
TOSFOS DH Amar Rabah Keihah v'Tahor

úåñôåú ã"ä àîø øáä ëéää åèäåø

(SUMMARY: Tosfos gives two explanations of this.)

ðøàä ãøáä âøñ ãáôø÷ äôåòìéí (á''î ãó ôå.) àîø îàï îåëç øáä áø ðçîðé åàîø èäåø


Assertion: The text says "Rabah", for in Bava Metzi'a (86a) it says "who will decide? Rabah bar Nachmeni", and he said Tahor.

ô''ä ëéää ùéù ìå ãéï ëéää


Explanation (Rashi): "Keihah" means that it has the law of Keihah (it became weaker).

å÷ùä ãáùìäé ðæéø (ãó ñä:) ôøéê åãìîà ëéää åèîà åäéëé îöé ìîéîø äëé åäà ëéää îùîò èäåø


Question #1: In Nazir (65b), we ask 'perhaps "Keihah" and he was Metamei!' How can we say so? Keihah connotes Tahor!

åòåã ãà''ë ø' éäåùò ìà ôìéâ àú''÷


Question #2: Furthermore, according to this, R. Yehoshua does not disagree with the Tana Kama!

åáãåç÷ é''ì ãàãøáé éäåùò ôøéê åîðìéä ãèäåø


Answer: With difficulty, we can say that we challenge R. Yehoshua. What is his source that it is Tahor?

åøáéðå çððàì (äâää áâìéåï) âøéñ åø' éäåùò ÷éää ôéøåù òîã ìîðéï ã÷éää ìùåï àñéôä ëîå (éáîåú ãó ÷é:) î÷äå à÷äééúà áùå÷à


Alternative text: R. Chananel's text says R. Yehoshua "Keihah" (with a Kuf). I.e. he took a vote. Keihah is an expression of gathering, like it says "Makhu Akhaisa in the market."

åäùúà ôøéê äúí àéîà òîã ìîðéï åäáéà øàéä ìãáøé ú''÷


Consequence: Now, we ask there "I should say that he took a vote"! He brought a proof for the first Tana's words.

îéäå ãåç÷ äåà ãà''ë îàé îùðé àîø ÷øà ìèäøå äéëé îåëç îäàé ÷øà ùèéäø ãìîà ëé äéëé ããøùé ìéä øáðï ãøéù ðîé øáé éäåùò


Question: This is difficult, for if so, what was the answer 'it says "Letaharo"'? How is it proven from this verse that he was Metaher? Perhaps just like Rabanan expound it, also R. Yehoshua expounds it!


TOSFOS DH R. Yehoshua Omer Keihah

úåñôåú ã"ä øáé éäåùò àåîø ëéää

(SUMMARY: Tosfos discusses why Yehoshua is Metaher.)

ä÷ùä ø''ú ãîàé èòîééäå ãøáðï ãîèîàé îñôé÷à ðå÷é âáøà àçæ÷éä ëã÷é''ì áô''÷ ãçåìéï (ãó é:) ãîãàåøééúà àæìéðï áúø çæ÷ä


Question #1 (R. Tam): What is Rabanan's reason to be Metamei amidst Safek? We should establish the man in his Chazakah, like we hold in Chulin (10b) that mid'Oraisa, we follow Chazakah!

åøáé éäåùò ðîé àîàé öøéê ÷øà


Question #2: Also, why does R. Yehoshua need a verse?

åáôø÷ äîãéø (ëúåáåú ãó òä:) ðîé ã÷àîø ìà úéîà ãìà àæéì øáé éäåùò áúø çæ÷ä ãâåôä ëìì ôéøåù ã÷àîø äúí âáé îùàøñúðé ðàðñúé ìà îôéä àðå çééï


Question #3: In Kesuvos (75b), it says "don't say that R. Yehoshua does not follow Chazakah of the body at all", i.e. He said there regarding "I was raped after I became engaged", that we do not believe her. (We do not say that just like she was born a Besulah, she was a Besulah at the time of Eirusin);

àìà äðé îéìé äéëà ãàéëà çæ÷ä ãîîåðà àáì äéëà ãìéëà çæ÷ä ãîîåðà àæéì ãúðï àí áäøú ëå'


Citation (75b): Rather, this is only when there is Chezkas Mamon, but when there is no Chezkas Mamon, he follows [Chazakah of the body], for the Mishnah says "if a Baheres (appearance of Tzara'as)..."

