TOSFOS DH Esrim v'Timniya kid'Amran
úåñôåú ã"ä òùøéí åúîðéà ëãàîøï
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains that Beis Hillel hold that really, she immerses 36 times.)
àó òì âá ãë"è äåééï òí èáéìä éúéøúà ãáéï äùîùåú ùáàúä ìôðéðå
Implied question: They are 29 including the extra Tevilah Bein ha'Shemashos when she came in front of us!
ô"ä ãääéà èáéìä éúéøúà ãäåéà çãà áùáåò ìà ÷çùéá
Answer #1 (Rashi): We do not count that extra Tevilah, for we do not count a single Tevilah in a week.
åàéï ðøàä ãäà á"ù çùáé ìä àìà åãàé ìà çùéá èáéìä éúéøúà çãà áùáåò ëéåï ùìà äéúä áôðéðå àìà òëùéå
Rebuttal: Beis Shamai counts it! Rather, surely we do not consider it to be a single Tevilah in a week, since she was not in front of us until now. (Maharam - we do not count a single Tevilah in a week, i.e. when she was in front of us the entire time, and immersed only once.)
åðøàä ëîå ùôé' øù"é áúùåáúå ãá"ä ìà çùéá èáéìä ãìéì úçìú ùáåò â' ãëéåï ãúå ìà îèáìéðï ìä áìéìåú (äâäú äøù"ù) îé÷øéà çãà áùáåò
Answer #2 (Rashi, in a Teshuvah): Beis Hillel do not count the Tevilah at the beginning of the third week. Since she does not immerse at night after this [during this week], it is called a single Tevilah in a week;
àáì ìá"ù ãîèáéìéï ìä áìéìåú ìà äåé çãà áùáåò.
However, according to Beis Shamai, she immerses during the nights, so it is not called a single Tevilah in a week.
TOSFOS DH veha'Ika Tevilas Zavah
úåñôåú ã"ä åäàéëà èáéìú æáä
(SUMMARY: Tosfos discusses whether there was a better question to ask.)
òãéôà äåä îöé ìîéôøê ãëì ùáåòéí èäåøéí ðéèáì ìä áìéìåúà îùåí ðãä
Question: We could have asked better! All the Tahor weeks, she should immerse every night due to Nidah! (Perhaps Yemei Tahor ended a week ago. She saw the next day, so she now finished seven days of Nidah.)
ãäùúà ìà ôøéê àìà çãà áùáåò
The question the Gemara actually asked (Tevilas Zavah, which is only after finishing a week of seven clean days) is only a single Tevilah in a week.
åðøàä ëâéøñú ø"ç ãâøéñ àé äëé ëì ùáåòéí èäåøéí ðîé åäééðå äê ôéøëà ãôøéùéú (äâäú äá"ç)
Answer: R. Chananel's text is "if so, also the entire Tahor weeks [she should immerse]!" This is this question that I explained (Tevilas Nidah);
åîùðé ãìôðé úùîéù ÷çùéá.
The Gemara answers that we count [only Tevilos] before she has Bi'ah.
TOSFOS DH Yoma Kama d'Asya l'Kaman Nitbelah Dilma Shomeres Yom Hi
úåñôåú ã"ä éåîà ÷îà ãàúéà ì÷îï ðèáìä ãéìîà ùåîøú éåí äéà
(SUMMARY: Tosfos justifies the question.)
åà"ú åäà àîø ãçã áùáåò ìà ÷îééøé
Question: We said that we do not count a single Tevilah in a week!
åé"ì ãäùúà ìà äåéà çã áùáåò ãäà àéëà ðîé èáéìä áñåó ùáåò
Answer #1: Now, this is not a single Tevilah in a week, for there is also Tevilah at the end of the week.
åòåã ãîùåí çùùà ãùåîøú éåí èåáìú âí áéåí ùðé ãùîà òëùéå øàúä ëùáàú ìôðéðå
Answer #2: Due to concern for Shomeres Yom [k'Neged Yom], she immerses also on the second day, for perhaps now she saw when she came in front of us.
åòåã îèòîà ãùåîøú éåí ðèáìä ëì ùáåò ÷îà ãëì éåîà îñô÷à áñåó ìéãä åìà ñì÷à ìùéîåø
Answer #3: Due to concern for Shomeres Yom, she should immerse the entire first week, for every day could be the end of [Tum'as] Leidah, and [her clean days] did not count for Shemirah [guarding a clean day corresponding to one or two days of blood during the days of Zivah];
ãàéï éîé ìéãä òåìéí ìéîé ñôéøú æéáúä
This is because Yemei Leidah do not count towards counting [clean days] after Zivah.
åîéäå ÷ùä ãäåä îöé ìîéôøê îëì ùáåò ëãôøéùéú åìà ôøéê àìà îéåîà ÷îà.
Question: We could have asked about the entire week, like I asked, and we asked only about the first day!
