NIDAH 14 (14 Sivan ) - Dedicated by Doug Rabin in memory of his mother, Leah Miriam bat Yisroel (Lucy) Rabin, in honor of her Yahrzeit.

[14a - 43 lines; 14b - 52 lines]

1a)[line 4]ãîëóD'MEKAF- he rides with a saddle (which at the time was made of wood - RASHI)

b)[line 4]ãìà îëóD'LO MEKAF- he rides with no saddle [but rather upon a blanket]

2a)[line 5]ãîèøèéïD'METARTIN- he rides with one foot on either side of the animal

b)[line 5]ãìà îèøèéïD'LO METARTIN- he rides side-saddle (i.e., with both feet on one side of the animal)

3)[line 6]ìééèLAYIT- he cursed

4)[line 6]ãâðé àôø÷éãD'GANI A'PARKID- (a) who sleeps on his back (RASHI, TOSFOS); (b) who sleeps face down (ARUCH)

5)[line 7]÷øéú ùîòKERI'AS SHEMA

(a)There is a Mitzvah for every Jewish male to read Keri'as Shema every evening and morning. The three passages of Keri'as Shema are "Shema Yisrael..." (Devarim 6:4-9), "v'Hayah Im Shamo'a..." (Devarim 11:13-21) and "va'Yomer..." (Bamidbar 15:37-41). The phrase "Baruch Shem Kevod Malchuso l'Olam va'Ed" is recited in an undertone between Shema and v'Hayah Im Shamo'a. There is a difference of opinion as to whether the obligation to recite Baruch Shem is from the Torah or mid'Rabanan.

(b)The reason for the Mitzvah is in order for a person to accept upon himself HaSh-m's kingship and remember His Oneness to help him refrain from sinning and being led astray by his animal instincts (SEFER HA'CHINUCH #420).

6)[line 9]îöìéMATZLEI- leans slightly to one side (but is not actually lying on his side)

7)[line 15]àåúéåíOSYOM- immediately

8)[line 17]åôèåøéí îï ä÷øáïU'FETURIM MIN HA'KORBAN- they are exempt from a Korban Chatas, but perhaps obligated in an Asham Taluy (Gemara 14b; TOSFOS ibid. DH Ba'inan)

9)[line 22]îàëåìúMA'ACHOLES- a louse

10)[line 26]øöôäRETZUFAH- flattened

11a)[line 29]èçúå áéøëäTACHATO BI'YEREICHAH- she smeared it on her thigh

b)[line 29]ìîçø îöàä òìéä ãíLE'MACHAR MATZ'AH ALEHA DAM- on the next day she found blood on it (her thigh)

12)[line 33]òã ùàéðå áãå÷ED SHE'EINO BADUK- see Insights to Nidah 14:3-4

13a)[line 37]îùåí ðãäMISHUM NIDAH- as if she has definitely seen Dam Nidah

b)[line 38]îùåí ëúíMISHUM KESEM- as if she found a stain on her clothes, in which case she is only Teme'ah mi'Safek (see Background to 3:13)


14)[line 2]ëâøéñ åòåãK'GRIS V'OD- slightly larger than a Cilician bean, approximately 18 X 18 mm (Cilicia is a region near modern Adana, Turkey)

15)[line 2]àáìAVAL- indeed

16)[line 7]îùúáç ìéä øáé ... ãàãí âãåì äåàMISHTABE'ACH LEI REBBI ... D'ADAM GADOL HU- Rebbi praised Rebbi Chama bar Bisa as a great person/Talmid Chacham, in front of Rebbi Yishmael b'Rebbi Yosi

17)[line 17]åîçããé ùîòúúéäU'MECHADEDEI SHEMATESEI- his teachings are very sharp

18)[line 21]ìòöîå èéäøL'ATZMO TIHER- he was Metaher in line with his own reasoning

19)[line 22]ùäéúä òåùä öøëéäSHE'HAYESAH OSAH TZERACHEHA- who was urinating

20)[line 31]åñú ùàîøå ì÷éðåç àáì ìà ìáãé÷äVESES SHE'AMRU L'KINU'ACH, AVAL LO LI'VEDIKAH- when blood is found on the woman's cloth, the couple becomes Tamei such that they need to bring two Korbenos Chatas only if she wiped herself with the cloth. This satisfies the condition of Osyom (immediately). An internal Bedikah takes more time, and there is room for doubt as to whether or not there was blood during relations.

21)[line 33]àùí úìåéASHAM TALUY

See Background to Nidah 12:6.

22)[line 34]çúéëä îùúé çúéëåúCHATICHAH MI'SHTEI CHATICHOS

(a)Certain Tana'im, including Isi ben Yehudah, rule that a person is only obligated to bring an Asham Taluy (see Background to Nidah 12:6) if there are "two pieces, one of which was eaten" ("Chatichah mi'Shtei Chatichos"). For example, if a person ate one out of two pieces of fat, where one was Shuman (permitted fat) and the other was Chelev (forbidden fat), and he later found out that he may have eaten the forbidden piece, he has to bring an Asham Taluy. If he has a doubt whether one piece of fat that he ate was Shuman or Chelev, he does not bring an Asham Taluy.

(b)Other Tana'im, including Rebbi Akiva, rule that even in the latter case he brings an Asham Taluy. (The Gemara (Kerisus Daf 17b-18a) mentions three possible reasons why only a situation of Chatichah mi'Shtei Chatichos obligates a person to bring an Asham Taluy.)

(c)Our Mishnah is discussing the case where a person's wife was either permitted or prohibited to him. As such it is not a case of "Chatichah mi'Shtei Chatichos."

23)[line 37]ùúåùéè éãä úçú äëøSHE'TOSHIT YADAH TACHAS HA'KAR- this is the same Shi'ur as "b'Yetziti'as Shamash Nichnas Ed"

24)[last line]àåùàUSHA- a city in the western part of the lower Galilee. It was one of the ten places to which the Sanhedrin was exiled at the time of the destruction of the second Beis ha'Mikdash.