åäùúà îä öøéê øàéä òì æä ãàæéì áúø çæ÷ä


Summation of question: Why do we need a proof that he follows Chazakah?

åòåã ãùàðé âáé ðâòéí ãâìé ÷øà


Question #4: Tzara'as is different, for a verse reveals [that we follow Chazakah. What was the proof that R. Yehoshua says so also elsewhere?]

åé''ì ããøê äùòø ìäúìáï îçîú äðâò ìôéëê ðøàéï äãáøéí ãáäøú ÷ãîä


Answer #1: It is the way of hair to whiten due to Tzara'as. Therefore, it seems that the Baheres came first.

åëï îåëç áúåñôúà áôø÷ éù áùòø ìáï (äâäú äøù"ù) ã÷úðé àîø ìäï àó ùòø ùçåø ñåó ùáäøúå äôëúå àìîà ããøê äùòø ìì÷åú îï äáäøú


Support: So is proven in the Tosefta (Nega'im 2:3). It teaches that he told them "even a black hair, in the end his Baheres will turn it [to white]." This shows that it is normal for hair to be stricken due to a Baheres.

åáäîãéø (ùí) ã÷àîø äéëà ãìéëà çæ÷ä ãîîåðà àæéì øáé éäåùò áúø çæ÷ä ãâåôä äééðå àôéìå ãàéëà øéòåúà


Explanation: In Kesuvos (75b), that it says that when there is no Chezkas Mamon, R. Yehoshua follows Chazakah of the body, this is even if there is a Re'usa (a reason not to follow it).

ãàé ìà àæéì ìà äåä îå÷é ÷øà ãìèäøå àñô÷ áäøú ÷ãîä ãùëéç äøáä åàéëà øéòåúà èôé àìà äåä îå÷é ìä ìãøùä àçøéúé ëøáðï


Source: If he did not follow [Chazakah of the body when there is a Re'usa], he would not establish the verse "Letaharo" for a Safek if the Baheres came first, which is very common (that the hair turned white only due to the Baheres, so he is Tamei), and there is a big Re'usa. Rather, he would establish it for a different Drashah, like Rabanan;

àé ðîé îäúí éìéó ãàæéì áúø çæ÷ú äâåó àò''â ãàéëà øéòåúà


Answer #2: Alternatively, he learns from there (Tzara'as) to follow Chazakah of the body even when there is a Re'usa. (If he did not hold in general that we follow Chazakah of the body, he would not expound to teach that we follow it even when there is a Re'usa.)

åø''ú îôøù áò''à åàéï ìäàøéê ëàï


Remark: R. Tam explained differently. It is not proper to elaborate here.


TOSFOS DH Mah Lehalan Parchah b'Kulo Tahor

úåñôåú ã"ä îä ìäìï ôøçä áëåìå èäåø

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains how we know that there it refers to Tzara'as spreading on a person.)

îãîãîä ôøéçä ãàãí ìôøéçú áâãéí äà ãëúéá (åé÷øà éâ) åëñúä äöøòú àú ëì òåø äðâò îøàùå åòã øâìéå àâåôå ùì àãí ÷àé


Explanation: He compares spreading on a person to spreading on garments. "V'Chisesah ha'Tzara'as Es Kol Or ha'Nega me'Rosho v'Ad Raglav" refers to a person's body.

àò''â ãôùèéä ã÷øà îùîò ãàðâò ÷àé ãàééøé ìòéì áðâò ùðèîà òì éãé ùéù áå îçééú áùø çé åòìéä ÷àé åëñúä äöøòú àú ëì òåø äðâò îøàùå ùì ðâò òã øâìéå ëìåîø òã ñåôå


Implied question: The simple meaning of the verse connotes that it refers to the Nega. Above, the verse discusses a Nega that became Tamei through healthy flesh, and regarding this, it says that the Tzara'as covers all the skin of the Nega, from the top of the Nega until its end!

