Bar Kapara refuted every answer Rebbi gave.


Rebbi: How do you answer?


Bar Kapara asked Rebbi to have his wife mix a drink for him; she did. He promised to answer if Rebbi will dance; Rebbi danced.


Answer (Bar Kapara): TO'Eh Atah VAH (you stray in it).


Question (Bar Kapara): Why is bestiality called Tevel?


Bar Kapara promised to answer if Rebbi's wife will mix another drink for him and Rebbi will dance again; they did.


Answer (Bar Kapara): Are TaVLin (spices) in it? Why does a woman prefer it to human Bi'ah?


Question (Rebbi): Why is illicit Bi'ah called Zimah?


Bar Kapara: If you do like before, I will tell you.


Answer (Bar Kapara): Zo MAh Hi (what is this, i.e. from whom is this fetus?)


Ben Elasha could not bear seeing Rebbi and Rebbi's wife humiliated; he left with his wife.


Question: What is the source that Ben Elasha was wealthy? (We said so above (b).)


Answer (Beraisa): Ben Elasha did not squander his money for naught. Rather, it was to learn the haircut of the Kohen Gadol - "Kasom Yichsemu" (they will cut like Kusemes (spelt); each grain reaches to the next. Alternatively, they will not shave nor grow long hair (the Reisha of the verse), rather, something in between.)


(Beraisa): It is cut like Lulianis.


(Rav Yehudah): This is a beautiful haircut.


(Rava): Each hair ends at the root of the next hair.




(Mishnah): ...Remutzah gourd.


Question: What is this?


Answer #1 (Shmuel): It is gourd of Karkuzai (a place).


Answer #2 (Rav Ashi): It is a gourd wrapped in REMeTZ (hot ashes).


Question (Ravina - Beraisa - R. Nechemyah): Aramis gourd is Mitzri gourd. It is forbidden to plant this with Greek or Remutzah gourd (for they are different species).


Rav Ashi is refuted.




(Mishnah): If one vowed not to eat things made in a pot, he is forbidden only Ma'aseh Retachta (Tosfos - things that finish cooking in a pot; Ran - things that must cook a long time).


If he said 'I will not taste what enters a pot', he is forbidden everything made (even fried) in a pot.


(Gemara - Beraisa): If he forbade 'what enters a pot', he is forbidden even things cooked in a frying pan, for they were first cooked in a pot (this was the custom);


If he forbade 'what enters a frying pan', things cooked in a pot are permitted (Ran - even if it was cooked to prepared it for frying; Tosfos - even if later it was cooked in a frying pan. 'What enters' connotes the first cooking.)


If he forbade 'what is made in a pot', things finished in a frying pan are permitted;


If he forbade 'what is made in a frying pan', things finished in a pot are permitted (even if later they are fried).


If he forbade 'what enters an oven', only bread is forbidden;


'All oven products' forbids anything made in an oven.





(Mishnah): If he said 'from the pickled', only pickled vegetables are included;


'I will not taste pickled (food)' includes all pickled foods.


If he said 'from the overcooked', only overcooked meat is included;


'I will not taste overcooked (food)' includes all overcooked foods.


(Gemara - Rav Acha brei d'Rav Avya) Question: If he said 'that is pickled', 'that is overcooked', 'that is roasted' or 'that is salted', what is the law?


These questions are unresolved.


(Mishnah - R. Yehudah): If he said 'from the roasted', only roasted meat is forbidden;


'I will not taste roasted (food)' includes all roasted food.


If he said 'from the salted', only salted fish is forbidden;


'I will not taste salted (food)' includes all salted food.


'I will not taste fish, fishes ' forbids big and small fish, salted and unsalted, raw and cooked;


He is permitted fish chopped into pieces and fish brine.


If one vowed from Tzachanah (tiny fish, or fish parts), he may not eat chopped fish, but brine and fish oil are permitted;


If he vowed from chopped fish, he may not have brine or fish oil.


(Gemara - Beraisa - R. Shimon ben Elazar): If he said 'I will not taste Dag (fish - masculine)', big fish are forbidden, but small fish are permitted. 'I will not taste Dagah (feminine)' forbids small fish and permits big fish;


'I will not taste Dag, (or) Dagah' forbids big and small fish.


Question (Rav Papa): Presumably, R. Shimon ben Elazar's source that Dag means a big fish is "Hash-m summoned a big Dag to swallow Yonah";


But it also says, "Yonah prayed to Hash-m from the innards of the Dagah"!


Answer #1 (Abaye): He was swallowed by a big fish. It spat him up, and he was swallowed by a small fish.


Objection: "The Dagah in the river died." Surely, also the big fish died!


Answer #2: Rather, Dagah refers to both large and small fish. Vows depend on the way people speak.


(Mishnah): If one vowed from Tzachanah...


Question (Ravina): What if he vows from Tzichin (the plural of Tzachanah? Ran - does this include brine and fish oil? Tosfos - does this include chopped fish?)


This question is unresolved.