TOSFOS DH Shma Minah Telas
úåñôåú ã"ä ùîò îéðä úìú
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why we do not list a fourth matter.)
äåä îöé ìîéð÷è ùîò îéðä ãéîé ìéãä ùàéðä øåàä áäï àéï òåìéï ìñôéøú æéáúä
Implied question: We could have said that we learn from this that Yemei Leidah in which she does not see, they do not count towards counting [clean days] after Zivah!
àìà àø"ú ãôùéèà ìéä ìäù"ñ ùàéï òåìéï ã÷é"ì ëàáéé áñåó ôø÷ áðåú ëåúéí (ì÷îï ìæ.)
Answer (R. Tam): It is obvious to the Gemara that they do not count, for we hold like Abaye (below 37a);
åäåà ìî"ã îéò"ì ÷â"í åì÷îï ðôøù áò"ä
This (Yemei Leidah) is Lamed of Ya'al Kegam (an acronym of the six places in which the Halachah follows Abaye against Rava). Below (37a DH Abaye) we will explain with Hash-m's help.
åúéîä ãäê áøééúà ñáøä ãìá"ù åá"ä àéï òåìéï
Question: This Beraisa holds that according to Beis Shamai and Beis Hillel, they do not count;
åáôø÷ áðåú ëåúéí (ùí ìä:) âáé ôìåâúà ãøá åìåé àé ùúé îòééðåú äï àå îòééï àçã àéëà áøééúà ãìá"ù åìá"ä òåìéï
Below (35b), regarding the argument of Rav and Levi, if they (Dam Nidah and Dam Tohar) are from two separate sources or one, a Beraisa holds that Beis Shamai and Beis Hillel hold that they count!
åé"ì ãúøé úðàé äåà àìéáééäå.
Answer: Two Tana'im argue about them (the opinions of Beis Shamai and Beis Hillel).
TOSFOS DH u'Shma Minah Tevilah bi'Zmanah Mitzvah
úåñôåú ã"ä åùîò îéðä èáéìä áæîðä îöåä
(SUMMARY: Tosfos rules unlike this.)
ëê ôñ÷ ø"ç ãäìëä ëá"ù åá"ä
Pesak: R. Chananel rules like this. The Halachah follows Beis Shamai and Beis Hillel.
åúéîä ãôùéèà ãø' éåñé áø' éäåãä éàîø ãìà ôìéâé òìéä á"ù åá"ä
Question: Obviously, R. Yosi b'Rebbi Yehudah holds that Beis Shamai and Beis Hillel do not argue with him. (Note: the Rashba says that R. Yosi is like an individual against a Rabim (the Stam Tana), and so connotes Tosfos Beitzah 2b DH Gabei! Perhaps Tosfos merely means that since Tana'im argue about this, we can learn from Tosfos' other proofs that the Halachah does not follow Beis Shamai and Beis Hillel.)
åîòùéí áëì éåí ùàéï ìê àùä èåáìú áæîï èáéìú ðãä åìà áæîï èáéìú ùåîøú éåí ëðâã éåí åæáä
Strengthening of question: Cases occur every day, and no woman immerses at the [mid'Oraisa] time of Tevilas Nidah or Tevilah Shomeres Yom k'Neged Yom or Zavah!
åáô' áúøà (ì÷îï ãó ñæ:) ðîé àîø îëãé äàéãðà ëåìäå ñô÷ æáåú ùåéðäå ðéèáìéðäå áéîîà ãæ'
Further strengthening of question: Also below (67b), it says "what is the case? Nowadays, we consider all [women who saw even one sighting] to be Safek Zavos. They should immerse on day seven!"
îùîò ùìà äéå èåáìéï áéåí áùåí ôòí
Inference: They never used to immerse during the day.
åøáéðå àìéäå äæ÷ï ùéñã áàæäøåú èáéìä áæîðä òì ã' âãéìéí
Implied question: R. Eliyahu ha'Zaken established in his admonitions "Tevilah bi'Zmanah Al Dalet Gedilim"!
Note: Tosfos cited "Al Dalet Gedilim" merely to specify where this is found in R. Eliyahu's Azharos. I.e. it is where he brings laws from Parshas Ki Tetzei, where the verse "Gedilim Ta'aseh Lecha", and also Tevilas Ba'al Keri, are found.
ëåìå éñã ãìà ëäéìëúà ãä"ð éñã ëø"à (ñðäãøéï ãó îä.) ãàîø ëì ðñ÷ìéï ðúìéï ããøéù øéáåé åîéòåè
Answer: He wrote this totally unlike the Halachah. He also wrote like R. Eliezer, who said (Sanhedrin 45a) that all who are stoned are hung, for he expounds Ribuy and Mi'ut;
å÷é"ì ããøùéðï ëììé åôøèé ãäà ÷ééîà ìï ã÷ø÷ò àéðä ðâæìú.