àáì äëà îùîò ã÷àé ààãí ãåîéà ãáâã åëï îåëç áëîä î÷åîåú áú''ë åáøéù àéæäå î÷åîï (æáçéí îè:):


Answer: Here it connotes that it refers to the person, similar to the garment, and so it is proven in several places in Toras Kohanim and Zevachim (49b).



TOSFOS DH ha'Yarok Akavya ben Mehaleleil Metamei

úåñôåú ã"ä äéøå÷ ò÷áéà áï îäììàì îèîà

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains that "Yarok" is yellow.)

äàé éøå÷ äééðå ëàúøåâ åìà éøå÷ ëëøúé ãàéï æä ðåèä ìàãîåîéú


Explanation: This "Yarok" is [yellow] like an Esrog, and not Yarok like leeks (green), for this does not lean to redness;

åñúí éøå÷ ëï äåà ëãàîø áìåìá äâæåì (ñåëä ãó ìã: åùí) éøå÷ ëëøúé îëìì ãñúí éøå÷ ìàå äëé äåà


Stam Yarok is so (yellow), like it says in Sukah (34b) "Yarok like leeks", which connotes that Stam Yarok is not so.



úåñôåú ã"ä ìéú ìéä

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains that he argues about the number of Tamei colors.)

ôéøåù ìéú ìéä ã' ãåå÷à àìà ðô÷à ìéä äçîéùé î÷øà àçøéðà


Explanation: He does not hold that there are [only] four. Rather, he derives a fifth from another verse.


TOSFOS DH Yarad R. Meir l'Shitas Akavya ben Mehaleleil v'Timei

úåñôåú ã"ä éøã øáé îàéø ìùéèú ò÷áéà áï îäììàì åèéîà

(SUMMARY: Tosfos resolves this with R. Meir's teaching below.)

úéîä åäà ì÷îï áô' áðåú ëåúéí (ìâ.) âáé ëåúé îèîà îùëá äúçúåï ëòìéåï îôøù ø' îàéø ìôé ùîùìéîåú ãí àãåí ìãí éøå÷


Question: Below (33a), regarding a Kusi is Metamei a Mishkav under him like [what is] on top [of a Zav], R. Meir explains that it is because they finish off red blood to yellow. (If she saw yellow blood, she considers it the beginning of Nidah, and immerses seven days later. If she sees red blood five days later, she does not realize that it begins her days of Nidah, and does not wait seven days from the sighting of red blood.)

àìîà àéú ìéä ãèäåø


Inference: He holds that [yellow blood] is Tahor!

åðøàä ãäëà îééøé îãøáðï


Answer #1: Here we discuss [that it is Tamei] mid'Rabanan.

åëï îåëç îã÷àîø ðäé ãëé îùëçú ëúí àîðà ìà îèîà äéëé ãçæéà éøå÷ îâåôä úèîà


Support: It says "granted, when she sees a [yellow] Kesem on a Kli, it is not Metamei her. However, when she sees yellow [blood] from her body, she should be Temei'ah! (This is mid'Rabanan, for mid'Oraisa, even a red Kesem is not Metamei her!)

åéù ìãçåú ãìòåìí ëé çæéà îâåôä îèîà îãàåøééúà åî''î ëé îùëçú àîðà ìà îèîà ãàéï øâéìåú ìöàú ãí éøå÷ îâåôä åéù ìúìåú ãîòìîà àúà


Rejection: Really, when she sees from her body, it is Metamei mid'Oraisa. Even so, when she finds it on a Kli, it is not Metamei her, for it is not common for yellow blood to leave her body. We can attribute that it came from elsewhere.

àå ùîà ãí éøå÷ ìàå ãåå÷à ð÷è àìà ëìåîø ãí ùäåà èäåø ìë''ò îùìéîåú ìãí àãåí


Answer #2: Or, perhaps yellow blood is not precise. Rather, he means blood that is Tahor according to everyone, they finish off red blood to it.

àé ðîé òé÷ø èòîà ãø''î ëèòîà àçøéðà ã÷àîø éåí ùôåñ÷ú áå ñåôøú ìîðéï ùáòä åèòîà ÷îà ð÷è ìøáðï


Answer #3: R. Meir's primary reason is like the other reason given. The day she finishes seeing [blood], she counts towards seven [clean days]. The first reason [they finish off red blood to yellow] is according to Rabanan.


