TOSFOS DH Ki Kolech Arev
úåñôåú ã"ä ëé ÷åìê òøá
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains how we learn that a man's voice is not sweet.)
àáì äéà àéðä î÷ìñúå á÷åì òøá àìà áöç åàãåí.
Explanation: [In Shir ha'Shirim, the man praises his beloved's voice,] but she does not praise his sweet voice, rather, that he is white (or clear) and red.
TOSFOS DH Benos Kusim v'Hen Yoshvos Al Kol Dam v'Dam
úåñôåú ã"ä áðåú ëåúéí, åäï éåùáåú òì ëì ãí åãí
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why we needed to attribute the decree to this.)
åàí úàîø åúéôå÷ ìéä ùäï ðãåú îòøéñúï
Question: Even without this, [we decreed that] they are Nidos from birth! (Maharsha - we are thinking that this is lest Yisre'elim mingle with them.)
åéù ìåîø ãäééðå ãå÷à á÷èðåúï ãìà ãøùé åàùä ëãàîø áâîøà
Answer: That [was not due to mingling, rather, due to Safek Tum'ah. It] was only for minors, for [Kusim] do not expound "v'Ishah" [to include a minor], like it says in the Gemara (32a);
àáì âãåìåú ãîôøùé ìäå åèáìé ìà îèîå àìà îùåí ãéåùáåú òì ëì ãí åãí.
However, adults, who separate [due to Dam Nidah] and immerse, they are Teme'os only because they are Yoshev (conduct like a Nidah) due to every [color of] blood. (Sometimes this causes them to immerse too early, which is not Metaher.)
TOSFOS DH Tachton k'Elyon
úåñôåú ã"ä úçúåï ëòìéåï
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains Elyono Shel Zav unlike the Rashbam.)
îôøù áâîøà úçúåðå ùì áåòì ðãä ëòìéåðå ùì æá ãìà îèîà àìà àåëìéï åîù÷éï
Explanation: The Gemara explains that Tachton (a mattress under) a Bo'el Nidah is like k'Elyon (something above; Tosfos will explain this) a Zav. It is Metamei only food and drink.
åòìéåðå ùì æá îôøù øùá"í ùäëøéò äæá áëó îàæðéí àú äàåëìéï åîù÷éï ùáëó ùðéä
Explanation #1 (Rashbam): Elyono Shel Zav is when he pushed down one pan of a balance scale, and thereby lifted food and drink in the other pan.
åìà ðäéøà ãáô' ø"ò (ùáú ãó ôâ.) ÷øé ìéä äéñè îä ùäëøéò äæá áëó îàæðéí
Rebuttal: In Shabbos (83a), we call this Heset (moving), when a Zav pushed down a pan of a scale;
åäéñè ðô÷à ìï îàùø éâò áäí äæá åòìéåðå ùì æá ðô÷à ìï áùîòúéï î÷øà àçøéðà
We learn Heset from "Asher Yiga Bahem ha'Zav", and we learn Elyono Shel Zav in our Sugya from a different verse!
åðøàä ãòìéåðå ùì æá äééðå áâã ùî÷öúå òì äæá åî÷öúå ðâøø òì äàøõ
Explanation #2: Elyono Shel Zav is a garment that is partially on a Zav, and partially on the ground;
åìàå äééðå äéñè àìà ëùîñéèå ëåìå ëãàîø àéæäå îâòå ùäåà ëëåìå äåé àåîø æä äéñèå.
This is not Heset. That is only when he moves all of it, like it says "what is touching that is like [touching] all of it? This is Heset."