[51a - 43 lines; 51b - 31 lines]

1)[line 1]דיקולאDIKULA- basket

2)[line 2]חפייה כופראCHAFYEI CHUFRA- he covered it with pitch

3)[line 2]וסחפיה על רישיהV'SACHAFEI AL REISHEI- and he overturned it on his head

4)[line 3]ליכיל לי מרLEICHIL LI MAR- let the master (Rebbi) measure for me

5)[line 3]דרשינא בךD'RASHINA BACH- that I am claiming from you (that you owe me)

6)[line 7]ובקירקניKIRKANI- (a) singing, croaking (RAN); (b) pouring water into a cup of wine, i.e. diluting it to make it fit to drink (MEFARESH)

7)[line 10]דהכין הוא תועבהD'HACHEIN HU TO'EVAH- that this [case] is the To'evah [to which the Torah is referring]

8)[line 11]פרשיה אתPARSHEI AT- [Then] you explain it!

9)[line 12]תיתי דביתכיTEISI DEVISCHI- let your wife come

10)[line 12]תירמי לי נטלאTIRMI LI NATLA- let her pour me (lit. dilute for me) a cup of wine

11)[line 13]קום רקוד לי דאימר לךKUM REKOD LI D'EIMAR LACH- get up and dance for me and then I will tell you

12a)[line 14]הכי אמר רחמנא תועבהHACHI AMAR RACHAMANA, TO'EVAH- This is what the Torah states: "To'evah" [means]...

b)[line 14]תועה אתה בהTO'EH ATAH BAH- "You are straying from her (your wife)."

13)[line 15]כי עניינא קדמאהKI INYANA KADMA'AH- like the first episode

14a)[line 16]עיביד לי דאומר לךIVEID LI D'OMAR LACH- do for me that which I will tell you to do

b)[line 16]עבדAVAD- he did it

15)[line 17]תבלין יש בהTAVLIN YESH BAH- (a) "Is there any spice in it?" i.e. Does it have any flavor? (RAN, MEFARESH); (b) There is an undesirable mixture in it (SHITAH MEKUBETZES)

16)[line 17]מי שניאMI SHANYA...- Why is it different... i.e. What could be appealing about this relationship?

17)[line 20]זו מה היאZO, MAH HI- "This woman, what is her status?" i.e. From whom has she become pregnant? (RAN)

18)[line 20]לא יכיל בן אלעשה למיסבלLO YACHIL BEN ELASHAH L'MISBAL- Ben Elashah could not bear the disgrace of Rebbi

19)[line 24]"... כסום יכסמו את ראשיהם""... KASOM YICHSEMU ES ROSHEIHEM"- "[And they shall not shave their heads, nor let their locks grow long;] they shall only trim their heads." (Yechezkel 44:20)

20)[line 25]כעין לוליניתKE'EIN LULIYANIS- like the Lulian (Julian) style of hair-cutting; clipped hair

21)[line 26]תספרתא יחידתאTISPARTA YECHIDASA- a special haircut

22)[line 30]קרא קרקוזאיKARA KURKUZA'I- a pumpkin of Karkuz

23)[line 31]ברמץREMETZ- hot ashes left from coals


24)[line 1]הכבושKAVUSH- pickled, preserved

25)[line 3]שלוקSHALUK- thoroughly cooked

26)[line 7]היכין משמעHEICHIN MASHMA?- what meaning does it have?

27)[line 8]תיבעיTIBA'I- the problem stands unanswered (this is the equivalent of "Teiku" in other places in the Gemara)

28)[line 8]הצליHA'TZELI- roasted

29)[line 14]תפליםTEFALIM- unsalted

30a)[line 15]בטריתTARIS- (O.F. tonine) tuna (TOSFOS, RASHI to Megilah 6a)

b)[line 15]טרופהTERUFAH- (a) hashed (RAN); (b) cut into pieces (ROSH, BARTENURA, MEFARESH)

31)[line 15]צירTZIR- (a) fish oil that exudes from salted fish, which is mixed with their innards (RAN); (b) water that comes out of salted fish (BARTENURA)

32)[line 15]בציר ובמורייס הנודרB'TZIR [UV'MURYIS]. HA'NODER...- (the Bach #2 adds this word based upon the Girsa of the Mishnayos and of our Gemara)

33)[line 16]הצחנהTZACHANAH- (a) a mixture of salted small fish, the majority of which are whole, and the rest hashed (RAN); (b) hashed fish (TOSFOS 1st explanation, ROSH)

34)[line 17]ובמורייסUV'MURYIS- and with oil that exudes from salted fish (RAN, BARTENURA), which have no innards mixed in them (RAN, TOSFOS)

35)[line 17]אסור בציר ובמורייסASUR B'TZIR UV'MURYIS- (this is the Girsa of the ROSH and the MEFARESH. The RAN and TOSFOS, however, are Gores MUTAR B'TZIR UV'MURYIS)

36)[line 25]"וימן ה' דג גדול לבלע את יונה ויהי יונה במעי הדג שלשה ימים ושלשל לילות. ויתפלל יונה אל ה' אלקיו ממעי הדגה""VA'YEMAN HASH-M DAG GADOL LIVLO'A ES YONAH, VA'YEHI YONAH BI'ME'EI HA'DAG SHELOSHAH YAMIM U'SHELOSHAH LEILOS. VA'YISPELEL YONAH EL HASH-M ELOKAV MI'ME'EI HA'DAGAH" - "And HaSh-m prepared a large fish to swallow Yonah; and Yonah remained in the belly of the fish for three days and three nights. And Yonah prayed to HaSh-m his G-d from the belly of the whale." (Yonah 2:1-2) (YONAH AND THE WHALES)

After Yonah, at his own request, was thrown overboard, he was swallowed by a male whale, in the innards of which he miraculously remained (see Malbim) for three days. In order to induce him to pray, HaSh-m ordered the whale to spit him out into the mouth of a pregnant female whale, which swallowed him. There he found himself squashed among the whale's fetuses, with little space to move, and, as HaSh-m anticipated, this motivated him to pray. HaSh-m accepted his Tefillos and the female whale spat him out back into the mouth of the male whale, who spat him out onto dry land.

37)[line 28]ובנדרים הלך אחר לשון בני אדםB'NEDARIM HALECH ACHAR LESHON BENEI ADAM- interpret the words of a Neder based on their colloquial usage

38a)[line 29]ציחיןTZICHIN- the word for the plural of Tzachanah (RAN)

b)[line 29]ציחין מאיTZICHIN, MAI?- Does a person who makes a Neder not to eat "Tzichin" refer to all fish products (in which case Tzir and Muryis will be included in the Neder) or does he have the same intent as someone who uses the word "Tzachanah" (and Tzir and Muryis will not be included in the Neder)?

39)[line 30]בקוםB'KUM- with whey