TOSFOS DH Kesiv Hacha Shelachayich Pardes

úåñôåú ã"ä ëúéá äëà ùìçéê ôøãñ

(SUMMARY: Tosfos discusses the source that Dam Nidah is Machshir.)

åà''ú ä''î ãí ùäàùä èîàä áå ëãîùîò ÷øà ëôøãñ ùäåà ðòåì ëê áðåú éùøàì ðåòìåú ôúçéäï îìéæ÷÷ ìáòìéäï áéîé ðãåúï


Question #1: This is only regarding blood that is Metamei a woman, like the verse connotes, like an orchard that is locked. So Benos Yisrael lock their openings from [intimacy with] their husbands in their days of Nidah;

àáì ãí éøå÷ ùäåà èäåø ìà


However, yellow blood, which is Tahor, no! (The verse does not discuss it, so the Gezeirah Shavah cannot teach that it is Machshir!)

åúå ãîùîò ãìà ôìéâé àìà áãí éøå÷ àáì áãí ðãä îåãå ë''ò ãîëùéø


Question #2: It connotes that they argue only about yb4, but all agree that Dam Nidah is Machshir;

åëéåï ãøáðï ìéú ìäå â''ù ãí ðãä îðà ìäå


Since Rabanan do not have the Gezeirah Shavah, what is their source for Dam Nidah [that it is Machshir]?

åé''ì ããí ðãä ðô÷à ìäå áúåñôúà ãùáú ô' (äæåø÷) ã÷úðé îðéï ìãí ùäåà îù÷ä ðàîø ëàï åèäøä îî÷åø ãîéä åðàîø ìäìï áéåí ääåà éäéä î÷åø ðôúç ìáéú ãåã åìéåùáé éøåùìí ìçèàú åìðãä


Answer: In the Tosefta in Shabbos (8:27), it says "what is the source that Dam Nidah is a drink? It says here "v'Taharah mi'Mekor Dameha", and it says below "ba'Yom ha'Hu Yihyeh Makor Niftach l'Veis David ul'Yoshvei Yerushalayim l'Chatas ul'Nidah."

åéù ìúîåä ãäëà îùîò ãìë''ò ãí äðãä ìà äåä áëìì ãí çììéí åáùáú ôø÷ çáéú (ãó ÷îâ:) îùîò ãçìá äàùä èîà îùåí ãí îâôúä


Question #1: Here it connotes that all agree that Dam Nidah is not included in "Dam Chalalim", and in Shabbos (143b) it connotes that a woman's milk is Tamei due to (i.e. we learn it from) blood of her wound!

ã÷úðé ìà àí àîøú áçìá äàùä ùîëùéø ùìà ìøöåï ùëï ãí îâôúä îëùéø


Citation (143b): No. You cannot learn from a woman's milk, which is Machshir even if it came out unwillingly, for blood of her wound is Machshir!

åîôøù øù''é ãçìá äéä ãí úçìä ëãàîøéðï (ìòéì ãó è.) ãí ðòëø åðòùä çìá


Explanation (Rashi): Milk was initially blood, like it says above (9a) that blood is Ne'ekar (held back) and becomes milk.

åäëà àîøéðï ãàôé' ãí ðãä ìà äåé áëìì ãí çììéí ë''ù çìá


Summation of question: Here we say that even Dam Nidah is not included in "Dam Chalalim", and all the more so milk!

åãåç÷ ìåîø ãçìá áà îòé÷ø ãí ùáâåó ëîå ãí îâôúä àáì ãí ðãä ìà


[Poor] Answer #1: Milk comes from primary blood of the body, like blood of a wound, but Dam Nidah does not [come from primary blood of the body].

åîéäå áìàå äëé ÷ùä äúí ãîàé ÷îäãø ìäå øáé ò÷éáà ìøáðï îçîéø àðé áçìá îáãí ùäçåìá ìøôåàä èîà åî÷éæ ìøôåàä èäåø


Question #2: Even without [Question #1], it is difficult there. What did R. Akiva answer Rabanan "I am more stringent about milk than blood, for one who milks for medical reasons, it is Tamei (Machshir), but if one lets blood for medical reasons, it is Tahor!"

