[64a - 47 lines; 64b - 45 lines]
*********************GIRSA SECTION*********************
We recommend using the textual changes suggested by the Bach and the marginal notes of the Vilna Shas. This section is devoted to any other important corrections that Acharonim have pointed out in the Gemara and Rashi.
[1] Rashi 64a DH Tiyuvta d'Rav ã"ä úéåáúà ãøá:
The words "Ne'esar 15 v'16" ðàñø è"å åé"å
should be "Ne'esar 15 v'17" ðàñø è"å åé"æ
[2] Rashi DH Lemudah Shani ã"ä ìîåãä ùàðé:
The words "d'Re'iyas 15 she'Hayesah" ãøàééú è"å ùäéúä
should be "d'Re'iyas 15 Hayesah" ãøàééú è"å äéúä
[3] Mishnah 64b [at the end]:
The words "Kol ha'Lailah Kulah" ëì äìéìä ëåìä
should be "Kol ha'Lailah Shelah" ëì äìéìä ùìä (This is the Girsa in Rashi (68b DH Ki), the Rosh and the Beraisa on Daf 65a)
1)[line 3]åñú ìãéìåâVESES L'DILUG- see Background to Nidah 63:16
2)[line 4]òã ùúùìù áãéìåâAD SHE'TESHALESH B'DILUG- until she experiences bleeding after three consecutive incremental intervals (i.e. this Veses is fixed when she experiences bleeding four times)
(a)Rebbi is of the opinion that after an event occurs two times, we can presume that it will happen again under the same conditions until there is evidence of a change. Raban Shimon Ben Gamliel argues and maintains that we make this presumption only after the event occurs three times. According to Rebbi, if a woman was widowed two times, she may not remarry, since we presume that her third husband will also die. She is known as a "Katlanis," literally, "a killer."
(b)The Amora'im argue (Yevamos 64b) as to the reason why the husbands of a Katlanis die. Rav Huna is of the opinion that "Ma'ayan Gorem" (lit. her "wellspring is the cause"), i.e. a woman's Nidah flow is a physical factor causing her husbands to die. Rav Ashi is of the opinion that "Mazla Gorem," a woman's inauspicious Mazal (fate) causes her husbands to die. A ramification of this argument is when one of the husbands dies due to a fall, for example. Only according to the opinion of Mazla Gorem can we attribute his death to his wife.
4)[line 17]åã÷àøé ìä, îàé ÷àøé ìä?UD'KA'ARI LAH, MAI KA'ARI LAH?- And the one who asked this question, why did he ask it (since the answer is obvious)?
5)[line 22]ñéøâä ìéåí òùøéí åàøáòäSIRGAH L'YOM ESRIM V'ARBA'AH- if she skipped to the twenty-fourth day [instead of the twenty-third day]
6)[line 1]àåøç áæîðå áàORE'ACH / ORACH BI'ZEMANO BA- that the period comes in its time (according to the ARUCH this word is read Ore'ach — "a guest always comes on time"; however, see Bereishis 18:11 "Orach ka'Nashim")
7)[line 5]ãåø÷èéDORKETI- a dry grape (in Greek)
8)[line 6]ãåø ÷èåòDOR KATU'A- a severed generation (i.e. childless)
9)[line 7]ùàåøSE'OR- sourdough, a very heavily fermented dough that is mixed with fresh dough to cause it to rise
10)[line 7]òéñäISAH- dough
11)[line 10]úéðå÷úTINOKES (KETANAH / NA'ARAH / BOGERES)
(a)A girl is a Ketanah (minor) until two pubic hairs grow after she enters her twelfth year. During the following six months she is a Na'arah (maidenhood). When six months elapse she becomes a Bogeres (adult).
(b)"Zemanah Lir'os" is the individual time at which a girl begins to experience bleeding on a regular basis. It may occur when she is a Ketanah, Na'arah or Bogeres, but for most women it occurs at the age of Na'arus (RASHI to Kesuvos 6a).
12)[line 10]ùìà äâéò æîðä ìøàåúSHE'LO HIGI'A ZEMANAH LIR'OS- who has not reached the age of menstruation
13)[line 12]òã ùúçéääîëäA D SHE'TICHYEH HA'MAKAH- until the wound heals
14)[line 12]àøáò ìéìåúARBA LEILOS- four nights (when any bleeding is deemed to be a result of virginal blood and is not the blood of Nidus)
15)[line 14]äâéò æîðä ìøàåúHIGI'A ZEMANAH LIR'OS- If she reached the age of Na'arus, during which a girl's menstrual cycle normally begins (see Charts: Nidah #12 (Daf 64b))
16)[line 16]øàúä åòåãä ááéú àáéäRA'ASAH V'ODAH B'VEIS AVIHA- the onset of her menstruation occurred before she got married (lit. while she was still in her father's house) [but she is not now a Nidah]
17)[line 25]ùðåçøúSHE'NOCHERES- as long as the healing wound discharges matter
18)[line 30]ëøéíKARIM- bolsters, mattresses
19)[line 37]ìîáòì ìëúçìäL'MIV'AL L'CHATCHILAH- to have marital relations for the second or third time (RASHI, see TOSFOS also)
20)[line 38]ôøöä ãçå÷äPIRTZAH DECHUKAH- a narrow opening
21)[line 39]àò''ô ùîùéø öøåøåúV'AF AL PI SHE'MASHIR TZEROROS- and even though he makes pebbles fall down, i.e. he removes the Besulim
22)[line 43]øá âåáøéäRAV GUVREI- (lit. since his strength is great) his skill (physiological knowledge) is great
23)[line 43]ðåúðéï ìä ìéìä äøàùåïNOSNIN LAH LAILAH HA'RISHON- on the night after a Bogeres gets married, relations are permitted all night, and not just once. Any bleeding is deemed to be a result of virginal blood and is not the blood of Nidus.