We hold that we expound Kelalei u'Pratei, for we hold that land cannot be stolen!
TOSFOS DH Shomer Gufei Ba Aleha
úåñôåú ã"ä ùåîø âåôéä áà òìéä
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains that we need not say that the Shomer was a fertile male.)
åàôéìå äéä ñøéñ àå àùä àôùø ùäðéç àçøéí ìáà.
Explanation: Even if the Shomer was a eunuch or woman, perhaps he [or she] allowed others to have Bi'ah [with her].
TOSFOS DH v'Chi Teima Lemistama k'Rabanan
úåñôåú ã"ä åëé úéîà ìîéñúîà ëøáðï
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why the Reisha does not suffice for this.)
åàó òì âá ãøéùà ðîé ñúîà ÷úðé
Implied question: Also the Reisha was taught Stam!
ìà çùéá ñúîà ëéåï ãôìéâ òìéä øáé éùîòàì
Answer: It is not considered Stam, since R. Yishmael argues with it;
åäåé àãøáä ñúí åàç"ë îçìå÷ú ëãàîøéðï áäçåìõ (éáîåú îá:).
Just the contrary! It is a Stam v'Achar Kach Machlokes (in such a case, the Halachah does not necessarily follow the Stam), like we say in Yevamos (42b).
TOSFOS DH Shenei Atzilav Al Shenei Arkuvosav
úåñôåú ã"ä ùðé àöéìéå òì ùðé àøëåáåúéå
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains that Atzilav are his elbows.)
ô"ä àééùéìé"ù
Explanation #1 (Rashi): Atzilav are the underarms.
åø"ú ôéøù ãàöéì äééðå ÷åã"à
Explanation #2 (R. Tam): Atzil is the elbow.
ãàîø áô' äàåîø îù÷ìé (òøëéï éè:) îù÷ì éãé òìé îù÷ì øâìé òìé ëå' åîëðéñ éãå òã äàöéì åøâìå òã äàøëåáä
Source #1: In Erchin (19b), it says that if one said "the weight of my Yad is Alai", or "the weight of my Regel is Alai"... we insert his arm [into a Kli full of water] until the Atzil, or the leg until the knee;
å÷åã"à áéã äåà ëðâã äàøëåáä áøâì
The elbow in the arm corresponds to the knee in the leg.
Note: I do not understand this. Vows depend on the way people speak. Perhaps people do not call above the knee "Regel" (especially since it has its own name - Shok or Yerech), but they call the entire arm "Yad", like the Torah calls the upper arm "Yad" regarding Tefilin!
åòåã ãäúí îùîò ãàöéì äåà îøô÷ åáàäìåú (ô"à î"ç) îùîò ùîðä ìôé ñãøé àáøé äàãí ãîøô÷ äééðå ÷åã"à
Source #2: There it connotes that Atzil is Marpek, and in Ohalos (1:8) it connotes that it lists the limbs according to their order in the body, so Marpek is the elbow (it is listed between bones of the lower arm and the upper arm).
åòåã àîø áô"á ãæáçéí (ãó éç:) ìà éçâøå áéæò ùàéï çåâøéï àìà ëðâã àöéìé éãéäí åäééðå ëðâã ä÷åã"à ùãøê äòåìí ìçâåø
Source #3: It says in Zevachim (18b) "Lo Yachgeru ba'Yaza" - Kohanim [do not tie the Avnet in a place of sweat, i.e. above Atzilav or below the loins. Rather, they] tie only even with the Atzil, i.e. the elbow, which is the normal place to tie a sash.
åááéú äùçé àãøáä ùí äåà î÷åí æéòä.
The underarm [is not proper]. Just the contrary, it is a place of sweat!
TOSFOS DH Shesum ha'Ayin (pertains to 31a)
úåñôåú ã"ä ùúåí äòéï (ùééê ìãó ìà.)
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains that this means "open".)
ùúåí äåà ìùåï âéìåé åôúéçä ëãîúøâí ãùôéø çæé
Explanation: "Shesum" is an expression of revealed and open, like the Targum "he sees well."
åëï áìùåï îùðä áîñëú ò"æ (ãó ñè.) äåé ìùåï ôúéçä ëãé ùéùúåí åéñúåí åéâåá
Support: In the Mishnah in Avodah Zarah (69a) it expresses opening - "Kedei she'Yishtom v'Yistom v'Yigov (time to puncture the cork, seal it and it will dry)";
åäëà ãéé÷ ùðñúîä òéðå îãëúéá ùúåí äòéï ìùåï éçéã
Here we derive that his eye was blinded, for it says "Shesum ha'Ayin" in the singular (one eye sees).
åäà ãëúéá (áîãáø ëã) åâìåé òéðéí
Implied question: It says "u'Geluy Einayim" (both eyes see)!
äééðå ìôé îä ùäéä áúçìä.
Answer: That refers to initially (before one eye was blinded).