åòåã ìîä ìé ÷øà áô' ãí äðãä (ì÷îï ðä:) ãçìá äàùä çùéá îù÷ä îãëúéá åúôúç àú ðàã äçìá åúù÷äå úéôå÷ ìéä îèòîà ããí ðòëø åðòùä çìá


Question #3: Why do we need a verse below (55b) to teach that a woman's milk is called a drink, since it says "va'Tiftach Es Nod ha'Chalav va'Tashkehu"? We already know this because blood is Ne'ekar and becomes milk!

åîéäå ñåâéà ãì÷îï àéëà ìîéîø ãìà ñáø ìä ëøáé îàéø ããí ðòëø ëå'


Answer: We can say that the Sugya below does not hold like R. Meir, who holds that blood is Ne'ekar...

ìëê ðøàä ãä''ô äúí ìà àí àîøú áçìá äàùä ùîëùéø ëå' ëìåîø ëéåï ãàéëà ÷øà ì÷îï áçìá ùîëùéø ìëì äôçåú ìøöåï ãéï äåà ùéëùéø âí ùìà ìøöåï ëéåï ãçæéðï âáé àùä áùåí î÷åí ãîëùéø ùìà ìøöåï ëîå ãí îâôúä


Explanation: It seems that there it means "no. If you will say regarding a woman's milk, which is Machshir..." I.e. since there is a verse below that milk is Machshir, at least [if it came out] willingly, it is proper that it is Machshir also unwillingly, since we find in a woman something that is Machshir unwillingly, like blood of her wound;

àáì áäîä àò''â ãçìáä îëùéø ìøöåï îåúôúç àú ðàã äçìá áùáéì ëê ìà úëùéø ùìà ìøöåï ëéåï ãìà àùëçï ááäîä îéãé ãîëùéø ùìà ìøöåï ùãí îâôúä èäåø


However, an animal, even though its milk is Machshir willingly, [for we learn] from "va'Tiftach Es Nod ha'Chalav", due to this it is not Machshir unwillingly, since we do not find in an animal anything that is Machshir unwillingly, for blood of its wound is Tahor.

àîø ìäí îçîéø àðé áçìá éåúø îáãí ùäçåìá ìøôåàä ëå'


[R. Akiva] said [to Chachamim] "I am stringent about milk more than blood, for one who milks for medical reasons..."

ëìåîø çìá ãîëùéø ìàå áçåîøà ããí îâôúä úìéà îéìúà ùäøé î÷éæ ìøôåàä èäåø ãäééðå ìøöåï åìà àîøéðï ëùí ùçìáä ìøöåï èîà ëê ãîä ìøôåàä èîà


Explanation: This that milk is Machshir is not due to the stringency of blood of her wound, for one who lets blood for medical reasons, it is Tahor, and this is willingly. We do not say just like her milk [that leaves] willingly is Tamei, also her blood for medical reasons;

àìà åãàé çìá äàùä ãîèîà îùåí ãîù÷ä âîåø äåà åë''ù çìá áäîä ãìéäåé èôé îù÷ä ãîéåçã ì÷èðéí åìâãåìéí


Rather, surely this that a woman's milk is Machshir is because it is an absolute drink, and all the more an animal's milk, for it is special for children and adults (i.e. it is not only for children, like a woman's milk is).

àîøå ìå ñìé æéúéí åòðáéí éåëéçå ãîéåçãéí ì÷èðéí åìâãåìéí åùìà ìøöåï èäåø


[Chachamim] said back [to R. Akiva] that baskets of olives and grapes disprove this. They are special for children and adults, and [juice that comes out] unwillingly is Tahor.

åäùúà ìà ÷ùä îãí äðãä ãôùéèà ãìà äåé áëìì ãí çììéí åì÷îï áòæ''ä ðôøù ã÷øàé ãôø÷ ãí äðãä àñîëúà áòìîà ðéðäå:


Support: Now it is not difficult from Dam Nidah, which is not included in Dam Chalalim. Below, with Hash-m's help we will explain that the verses [on 55b] are a mere Asmachta.